Love By Chance 2. Oh boy. What do I say about this? I actually made a feeds post when I was watching LBC2 to express how dissapointed I was with every character's storyline. Ae became a sadsack, Tin and Can's story was started afresh and ruined, and don't even get me started on the horror that was Hin and Tul, or Kla and No. The only couple worth rooting for were Tum and Keen, but they barely had any screentime.

To think that this was one of the most hyped shows after LBC's success, and then to think about the way it bombed is rather spectacular. You would think there were better ways to improve upon their stories, but sadly it wasn't done. I love Love by Chance, but I can never bring myself to watch the sequel ever again.

D18 - BL drama that was a major letdown
I suffer from Second Season Phobia (SSP) and I blame BLs for that. Almost every second season was a letdown: Love by Chance 2, Color Rush 2, YYY 2Love Area 2, Gen Y 2, Quaranthings 2 and so on... I'm scared for all the upcoming second seasons :/
Other than second seasons, I was pretty disappointed with Tonhon Chonlatee. I expected more from GMMTV, but I learned my lesson. Now I try to keep my expectations low.

Day 18 :

BL drama that was a major let down - All of HIStory1

I don't know... maybe I expected more? It kind of makes me apprehensive to watch the rest of the seasons- though I did watch LBC2 & TT2 even though I initially didn't plan to (they were also kind of disappointing)... welp.

Day 18: BL drama that was a major letdown

Love By Chance 2 is by far the biggest letdown. I kind of liked first season (mainly because of Ae & Pete) so it's a shame they ruined everything with second season

Tonhon Chonlatee was just really bad! They could have done so much better BL with that cast :(

Enchanté is my latest letdown... I feel sad because I kinda liked the beginning of the series but sadly it went downhill in the last episodes. Also the ending was so lame and rushed in my opinion

Day 18:  BL Drama that Was A Major Letdown:

1) Rainbow Prince(Philippines)- Oh boy that was a freaking mess from the bad acting down to the cheesiness of it to the horrible script. When I saw the trailer I was so excited: a fairytale musical, sounds cool right? ERRR nope. That thing was atrocious, I could tell that it was gonna be bad just from the first episode. And ,from there it got worse and worse.  I ended up giving it a 3.5 overall. I was very disappointed because I thought I was gonna love this from the trailer and nope I think this is one of my most hated BL series that I ever watched: Just no. Ok, the actors, esp Adrian were eye candy but that wasn't enough to save this mess. I regret watching this.

2) Enchante- Another one I was so excited for. When I saw the mock trailer back in 2020  it became one of my most anticipated series for 2021.  I kept counting down the days til we got an airdate.  Boy was I in for disappointment. It started out well enough: cute and romantic. I felt like Book and Force had great chemistry and I loved Force's character.  I was pretty much enjoying it and looked forward to every Friday. Somewhere around ep 9 though everything fell apart. When ep 8 aired I thought to myself: this feels like the finale, how are they gonna wrap up the last two episodes?  Well  it seems like the writers had no idea. I mean they threw in the dumbest drama they could to seperate Akk and Theo.  Plus, the writing made Theo so unlikable the last two episodes, not that he was that likable to begin with, that I really didn't want him to end up with Akk. The finale ruined the series and made me wish I hadn't wasted time on this series at all. 

There you go two series that I was really looking forward to but ended up being big disappointments, sadly. 

I didn't even try with Love by Chance 2. Once I learned that Saint wasn't gonna be in it, I didn't care. Good thing because from what I read it was horrible. I spared myself that at least :). 

Day 18:  BL Drama that Was A Major Letdown: 

- Gen Y 2 : It was the longest, boring serie that I have ever seen. There was absolutely no chemistry between Wayu and Thanu. The first one was so  sappy, a real pain in the ass, and the second one didn't make any facial expression until episode 10  (when a weird 2 inches smile appears on his face). I liked Mark/Kit during season 1 but the plot in season 2 was such a mess ... "I will miss you if I leave, that's why I want to be separate from you right now" and then "I changed my mind, I stay".

