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Is it just talk about soundtracks or music in general?

From what I can tell it's mostly about OSTs but every once in awhile other music as an extension of an artist's work.

Love is Better the Second Time Around

I've been thinking about starting this one but I'm not a fan of coming back for second chances or falling in love again after a million years has gone by. I just don't believe in it so it's harder to buy into the story. 

My review for Laws of Attraction  Rated 9 ~ Vigilante justice served in a super grungy glamourous aesthetic and I was right in my element.

I am glad you liked it.

I'm all grown up now LOL


Sounds like it is time for you to graduate and go to BL University.

My belly has had dinner, I have showered, the tea is hot. 

Michael Chang. My SON. I am returned for adorable little face. Let the mama squeeing commence 

First Note of Love Episode 5 ~ Live Reaction

Oh yes that's right. We're getting a new character this week aren't we?

Ahh, my son. Hello darling.

Yes, she made a deal with the funny bestie. I wonder what her plans are?

Did he ask you because I remember it being more like a propostion on your part LOL

pffft, my son. He's just like no. I dont agree with this lol I already have an annoying person to deal with lol

ooo, between the face and the guitar chords, that means it's awful. My baby is suffering

LOL Episode 5 ~ Ideal Partner LOL UUUGGGGGHH, there's that falsetto 


LOL side character out here encouraging fan wars LOL

is she trying to get herself a manager position? LOL or at the very least, President of the fan club because that's cunning LOL

Yes please. Continue to amuse me BFF character 

Are you missing him? Tell me you're missing him lol

a little heart string moment from Neil

and a little emotional moment from my son.....awwwww, they're being gay for each other simultaneously....how cute 

oooo, violin, I hear you

It must be really uncomfortable to sleep with headphones

Yes honey he does want to hear your remix and he's going to like or I'm going to knock him out in my imagination lol

eyes are narrowed slits as I prepare for vengeance

oooo, that was pretty 

ahhhh, and here is the renewal of the music component. My son knows mixes and electronic layers, whereas Neil is an old fashioned musician. So My Son is about to update your music catalogue, SIR. 

ofc you do. 

ohhh, montage time with the electronica version in the back. nice

I see that rainbow cushion again lol

what are you worried about? ....oh lol

I was about to say he had better have two portions in that bag

awwwwwww, not only is my son looking like a sleepy baby asleep in the chair, but they've included his breathing which now just makes me want to swaddle him LOL

He also needs to drop his mascara because his eyelashes are looking very fluttery

Yeah i know he's beautiful isnt he? Isnt. he?  Future Husband

I wish I slept in a chair that perfectly in a chair. I 'd guaranteed have my mouth open with drool

I approve of your actions sir.

whats his t shirt say? no music no life? no truer words lol

ooohh, flip, MOM...He actually has living parents and they've remembered him now. I am fully prepared to hate these people 

because he's busy mom. he's got things to do and an idol to fall in love with .

ooh, shit. Is he going to get successful and mom and pops are going to crawl out from the sewers for money because, I'm grabbing the nearest rock

thats an interesting looking stage ??

says the guy with stage fright. Sir. You're not in the clear yet. Watch your mouth

Oh here he comes! Behold. Whale Man LOL

I realise the cube stage is referencing the new electronic based sound but why is my son hiding in the back?

I'm having gravitation flashbacks, where it was just same song over and over again LOL I wonder if there will be a new one by the end of the series, hopefully dedicated to my son and how you will bow and kiss his feet, as he deserves.

........aaaaaand where the fk he come from? did he just spawn in from the airport? LMAO

I hope Neil knows you because, it's going to be really awkward to just have a random guy start playing guitar with you ...... also, I've just realised, he's drowning out my son's keyboards .... ohhh....ohhhhhh. Listen. Whale Man. 

Ohh, he's playing base, that's why he's drowning out the keyboards. ..... you little ...

My Son, is looking really awkward in the back .....

Ohhhh, honey.....Since Whale Man is one half of the next couple, he probably thinks he's helping his man but my SON, is not appreciating

Yes Mr Manager, Give him stink eye. And don't take it off him. 

NOOOO, Don't smile at him! YOu had one job Mr Manager.

Mr Whale Man. You are now my enemy. You stole My SOn's moment. I will cheer for your pain in your love arc later...That's a promise ...I hope it hurts like hell

Yes Mr Manager, scowl, and scowl hard.

Wait what. We flashing back 6 years suddenly?

Am I meant to know these two? because my mind is blanking

eeehh, not my style LOL

aaaahhh OK. 6 years, Matt was still alive. I thought it was 8 lol 

NO. Whale Man. Be unhappy. 

Effortlessly cool? Humph. Effortlessly tasteless more like.

It was wonderful until whale man showed up....Pick up on his....oooohhhh....I hate you Neil .....

= ( ......my son.....

NO. WHale Man, that shade of green looks like terrible on you. You look like toxic diarrhea

YOu see, even though I'm mad that my son is upset, he's also smart enough to know that Mr Manager is right. But it planning it would have been polite. 

OOOOHHHH, BITCH, I'm about to knock your stank ass out

YOu look like a skid mark. STFU

At least Neil is trying to defend you. 

Neil. You had better have something up your sleeve to cheer my boy up because .... 

