American Fan:
I leave that up to RX! LOL


I don't know if anyone here has seen Pierre's YT channel (@itspierreboo) or even knows who he is, but I would absolutely LOVE to see him as a main in a BL type series. I've been following him for a while and he is so stunningly gorgeous and funny and charismatic and so comfortable in front of the camera. And be ready to question your life to it's core. He looks like this and just turned 38. I'm eternally ☠

OMG! I love him. I have been following him on TikTok from when he and Nicky were still together and I still do. I love his personality. Right! 38! 

It would be interesting to see him in a queer or BL production; either would be interesting.

That's interesting - but to be honest, the one that really got my attention was bottom left of your last udpate (the rumour from Clickbait, old news (i.e. not really a surprise), or jaw-dropping new news?

I did not even read it lol. I prefer my stories with full details, confessions and all. Maybe that is why I love reading case law lol those cases are real gossip lol

Again my no drop policy is being validated. 

Do I need to watch ep 10 for PieOzone or did you pretty much out all the details? LOL


Same here. I don't mind the trope so long as it's done meaningfully for a reasonable time frame, and like you said, does not drag on for a really long time. Whenever it does, it starts to make me viscerally angry and frustrated if it does. I will quit a series that has done this.

Yeah, I get frustrated and if it's not worth sticking around I don't.

What the hell is going on with all these posts about BOTW? I think it’s time I restart it lol I need to see what all the craze about this PieOzone NC scene is

I don't know if anyone here has seen Pierre's YT channel (@itspierreboo) or even knows who he is, but I would absolutely LOVE to see him as a main in a BL type series.

So he's got a new boyfriend?!?! I kinda lost interest after his break up with Nicky. They were SO cute together and yeah, I thought the same about being in a BL!

Now I find myself in a conundrum. If this was any other series I would be in here screaming and declaring 10 Stars! What do I do in this case because for me this Pie and Ozone's confession is a 10 scene. For me the 10 scene veto is law with no exceptions so what do I do because there is no way I can give Battle of the Writers a 10. I am in a fix lol I will have to go examine previous precedents of veto 10 scenes and come to a verdict. Who would have thought that I would be here?  

Waaay back when you talked about your rating process, I wondered if this would happen....

OMG! I love him. I have been following him on TikTok from when he and Nicky were still together and I still do. I love his personality. Right! 38!

It would be interesting to see him in a queer or BL production; either would be interesting.

I came in just after they broke off and he started his own YT channel, but everything they did together was cute though. And yes to your last statement.

 American Fan:

Just go to EP 10 haha

Lol I’m just gonna fast forward the eps until I get to the good scenes

Is it on YT? (I mean the spicy version)


What the hell is going on with all these posts about BOTW? I think it’s time I restart it lol I need to see what all the craze about this PieOzone NC scene is

Just go to EP 10 haha


Lol I’m just gonna fast forward the eps until I get to the good scenes

Is it on YT? (I mean the spice)

I don't know, I wasn't watching it on YT. I hate the ad interruptions. 

 American Fan:
I kinda lost interest after his break up with Nicky. They were SO cute together and yeah, I thought the same about being in a BL!

Yeah they were an adorable couple, but I came along later as they were splitting sadly and Pierre went to start his own YT channel.

 American Fan:

I don't know, I wasn't watching it on YT. I hate the ad interruptions. 

Where’d u watch it? 

Does anyone know if the spicy scenes r available on the YT version of the eps?


Where’d u watch it? 

Does anyone know if the spicy scenes r available on the YT version of the eps?

I sent you a link. 


omg, I saw more of Pie than I expected.

Who is HOT & CUTE? Yes, it's Tutor in those sexy as hell glasses & biz suit. I'm a sucker for hot guys in suits. Cool as a cucumber on the outside but hot as a chili pepper underneath. 

