Yup, so to this day in my mind that scene does not exist.

If I were to say that this was my favourite scene in the whole series, would this damage my reputation in this group? Or is it already beyond repair?


If I were to say that this was my favourite scene in the whole series, would this damage my reputation in this group? Or is it already beyond repair?

Why am I not surprised?  ;-)


It was just announced, so the details are sketchy and tentative (I think they're basically fishing for sponsors right now), but there's a new entry on MDL, so you can at least mark it on your PTW list if it interests you: "The Wicked Game". (Speaking for myself, anything Daou-Offroad interests me!)

Thx, I’ve added it to my list! 


we're still at the veeeeeery beginning of it so there's no script yet and filming might start mid 2025~
offroad (khun peem) will play as a rich young master and daou (khun tan) will play as his bodyguard!
here their live performance from yesterday to give you an idea of what it will be hehe
for now we're only getting very good crumbs, please look forward to it! ₊·*◟(˶╹̆ꇴ╹̆˵)◜‧*・

(full video of the screenshots above is here)

Ooh the story reminds me of NLMG lol 

They look hot XD


I'm choosing to drop Eccentric Romance. I have no issue with the 2 languages but I'm starting to find the characters annoying LOL Any one else watching it?

i dropped it too lol unfortunately i coudnt enjoy any thai korean collabs,but every time i give it a try

Day 18 ~ October Challenge

Do you have a favorite sport that you like to play or watch?

i love to swim, relaxing lying on back on water is my favorite 

sports i used to watch a lot is tennis, and i do like basket ball

 American Fan:
I thought it was funny. So you're not the spanking type huh?

To answer your question, I embody the quote, "It is my way or the highway!" or as I like to say it, "It is my way or the fucking highway!"

Do not tell me what to do unless it is in a professional manner, i.e teacher, boss, etc. When it comes to my personal life, one voice and that is my voice. Now, that does not mean I will not take advice but give it as advice and allow me to decide if I will take it. Okay this is going on a tangent but one thing I hate is when people try to lie to me or deceive me. That is when I get into character, nope not out of but into! 

What was your question again lol, yeah nope do not spank me because that will be the last thing you do with those hands. There is no faster way to kill my boner than an attempt at domination and I say attempt because......

Now, would I spank someone? Nope. This is going to sound contradictory but I would want someone who challenges me in life. I want fire meeting fire only smothering for each other. Nothing is more sexy to me than two dominants going at it. Hence why BossFort would be a dream come true for me lol. 

I need the BL industry to make a series with two mafia bosses falling in love because I would be sat lol.

Anyway, no not a fan of spanking, but other things hehehe

If I were to say that this was my favourite scene in the whole series, would this damage my reputation in this group? Or is it already beyond repair?

You know at this point lol it is what it is lol. 

On a more intrusive note, during your meet ups with your harem who gets spanked and who does the spanking?

On a more intrusive note,

Oh, that's just the tip of the iceberg. I would tell more, but I must respect the sanctity of this forum and the innocence of certain members.


Source: X


Oh, that's just the tip of the iceberg. I would tell more, but I must respect the sanctity of this forum and the innocence of certain members.


Of course, we have to think of the innocence of certain members lol I will just ask Fort when I sneak in next lol

I will just ask Fort when I sneak in next

Good luck with that. Fort made two promises to me: Firstly, that he would never tell anyone. And secondly, that he would always respect my safeword.


Thanks for the updates. That's great news about "Blue Canvas" coming to Gagaoolala.


Source: X

what do you mean another Japanese drama without international release ( and it stars Hiroki *screams*) 

like I know how Japan works but it's still annoying


Oh, that's just the tip of the iceberg. I would tell more, but I must respect the sanctity of this forum and the innocence of certain members.

The Faery of Innocence approves of this thinking. Great job pal *thumbs up*


Good luck with that. Fort made two promises to me: Firstly, that he would never tell anyone. And secondly, that he would always respect my safeword.


Thanks for the updates. That's great news about "Blue Canvas" coming to Gagaoolala.

Your welcome :)

The Faery of Innocence approves of this thinking. Great job pal *thumbs up*

I must be your nemesis then MUHAHAHA