I seen that little smile Son.

*claps* my son coming in with the sass. Yes. baby. Judgy mc judgerson's can fk right off at a bridge


ohhh, do I see some jealously??? Yes. Feel the burn and choke on it. 


Go to a stylist as well while you're at it skid mark

ohhh, tiniest violin in the world .....

Head butt him, left your knee....something.....anything ....

I bet his breath stinks 


Yes, give me the hilarious friend to wash my eyes with

Neil had better say the right thing here

*deep breath* I expect nothing less clueless from you Sir.  Please, continue to disappoint me

FRRRRIIIIIEEENNDDD......LIsten. I can change sides really quick ....

SOmeone punch him 

Son, see that knife in your hand ...

He looks a moron, I agree

Go my baby boy, and tell him how wonderful and talented he is or I will kill you 

Oh no wait, no, nevermind, he's about to remind you himself because eff you and your opinions. 

He 'd be a good dj. That's his presence. He doesn't need to flash anything. Just talent and vibes.

Neil....choose your words wisely

Good, that's a good start. 

=( Ofc you will baby, I believe in you. 

oh you are not shouting at my son in this preview. 

OK. OK.....Alright....I'm going with a bat next week. Sir and Whale Man. You are on notice. 

 American Fan:
Anyways, sorry for being so long about it.

It's all good. I'll prob understand it better once I'm physically trying to put your instructions to work as I'm a very hands on visual learner. I tend to figure out most things through exploring and trial and error. This time however, it didn't matter how many ways I tried, I couldn't get it to work. But I wasn't using an outside site to do it and the thought never entered my head that they'd make it so difficult to do what's normally such an easy process...lol.

 American Fan:
From what I can tell it's mostly about OSTs but every once in awhile other music as an extension of an artist's work.

Ahh ok. TBH I don't often pay attention to OSTs all that much because I've gotten used to mentally muting or filtering out background music since I grew up having it going all the time when I did things like homework or reading. Only when a song really catches my ear do I notice it. I think those suki films are the first ones that the OST caught my attention immediately and for all of their shows.

 American Fan:
I've been thinking about starting this one but I'm not a fan of coming back for second chances or falling in love again after a million years has gone by. I just don't believe in it so it's harder to buy into the story. 

Honestly the way it's done was really well. The cinematography alone makes this show worth the watch.

Sounds like it is time for you to graduate and go to BL University.

Is 30 the requirement for BL university? because I thought I was going to BL High School LOL

Is 30 the requirement for BL university? because I thought I was going to BL High School LOL

Well as the BL grandmaster I will have to look into this matter. *thinking emoji* 70 BLs will get you in.

OMG I'm losing it right now!!! Tee is live on TikTok and said hello back to me!!


Well as the BL grandmaster I will have to look into this matter. *thinking emoji* 70 BLs will get you in.

Cool. So I'm the equivalent of Junior High. Awesome. I'm going through BL puberty LOL

 American Fan:
My exact thought as well about the relations btw dad and son.

Idk maybe since they didn't have a season 2 in mind they needed to do something to bring that part of Tang Yi's life to a close. It felt like a missed opportunity to me though. Do any of the HIStory storylines have a season 2 or are they all just one offs? 

To you and everyone else who recommended this serie

YES cry with us (੭´༎ຶ ཀ ´༎ຶ)੭

Honestly the way it's done was really well. The cinematography alone makes this show worth the watch.

(I think this refers to "Love is Better the Second Time Around", right?) Agreed, but it was way too much "story" in six short  episodes, including three love rivals. Also for this reason, the backstory wasn't adequately developed. and the last two episodes felt very rushed to me. On the whole, I liked it but I didn't love it.

Updated the Thai Drama Fan / Century of Love badges into GIF's and added them in the Emblem Thread: https://mydramalist.com/discussions/creativity-forum/102017-emblem-badges-index-links-on-page-1?pid=2598287&page=1#p2598287

Updated the Thai Drama Fan / Century of Love badges into GIF's and added them in the Emblem Thread: https://mydramalist.com/discussions/creativity-forum/102017-emblem-badges-index-links-on-page-1?pid=2598287&page=1#p2598287

I have literally just started watching this show LOL

I was coming in to say the girls outfit in the first scene is 'Mwah' chefs kiss gorgeous LOL

Thank you Rien 


Me too! It's the main reason I haven't started The Untamed yet...lol. How are you liking your first JBL?

I just finished Ep 10. I'm kinda sad about how things are going especially considering there's only 2 episodes left. Unless there's a season 2 or a time jump I can't tell how the story is gonna end.  I've enjoyed the story; it seems like a slow burn. 

While I do enjoy some raunchy BL  with all the visuals 

I've enjoyed that they're taking it slow and there's only been the one kiss. It's like they're focusing on the story and the emotions rather than the physical part.

As for The Untamed....I dropped it. That's the only drama I've stopped because it felt like the story was never ending. Maybe I didn't enjoy it enough to keep me going. 

Updated the Thai Drama Fan / Century of Love badges into GIF's and added them in the Emblem Thread: https://mydramalist.com/discussions/creativity-forum/102017-emblem-badges-index-links-on-page-1?pid=2598287&page=1#p2598287

I love these.