Which parts were my favs:

A. Shan & Ob-un in the biz meeting

B. Tutor sulking

C. The entire last scene with Shan & Ob-un

D.  Tutor in a tie only

E. Pie as a tender romantic

F. Tutor's legs

G. Ob-un's hairdo

H. Just Tutor in the whole ep


 American Fan:
Which parts were my favs:

A. Shan & Ob-un in the biz meeting

B. Tutor sulking

C. The entire last scene with Shan & Ob-un

D.  Tutor in a tie only

E. Pie as a tender romantic

F. Tutor's legs

G. Ob-un's hairdo

H. Just Tutor in the whole ep


Agreed BUT weren't you telling me on Monday that you were done with this show lmao

I will have to go examine previous precedents of veto 10 scenes and come to a verdict.

After much deliberation with myself (lol) I have decided to use what I am calling the "substantial concept". In criminal law when looking at criminal liability concerning manslaughter we look at an area called causation which has factual causation  using the "But for test" (the consequences would not have occurred "but for" the defendants actions) and legal causation (operative and substantial cause). 

When a judge is sentencing a criminal they will look at substantial facts when determining the number of years in the sentence; for example the criminals health, is he/she a single parent, how old is the child etc. 

Therefore I am going to bend this concept to this situation where I am going to measure the substantial flaws of the series against the absolute veto of the special 10 scene which is basically measuring ordinary legislation against the constitution lol but with the help of precedents - previous series who got the special 10 scene veto, so allow me to drag you all through this with me :) Here we go:

Precedents Facts
I Promised You the Moon
I did not agree with the writing for Teh's character.
No true remorse or growth was developed for Teh.
The cheating should have been a pivotal point for Oh-aew to free himself and embrace his individualism.
Held: Gave it a 10 because of the closing scene which reminded me this is also a romance series and it was real in that oftentimes the heart wants what it wants.
Light on Me
The slow burn was too much for me.
The story felt like it was going nowhere romantically.
Held: Gave it a 10 for the kiss scene because everything at that point felt like it call came home nicely and the slow development of romance felt more impactful looking at the finale.
To Be Continued
OMG! The drag was REAL! It dragged like no other. My frustration was boiling.
Held: Gave it 10 because of episode 7 NC scene and revelation in how all the right emotions collided leaving the characters raw, real and emotions palpable.
Semantic Error
I had intended to give it a 8.5-9 however the scene where Chu Sang Woo ran to Jang Jae Young to confess was everything. The desperation in that scene of not wanting to let of his love truly struck me.

The first thing to note is that nowhere in any of these precedents has there been a 10 scene veto based on a side couple. Hence that is one substantial point against giving BOTW a 10 scene veto.

Secondly, none of these precedents had such gross writing flaws that would have forced them off air for rewriting; another substantial point against giving BOTW a 10 scene veto.

Thirdly, all of these precedents despite my dislike for aspects of them got a 10; a substantial point for a BOTW 10.

Fourthly, none of these series had me dislike the entire series and not just aspects; a substantial point against giving BOTW a 10 scene veto.

Fifthly, measuring BOTW against and including it among my other 10s such as Cherry Blossoms after Winter and I Told Sunset about You would allow for a breach of good conscience. It would pale substantially in comparison.

Conclusion: There are more substantial points against a BOTW 10 than points for it. However the absolutism of a special 10 scene veto quashes all substantial flaws without discrimination. The case in point is that despite all the flaws I found with the aforementioned precedents they got a 10 therefore precedent dictates that BOTW is entitled to a special 10 scene veto and I am empowered to do so despite the breach of conscience and practicality. However, there was nothing in my mind, at the time of conceptualisation of a special 10 scene veto, that dictated that such substantial points against a series receiving a special 10 scene veto do not call for a review and amendment to the absolute law of a special 10 scene veto; note appreciatively even a constitution can be amended. With that being said, the application of the special 10 scene veto was called for before any amendment making BOTW still entitled to its 10; hence this amendment will be an ex post facto law; retroactive. Therefore:

In amending the application of the special 10 scene veto it's application will no longer be empowered in and of itself but instead it's application will be at my discretion. 

In conclusion Battle Of The Writers will not be getting a 10 and will get the rating I originally intended before seeing episode 10.


Well that takes care of that.