- Paint with love : I guess I should like Tae and Singto but in this drama the characters were unbearable, without any chemistry. Mae mistreat the painter during all the show, and at the last minute it's like "Oh I love you". Excuse-me, what ... ?

- The Tuxedo : I waited for this drama because it talks about sewing. But gosh, the story is a mess, the acting is bad, everything has nonsense. Both are cute, they might have a good chemistry. This is a major letdown.

- The shortest distance is round :  One word : "trauma".  Please someone, wash my eyeballs ...

And to forget this mess I will answer to the first question, my favourite BL by far is I Told Sunset About you. Ahhh I'm better thinking about it now.

Day 18:  BL Drama that Was A Major Letdown:  

Love by Chance 2.. this was so bad :-( I really enjoyed Season 1 and then they came with this mess..

Honorable mention because i dropped it at Episode 8 or 9: Capture Lover XD this was so bad. 

They just not even tried after 2 Episodes to synchronize the Voiceover right 

@Chatterton Pepito - I have only just started watching Gen Y Season 2 and was feeling a bit meh about it so thanks for the the heads up. I don't think i will carry on with it.  Wayu is doing my head in!

Day 18 - Biggest Let Down

I agree with everyone putting Love By Chance 2. Especially @Blkittykat, 100% agree. 

I have one that i think people will find a bit controversial Tale of a Thousand hear me out before you drag me to filth.  Overall was it a bad BL, no. However, I found that it kept building up the anticipation for a Kiss/Intimate scene that never happened so each episode i felt let down. And when we finally did get a kiss, it was on the forehead after saying wait for me for an unspecified number of years.......yeah sure ok......

I get that its about falling in love and not lust and a deeper bond/commitment but I just felt really let down. 


Day 18 - Biggest Let Down

I agree with everyone putting Love By Chance 2. Especially @Blkittykat, 100% agree. 

I have one that i think people will find a bit controversial Tale of a Thousand hear me out before you drag me to filth.  Overall was it a bad BL, no. However, I found that it kept building up the anticipation for a Kiss/Intimate scene that never happened so each episode i felt let down. And when we finally did get a kiss, it was on the forehead after saying wait for me for an unspecified number of years.......yeah sure ok......

I get that its about falling in love and not lust and a deeper bond/commitment but I just felt really let down. 

I agree. I really like A Tale of 1000 stars a lot.. But for the landscapes, people, friendship, story, Mix... not for the love story. 

@Chatterton Pepito, I couldn't agree with you more!

 Gen Y 2 was a mess and the only way I could finish it was to play it on 2× speed.

Paint with Love... Oof. All I could think about when I was watching it was that Tae and Singto had no chemistry. The premise sounded really interesting, but oh no! It was an ordeal to finish.

Day 18 BL drama that was a Major Letdown:

To be honest I'm not that picky when I watch shows if I honestly don't like something I just stop watching it. A drama I did that with was Baker Boys I loved all the actors in the show so much but I just couldn't keep my attention on the show and eventually just gave up with it. If you all think baker boys is worth trying to watch I'll try and watch it again but for now, I'm just going to leave it.


Day 18 BL drama that was a Major Letdown:

To be honest I'm not that picky when I watch shows if I honestly don't like something I just stop watching it. A drama I did that with was Baker Boys I loved all the actors in the show so much but I just couldn't keep my attention on the show and eventually just gave up with it. If you all think baker boys is worth trying to watch I'll try and watch it again but for now, I'm just going to leave it.

My opinion would be that it wasn't much of anything. It wasn't so good that I can't stop talking about it, nor was it so bad that I vehemently dislike it. If you like the actors in it, I would suggest you give it another chance, but if you can't get yourself to like it even after that, then you can drop the series.