PinkDiamond wrote: Me neither Nike...but I guess she could say the same thing about me when it come to Heechul...*shivers...and not in a good way* I watched Attack of the Pin Up Boys??? I think it was...Oh man...I saw Heechul, and oh, how I wanted to drop it, but I stuck with it!

Omo, please do be that way to Heechul. He is my No1 fave in Suju. I just need a peg, to pin his mouth hehehe
AdeNike wrote: I can't stop laughing!!! OHMGeeee I think I'm really gonna burst. On a serious note, why do you really hate Oguri Shun

I can't stand to look at his face...That's as nicely as I can put I don't know if he can act or not. Frankly, I don't

PinkDiamond wrote: Me neither Nike...but I guess she could say the same thing about me when it come to Heechul...*shivers...and not in a good way* I watched Attack of the Pin Up Boys??? I think it was...Oh man...I saw Heechul, and oh, how I wanted to drop it, but I stuck with it!

That movie was bad! The best thing was

Is there a thread for dramas I wish I had dropped? I have a few of those dramas
oh wanted to add another one .. Boys over flower .. i dropped it after watching 4th episode.. actually i dropped it twice :P .. first time i dropped it on the 2nd epi than thought may be i should atleast finish watching it but then i dropped it on the episode 4th ...
BiyaS wrote: oh wanted to add another one .. Boys over flower .. i dropped it after watching 4th episode.. actually i dropped it twice :P .. first time i dropped it on the 2nd epi than thought may be i should atleast finish watching it but then i dropped it on the episode 4th ...

You didn't miss much. I unfortunately didn't drop it and watched the whole thing. What a mistake that was. One of the most over rated and stupid drama in the world. You made a good choice. :)
kakashilover1566 wrote: You didn't miss much. I unfortunately didn't drop it and watched the whole thing. What a mistake that was. One of the most over rated and stupid drama in the world. You made a good choice. :)

am glad someone think like me :D .. if i fast forward most of the episode i drop that drama .. :D .. this one had such poor acting of main girl lead ... i didnt feel any connections between main leads.. no chemistry .. though the other main guy lead was pure eye candy :D ... but why watch him suffer till the last episode :P ??
BiyaS wrote: am glad someone think like me :D .. if i fast forward most of the episode i drop that drama .. :D .. this one had such poor acting of main girl lead ... i didnt feel any connections between main leads.. no chemistry .. though the other main guy lead was pure eye candy :D ... but why watch him suffer till the last episode :P ??

So true. Kim Hyun Joong's character (the other guy) was so pitiful in this. He isn't that good of an actor either. Neither is the main chick, as you said. She bothered me so badly. I can't watch a drama with her cause whenever I see her, all I can think about is how horrible she was in BOF. I can never get rid of the memories of watching that show. It has scarred me for life.
kakashilover1566 wrote: So true. Kim Hyun Joong's character (the other guy) was so pitiful in this. He isn't that good of an actor either. Neither is the main chick, as you said. She bothered me so badly. I can't watch a drama with her cause whenever I see her, all I can think about is how horrible she was in BOF. I can never get rid of the memories of watching that show. It has scarred me for life.

haha poor you .. but i understand .. i started watching her new drama The musical .. it started really strong but lost its charm somewhere ... but am still waiting for it to end cuz i desp want to see the ending...
And Kim Hyun Joong "drools ...
BiyaS wrote: haha poor you .. but i understand .. i started watching her new drama The musical .. it started really strong but lost its charm somewhere ... but am still waiting for it to end cuz i desp want to see the ending...
And Kim Hyun Joong "drools ...

Yeah, The Musical sounds interesting but I wont watch it cause of her. :P
and yes, Kim Hyun Joong is super drool worthy.
Boys Before Flowers...........If it's taken me 3 years 3 YEARS! to get to episode 8.........then it's not me it's the drama. drama go bye bye lol
Sleepninja wrote: Boys Before Flowers...........If it's taken me 3 years 3 YEARS! to get to episode 8.........then it's not me it's the drama. drama go bye bye lol

LOL! Maybe I should drop Sung...Scandal. It's taken me almost two years to try to get past ep. 1.
LisNoir wrote: LOL! Maybe I should drop Sung...Scandal. It's taken me almost two years to try to get past ep. 1.

As much as I love Yoochun, and you know I do lol, I say go for it. If you're having that much trouble getting through an episode. I still plan to watch that one though XD :p
I actually made something unbelievable right now.... I put one Drama on my dropped list right know because I have realised something after discovering this thread here ....:p It doesn´t matter which reason you have for dropping an is different for everyone xDPheww now I am feeling relieved...I actually really hate to drop anything:) I always put it on the on-hold-list in the hope of some improvement. But to be true I would never drop any Drama when I like the plot but the acting isn´t that good^^ I guess I have an bad eye for acting skills(exept with Miura Haruma and all my others favorites...they are all really good!). It is just that for example I didn´t get the right feeling of rightfulness while watching the first episode of Ojakgyo Brothers... To be truth I didn´t understand the reason of everything but I guess too that I didn´t like the plan-to-become-couple :p
Mirichan wrote: I actually made something unbelievable right now....
I put one Drama on my dropped list right know because I have realised something after discovering this thread here ....:p
It doesn´t matter which reason you have for dropping an is different for everyone xDPheww now I am feeling relieved...I actually really hate to drop anything:) I always put it on the on-hold-list in the hope of some improvement.
But to be true I would never drop any Drama when I like the plot but the acting isn´t that good^^
I guess I have an bad eye for acting skills(exept with Miura Haruma and all my others favorites...they are all really good!).
It is just that for example I didn´t get the right feeling of rightfulness while watching the first episode of Ojakgyo Brothers...
To be truth I didn´t understand the reason of everything but I guess too that I didn´t like the plan-to-become-couple :p

Same here, I hate to drop things because I always wonder, what if it gets better? Also I hate unfinished stories, but I've had to tell myself that if I'm having that much trouble finishing it then it's time to move on :)