
i agree intimacy is not chemistry. but 2gether doesn't have  chemistry or intamacy after the MLs get together. what relationship looks like that? a bored one! they had more chemistry when they were faking it than when they got together. if im sleeping next to my SO the hell am i going to face the other way. the ending looked like it was two besties that had a couple of LGBTQ moments and that was it. but that doesnt mean you can't enjoy it. i quite liked it and found myself gushing over a few interactions like the Pocky scene OH MY GAWWWWWDDDD. im not going to lie it could have been better. but it was not the worst! maybe the original source is better and the series must of had problems but damn was Tine good looking. BUT this is my opinion i hope this doesn't offend you or make you feel bad. @ourpeachscones 

It rubs me the wrong way a little, but I’ll get over it. I view relationships on a different level than you I think, so while some behaviours may seem normal, or odd, to you, they seem odd, or normal, to me. The show is dear to me because it’s the closest thing I’ve seen to a queerplatonic relationship in fictional media before, so all of the issues everyone has with it have no meaning to me. 


@seojoons gf

I guess I just haven’t seen a show that “good” enough to compare it to 2gether. Specifically with Thai dramas, the writing or acting is either too terrible to me to continue watching, or if it has good writing and acting, there’s a ton of sexual intimacy. And I don’t care if that intimacy is there, I’d just sometimes like to watch something enjoyable that also doesn’t have it? I guess I’m looking for something that resembles a qpr (because that’s really the only thing I can connect to and understand romantically), but in places that no one else wants them. 

I’d have to give it another view to properly “see” this “lack of chemistry” because I don’t remember that being an issue for or point to me. I liked the leads together. 

Also, hello fellow aspec person <3. 

i completely agree with the thing about thai dramas. i think in general you have to hold thai dramas to a lower standard/not have high expectations because im sure peoples opinions on a lot of thai dramas would be very different if held to the standard of for example kdramas(and i think thats my problem lmfao i watch a lot more k/jdramas and can barely stand a lot of thai dramas). i also get what you mean about wanting smth similar to a qpr, and if i look at it from the pov of looking for a show w that 2gether would make sense, but for me though it did fill the fluff box it didnt make up for the writing, editing & acting. but i hope in the future there are a lot more and better representations of qprs or anything similar !

reading back on my comment i can see why it rubbed you the wrong way. i apologise for that. i agree that we have different views on relationships. i wasn't satasfied with the outcome of their relationship and i think that the potential lack of comfortability between BrightWin lead to the Queer-platonic relationship that took place.  this hopefully opens up a new door for shows on LGBTQ people interacting without needing physical intimacy as a driving point. that is another level of representation that is needed for us. 

@seojoons gf 

Thank you for your response :)! I personally don’t like most Thai dramas either (you have no idea how many I’ve had to drop due to bad acting and storylines). I think I watched 2gether during a time when I was still figuring myself out, so it’s acted as a guide on my journey and made me feel happy. I definitely agree that the acting and story itself isn’t superior to a few other Thai BLs or other EA BLs, however, I liked it much much more than a lot of the shows that have been airing for the past while now.  It’s one of the few cases where the content and intent (or rather the impact that I received from it) of it outweigh the acting and storyline. But again— the acting was much better than much of what I’ve seen in the Thai industry. 

I hope to see more qpr representation in the media too! Thank you so much :).


reading back on my comment i can see why it rubbed you the wrong way. i apologise for that. i agree that we have different views on relationships. i wasn't satasfied with the outcome of their relationship and i think that the potential lack of comfortability between BrightWin lead to the Queer-platonic relationship that took place.  this hopefully opens up a new door for shows on LGBTQ people interacting without needing physical intimacy as a driving point. that is another level of representation that is needed for us. 

I totally agree. That is one of the reasons why I’ve always been so “protective” of this show. Ignoring all of the other flaws that people personally found in the show, many peoples’ main issue was the lack of intimacy, and I just don’t see that as a justifiable reason to dislike a relationship between two people, considering relationships look different in so many ways and many people want something similar to what they had! I hope to see more representation of this kind (done so in a way where many more people are understanding and accepting of it) rather than just expecting kissing etc just because it’s labelled as a BL or romance. 

Connection runs in so many more ways than the physical or sexual. 

I think a lot of this comes down to what your expectations are of a genre/show. Most people watch BL for just that a relationship between to "Boys" with some degree of "love/intimacy".  Now does a show have to have  KP/TharnType/Dont Say No levels of NC scenes.....absolutely not. But it is frustrating when shows tease or hype up  a more intimate relationship but then dont actually deliver that.

