Day 26 - What is your least favorite BL if you have one?   Dinosaur Love

I have kept my age disclosed to the group for this very reason…

Well these are some interesting responses to wake up to; which is going to make this funny to reply to:

I was joking lol have you people read my posts which I post in a public domain....often screaming!

I've only to hear the word class LOL  So that includes you RX LOL

LOL this does not apply to me. I am way past the age to vote and drink. The real question is, what will I get down to for my next birthday hehehe.

Day 26 ~ October Challenge

What is your least favorite BL if you have one? 

I always find 'least favourite' a strange word combination. Do you mean the last one of my favourite list or is this a polite way of asking what I hate? LOL

Going to assume it's what I hate and I'm more than happy to proclaim that LOL Faeries have a terrible temper.

TharnType. Absolutely. I rage quite that series so hard I hurt my finger clicking on the X button LOL Pitbabe and Big Dragon, I havent even bothered to rate because my skin nearly crawled off my bones.

But those are very shallow answers because it's personal taste as I know some people love those shows. So I guess the most accurate answer to this, is in fact, KinnPorsche. 

Now, before I'm beaten to death, in 2022, I began to actively seek out more gay films and I believe KinnPorsche was the 3rd? one I came across, shortly after episode 2 aired. So I was watching it while it aired and amongst all the drama happening on twitter.....or X, or whatever it's called. And it didnt go very well. 

Not only was the show incredibly disappointing because I bought into the hype, and believed it to be more than what it was, not knowing Thai BL's very well, the whole experience also crushed a little fragile aspect of me trying to heal, detouring me for another year. 

I feel like there's more of an intense reaction to hearing the title than to the others I've mentioned. If I dont like something, I drop it and move on. I never think of Tharntype, and my heart swells at the thought of MewTul. I wish them all the love. There's no issues there. 

But there's a deep emotional flinch when I hear KinnPorcsche, BOC or any of the actors involved. I can't even bring myself to watch MileApo's film LOL 

I would say that qualifies as more of a 'hatred' than just simply not liking something. 

LOL this does not apply to me. I am way past the age to vote and drink. The real question is, what will I get down to for my next birthday hehehe.

Anything 2000 and after, you're a baby to me LOL


Day 26 - What is your least favorite BL if you have one?   Dinosaur Love

the 5.9 rating.....damn LOL Those are the ones I love to read the reviews too LOL


You join by commenting. Hello.

Hi ?? 

Anything 2000 and after, you're a baby to me LOL

Fair enough lol. 

Speaking of age aside from the fact that Fort and I are in the age group to, well, hehe (let me just send that out into the universe) one of my goals is to reach 100 years old and still be a virgin! I shall remain chaste. Do you guys hear that? It is the universe preparing me for the virgin sacrifice, lol


Fair enough lol. 

Speaking of age aside from the fact that Fort and I are in the age group to, well, hehe (let me just send that out into the universe) one of my goals is to reach 100 years old and still be a virgin! I shall remain chaste. Do you guys hear that? It is the universe preparing me for the virgin sacrifice, lol

I find that hard to believe….


May I join?

Welcome to the club where we discuss everything BL. As you can see from my previous posts though we have become like an online friend group lol. 

Anyway, welcome again prepare for some laughs and BL enthusiasm!


I find that hard to believe….

*For those of you familiar with this show you know the real irony of me using her to respond to anything regarding virginity lol*

Day 26- What is your least favorite BL if you have one?

I am going by my lowest bl rating which is "Love Is Like A Cat".


*For those of you familiar with this show you know the real irony of me using her to respond to anything regarding virginity lol*

Lmao XD


Day 26: What is your least favorite BL if you have one?

Needless to say, there have been some BLs I liked less, and even a few that were pretty awful, but I prefer a positive outlook and to think about the good rather than the bad, so I won't answer this question. 

Instead, as per usual, a photo of my most dearly beloved Fluke Natouch:

Dark blues and moonlight, among the ones I'd watched. And from the ones I couldn't finish, UWMA 


May I join?

Welcome to the club :)

 American Fan:

I will pull to the dark side eventually MUHAHAHAHA