
♡ lmao updated XD

yayyy ♡  lmaoo *quick dance* ♡♡

 Mignon toi:

yayyy ♡  lmaoo *quick dance* ♡♡

XD ♡

Day 23. Do you sing and where is your favorite place to belt it out? What famous celeb do you sound like?

I do sing sometimes, but I mostly whistle the songs I'm listening to. Usually at my desk, listening to music while doing a task that doesn't require much thinking. I don't sound like any celebrity though and why would I? After all, I'm not singing professionally, nor do I have any talent for singing to speak of.

GUYS 4Minutes is on GAGAOOLALA NOW! Not me about to rewatch it all in HD........ It feels like my birthday. HAHHA


GUYS 4Minutes is on GAGAOOLALA NOW! Not me about to rewatch it all in HD........ It feels like my birthday. HAHHA

If you're wondering what BL subscription to get... GAGAooLALA has been the most worth it for me, they have HITS!

I know people weren't fans of Wandee, but I actually am really liking it. Only episode 2 though.

4Minutes is on GAGAOOLALA NOW!

Yes! (And supposedly the uncut version.) So happy now that I've waited to watch it.

If you're wondering what BL subscription to get... GAGAooLALA has been the most worth it for me

I subscribe to Viki, Gaga, iQiyi and WeTV (plus Netflix, etc.) - and yes, Gaga has definitely been dominating recently in terms of exclusives on must-watch BLs. 

I used to say, "If I could only have one, let it be Viki" - and although I still like Viki best as a technical platform, and although it still has a big collection of high-quality BLs, I would now have to say, "If I could only have one, let it be Gaga!"


Yes! (And supposedly the uncut version.) So happy now that I've waited to watch it.

I subscribe to Viki, Gaga, iQiyi and WeTV (plus Netflix, etc.) - and yes, Gaga has definitely been dominating recently in terms of exclusives on must-watch BLs. 

I used to say, "If I could only have one, let it be Viki" - and although I still like Viki best as a technical platform, and although it still has a big collection of high-quality BLs, I would now have to say, "If I could only have one, let it be Gaga!"

I started watching BLs with Viki! Still a good platform with so many choices to watch all the way for free with ads, I've never used WeTV tho, do I need a VPN?

I've never used WeTV tho, do I need a VPN?

No, as "" is the international platform of China's Tencent. However, depending on your country (as also with iQiyi), there's a lot of geographically restricted content on WeTV, so I often use VPN (usually to Bangkok) to watch the BLs I want.

On Android, VPN works normally for WeTV, but I always "force stop" WeTV after I finish using it on my smartphone (regardless of whether or not I'm using VPN) because it seems to leave a connection open, which makes me uncomfortable*. On the PC (Windows), VPN for WeTV seems to work on Firefox but not Chrome.

Payment is only via Google Playstore (or the Apple equivalent), so WeTV basically forces you to use their smartphone app.

Both in terms of BL content and as a technical platform, WeTV is the weakest and least essential of the four, but I've been watching it quite a bit lately. It seems that WeTV's own BL productions are often also released on Gaga.

*Not sure if I should be worried about this, but I tell myself that the Chinese authorities already know everything about me (what I had for breakfast today, what colour undies I'm wearing), so what's one more app?

No, as "" is the international platform of China's Tencent.

Ty for clearing this up!

Not me about to rewatch it all in HD



Day 23. Do you sing and where is your favorite place to belt it out? What famous celeb do you sound like?

I do sing sometimes, but I mostly whistle the songs I'm listening to. Usually at my desk, listening to music while doing a task that doesn't require much thinking. I don't sound like any celebrity though and why would I? After all, I'm not singing professionally, nor do I have any talent for singing to speak of.

same. i'm tone-deaf. but i do sing (or speak lyrics). and i don't care what they say. i'll yell lowder

 Mignon toi:

great choice <3

Aww thx <3


If I can't be happy no one can lmao

Hmm…I’d be willing to share….


I know people weren't fans of Wandee, but I actually am really liking it. Only episode 2 though.

The first few eps were really good, we were all loving it but then it just got worse for us lol

August Challenge Day 23 ~

Do you sing and where is your favorite place to belt it out? What famous celeb do you sound like?

I have a very weak voice and sing very softly so I'm not sure I sound like anyone famous and I definitely don't belt LOL I don't normally sing out loud but I usually sing to my dog. Just the other day, I was giving her a cuddle and started singing 'You are my sunshine' and my mum started to cry LOL She said it was because it was so sweet but she has been a little emotional after my grandmother, so I maybe just triggered her unintentionally. 

I tend to hum more than I sing and sometimes I don't even know I'm doing it. And apparently I do it so often, I was once told by a guy in  college that he missed my wee songs during the summer LOL I do listen to a lot of instrumental music so it could be just habit that when there's silence, my brain wants background music, and makes me start humming a random tune.

who I'm thinking about adding to my harem (provided that American Fan doesn't block with frivolous legal action which interferes with my basic human rights).

I'm backkkk!! And I see what you're doing here.

I consulted Google and what I've learned is a bit concerning.  For example:

To dream that you keep a harem suggests that you are wasting your time and energy on frivolous pursuits. You need to rethink your life goals.

To dream of a harem heralds love affairs, jealousy, betrayal, or a bad marriage.

I'm here to support you in any way I can.