2gether for me is a perfect example of this. The very first thing Bright says is I will kiss you until you drop! The show is straight away setting expectations of a level of intimacy  that they do not deliver on. They play on the expectation time and time again. So it becomes frustrating that when they finally do become a couple it seems odd that they are not more physically intimate (again just a few kisses would have gone far).  if the show had set the viewers expectation at a more bromance/no intimacy level i think people would have liked it more. 

Tale of a thousand stars is another show that for me personally  played up the promise of a physical relationship but never delivered and then expected me to believe that these 2 people were willing to commit themselves  to wait for each other for an unspecified number of years without even a single kiss?  That is counter to the type of relationship story they had been telling the entire series. hence I found it a bit disappointing. 

On the flip side you have these 2 shows

Untamed is a great example of not needing any physical intimacy but still being a BL that people obsess over because of how good  the chemistry and relationship are.  Even if you didnt know it was a China Censored show, from the outset the show never leads you on to thinking there is going to be physical intimacy. Instead it shows the power of love in a relationship. 

Light on Me another series i really like that has one kiss in it and thats totally fine because the show never leads you to expect anything more than that.  It is about the emotional growth of the characters and i ate it up!

that was the issue. production had set up this scene promising this intense make-out session but never delivered and that was what annoyed alot of people. if BrightWin didn't want to do BL scenes they should've sticked to a more platonic storyline rather than having all these sexual innuendos but never actually "showing" us this affection (not that i want to see them do the deed but i hope you get what i mean) they got a bouquet of C*nd*ms but they don't even touch elbows when they slept in the same bed. but thats no ones fault and that it is my opinion. 

My only issue with 2gether was that after the 2 "get" each other the Chemistry as a pair was gone.
Not because they had no intimacity, just because they felt like best buddies or brothers or something like that.
Take for example Love Mechanics ( because i'm watching this right now ;-) ) Even if you let the Intimacity Scenes by side you can feel their desire ( not the sexual one, just the one to be close to the other) with every single Eyecontact.
Yes the Plot lacks at other parts but the acting is awesome.
In 2gether i missed any tension or closeness thats more than a good friendship. It was just gone after they became a couple.

Let's not discriminate/degrade dramas please.

Everyone have their own taste & preferences and things they wanna protect at all cost.

If you guys wanna talk about dramas/movies please go ahead but downgrading one drama to show how you like other one better seems not correct approach to me.

Talking about "Love Mechanics".

I regret not watching it sooner because the chemistry between the leads is damn good.  If we patchify the plot here and there a bit it would have been better. As usual push & pull  relationship, 

 Raining Sunshine:

Talking about "Love Mechanics".

I regret not watching it sooner because the chemistry between the leads is damn good.  If we patchify the plot here and there a bit it would have been better. As usual push & pull  relationship, 

Its on my list to binge tonight and im gonna need it after a tough day at work! Cant wait !

 Raining Sunshine:

Talking about "Love Mechanics".

I regret not watching it sooner because the chemistry between the leads is damn good.  If we patchify the plot here and there a bit it would have been better. As usual push & pull  relationship, 

That show is so good? Like I love the real life messiness of it + the boys are doing a good job acting <3

 Raining Sunshine:

Let's not discriminate/degrade dramas please.

Everyone have their own taste & preferences and things they wanna protect at all cost.

If you guys wanna talk about dramas/movies please go ahead but downgrading one drama to show how you like other one better seems not correct approach to me.

I didn't wanted to downgrade any Show.  As i said, i liked 2gether on its own way too ( i reated it 9, whats pretty high for me ).
I just wanted to figure out that any Drama can be good on it's own way.


That’s true. It can be annoying to have expectations set for something and then not be delivered. Considering that I didn’t care about how much intimacy they had, even if they set that expectation, I didn’t care if they delivered it either I guess. Again it probably wasn’t their intent and just poor writing/commitment to acting, but I can understand saying things that one does not mean or regrets saying and does not want to follow through with. 

Also one thing I’d like to comment on is how some people were saying some of BrightWin’s scenes together were awkward— and that’s another thing that I probably didn’t notice/get bothered by. Love for me is awkward! And they made it seem normal. 

I’m definitely an odd case liking every “flaw” that everyone else hates.

 Blue Poison:

That show is so good? Like I love the real life messiness of it + the boys are doing a good job acting <3

Yes,  the boys bringing out the characters' emotions perfectly. There were lot of scenes where I wanted to hug Mark and say that it is fine. 

Shows like this really should get more popular and people need to discuss on this too.