


You know, around last year when I started gluing my mental health back together I decided to get into the habit of asking myself one simple question on a regular basis. 

Is this activity, or this person, adding to my life, or taking my life away?

I'm laughing at and assuming someone is having sex with a co worker because they were sitting 'suspicious' is really not healthy. 

This hurt my soul to read.

I'm sorry. I tend to run my mouth whenever someone disagree with me, to prove my points. Some friends call me their trial, a way to get their blessing. Some people call me know-it-all. Some others say they're too tired to arguing with me. And we fight back and forth.

I'm like this in real life too.

So sorry if I happened to affect your mental health. I'm not considerate enough. I'll reflect on myself. I wish you all the best. Companionship and positive thoughts are the best medicine. Meditation and exercise also helps a lot. Stay healthy.

We all want to find joy in this forum, while I disrupt the fun, so I'm so sorry. My apology may not offer you much comfort, but once again I deeply apologies for all my hurtful words.


There is so much I want to say but they are all angry, malicious and criminal. This episode left me upset, confused and vindictive. 

So is that a bad or a good thing?

 American Fan:
So is that a bad or a good thing?

It is a very good thing. I am just pissed at the story itself but that just speaks to the excellent work of the writers and actors who managed to draw such a strong reaction from the audience. I am fully invested after this week's episode.

 American Fan:
I'll not look, just to preserve what innocence I have left.

*whispers in your ear* Come on, you know you want to. *strokes your cheek* come be dirty with me


I find this to be the greatest MM book ever written. That book still has me in a choke-hold so many months later.

amen!!!!  Nikolai and Brandon are my favorites from that series. That book broke me so much. 

I rated it a 7.5 over all.

I did not overlook your response just got distracted lol.

I wanted to hear your thoughts because I remembering enjoying it when it was released. Some of my favourite scenes include the roof top scene in the finally, the bridge scene and of course the shower scene lol. 

I am glad you found parts and aspects you enjoyed and congrats on your new stan lol

And what’s that other photo ur talking about, hm? ;)

Should I be sending these type of pictures to you though? How old are you again? I mean, it is my responsibility as an adult (however new of an adult I am) to look out for the young minds however filthy they might be lol

amen!!!!  Nikolai and Brandon are my favorites from that series. That book broke me so much. 

Yess! They built me up, broke me down, and left built me back up again! The funniest part is when Nikolai met Brandon's parents lol.

If you ask me I think Brandon felt instantly some type of way when Niko had pulled him into his lap in the beginning of the book.

OMFG today's Kidnap once again was fantastic!!! Every episode is an absolute banger! Ohm & Leng are just killin it! I just can't stop gushing over this series. GMMTV did such an outstanding job with this one.

Fourever You on the other hand is okay, but it just feels like drinking a soda that's gone flat. It's sorta drinkable, still has some flavor, but it doesn't have that special something.

Kidnap - episode 8

The fact that this post is about to be right after @Jadeheart's is going to paint a huge contrast; sorry @Jadeheart *crying emoji*

I did not enjoy this episode to the fullest because I disagree with the writing choices made for the last part of episode 7 into this episode. I think it would have been better if they had held off on them being a couple and allowed Min to break Q's heart right before any confession was made, so that when he leaves and Q finds him their re-connection and reaffirmation of the promise never to leave each other could have held more weight and be more deep and meaningful. This is just my personal feelings; I do not believe in the depth of their love. They absolutely love each other but I am just not confident it is that deep because in following the writing, if Min could break his promise so easily when they are already a couple what weight does any future promise have. 

I understand why Min left but I feel that if he had left right on the cusp of confessing and knowing that he was in love, the story would have been more heartbreaking and have some more depth. Hence the NC scene would have been an explosion of tension, love and tenderness. Objectively speaking, the NC scene was good but I did not feel it because my confidence in them as a couple is a little shaken.

Also why did Q's dad just give up the information like that after orchestrating all of this. This I felt was stupid.

As it relates to what actually happened in the story Q may have forgiven Min but I have not. Just because I understand him does not mean I cannot be pissed; matter of fact it is because I understand why I am pissed.

"A promise is worse than a lie because with a promise you make them hope." - Unknown

*whispers in your ear* Come on, you know you want to. *strokes your cheek* come be dirty with me


Yess! They built me up, broke me down, and left built me back up again! The funniest part is when Nikolai met Brandon's parents lol.

If you ask me I think Brandon felt instantly some type of way when Niko had pulled him into his lap in the beginning of the book.

Ooohhh he 100% felt some type of way. It’s insane on how it all happened in that book and I cried