I look forward to checking out these songs from everyone. I will have to really think about this one and compile a list.

History 2 - Right or Wrong - 6/10

Have I ever mentioned how much I dislike age gaps? The furthest I am willing to go is five years apart but of course there are exceptions. This was not an exception though. Besides the age gap it was ok even though I still dislike the teacher. I cannot say I really enjoyed this one. I think I already had an idea that I would not enjoy it that is why I left it as the only History series I had not watched for so long.

why does it feel like them getting from point A to B is going to HURT.

(re "My Only 12%") No worries, it's basically a sweet watch. The Santa/Earth BL that's tougher to watch is their episode of "7 Project", with some really heavy, nasty bullying.

I think I like Earth much better in this than UMWA.

Yup, the role fits him really well and was, for me, the turning point in how I view Earth as an actor. I also did not like him in UWMA; yes, he does the distressed stuff really well, but the character was annoying (to put it mildly), and the love story with Korn was a total fail for me. Same for his character (Tar) in LBC.

I am really going to miss being here often.

Noooo!  Don't leave me!!!

 American Fan:
I hope you get a chance to watch this drama soon, P43425!

I'm slow to get around to stuff, but no worries, I still have your recommendation list, which I cross off as I watch them ...


... but that being said, it looks like September is gonna be a busy month for new releases!

My current obsession Nagumo Shoma

"I call dibs." (Sorry, you weren't fast enough.)
So he's now #38 on my "exclusive rights" list (or as American Fan would say, my "harem".)


I just watched today's Episode 9 of my favourite airing BL "Takara no Vidro". Have I mentioned how much I totally love love love this series? Among the other treasures in this episode (excuse the feeble wordplay), I like how the perspective is shifted to Takara, right from the opening. Multi-perspectivity is a technique that often works for me.

I also watched Episode 4 of "Sugar Dog Life" (still no news on an international release, grrrr) and am lovin' it as the relationship between the student and the cop slowly blossoms.

And of course, Monday also means "Battle of the Writers". Fingers crossed ...

 American Fan:

You're welcome and I'm so happy you enjoyed it!! Hate to break it to you though...Nam Shi Ah is already on my fav BL actor list. Sorrrrry, not sorry!

Aw man…let’s share?


omg I finally watched the first ep of My Only 12% and have you guys lead me astray with the promise of a cute drama? Because it most definitely is adorable— but why does it feel like them getting from point A to B is going to HURT.

  • I think I like Earth much better in this than UMWA.
  • Santa!!! I follow him on all the socials, but had only ever watched him in Between Us and competing on Fantasy Boys. He does cute high school boy really well.

Anyway, I feel good about this one. It feels homey.

Oh yeah I cried a lot in this drama lol (it may just be me since I’m so emotional) 

But I’m glad ur enjoying so far! 

@RXinw we’ll miss u!! Make sure to get enough rest. I hope that ur work goes well Hia <3 

@p43425 I love Cooheart and honestly loved his character in UWMA (am I the only one who watched the series just to see the KornIntouch scenes?) 

But yeah, I hated his character and story in LBC (although I kinda just hated the whole series in general lol) 

So I guess I’m the only one who cried when Cake and See-Eiw parted when Cake went to America? And when See-Eiw’s mum died and everyone was crying? And when See-Eiw finally talked to his dad? Ok, that confirms it: I’m way too emotional lol

@p43425 I love Cooheart and honestly loved his character in UWMA (am I the only one who watched the series just to see the KornIntouch scenes?)

Cooheart can be very cute and sweet, but as to your question: Yes, out of 66,120 MDL watchers, it seems you are the only one. Revel in your uniqueness!

LBC (although I kinda just hated the whole series in general lol)

I love it despite its flaws (especially the awful Tin/Can ending, before they sloppily retconned everything in LBC2). Part of this is coloured by nostalgia, as it's one of the first Asian BLs I watched, but it's also because I am generally willing to overlook a lot of flaws in favour of the good.

I guess I’m the only one who cried

Naw, I also get very emotional and teary at all that kind of stuff, but at least I knew where the series was going in the end.

August Challenge Day 26 ~

What music genre do you listen to the most? Share some favorite songs from your playlist.

I have two genres I listen to the most and which one depends on whether or not I want words. 

For words, it's Rock music, or anything hard hitting. I'll listen to anything from Halestorm and In This Moment, as they have been my favourites for the last decade and are still my all time favourites in the genre. 

A few of my favourites from these groups are ~

Halestorm ~ Mz Hyde  //   I Like it Heavy  //  Black Vultures  // Back From The Dead  // Raise Your Horns

In This Moment (Uses vocal fry/scream if that's not your thing)  ~  Roots   //   Big Bad Wolf  //  Natural Born Sinner  //  Scarlet

I've been discovering Asian Rock lately and have been loving anything from the following ~

 ONEWE ~ First song I heard AuRoRa

THE ROSE ~ First song I heard Alive

ONE OK ROCK ~ First song I heard Stand Out Fit In

and of course, the one who paved the way for me ~ 

<3 HIDE ~ Damage  

X Japan ~ Scars

Moving on the other genre, when I want the world to be quiet, I move to instrumental. I guess this would be considered more trailer/bgm as opposed to classical, although I do listen to classical as well. 

For actual classical, that's Paganini  because I love violin music. 

Other honourable mentions are Audiomachine, Cezame Trailers, Hans Zimmer, Thomas Bergersen/Two Steps From Hell.

Viola BGM

I Will Find You ~ The whole La Belle Epoque album is beautiful 

Black Blade

I do have a preference for celtic, nordic and asian genre instrumentals or anything that appeals to the myth and folklore nerd in me. I'm subscribed and try to support all these composers linked.


Quest Beyond the Horizon

Spirit of the Wild

Baba Yaga


And a very special one for deeply personal and spiritual reasons, although this one has folkloric lyrics ~ 

Flower Maiden  

Music is language of the soul. Words are good when someone can sing or scream what your feelings. It's a whole other level when someone can create something that reaches deeper and speaks to you, without saying anything at all <3

ABBA - Money, Money, Money => https://open.spotify.com/track/3lKN03PDeBnXZS7sDukRBt?si=9e6d8f6029714bd5
Rammstein - Mann gegen Mann => https://open.spotify.com/track/0GxIAMtKFYTQZpR1avO6HB?si=1ed4fa70ebda4447
Lisa - Money => https://open.spotify.com/track/7hU3IHwjX150XLoTVmjD0q?si=dc8df77ebbc542eb

Never thought I'd see Rammstein sandwiched by ABBA and Kpop Lisa LOL  You have a very eclectic list 

I don't watch horror and gore-- except when it comes in the form of a supernatural romance with horror elements. If this was an alternate universe, and I was to appear in a BL, I would definitely choose this type of genre.

My inspiration for this show would be Hotel Del Luna, The Spirealm, Midnight Museum, Sell Your Haunted House and the trailers for (the not yet released) Khemjira and Goddess Bless You From Death.

The set up would be the classical MC who can see ghost and the supernatural and is therefore tormented. He is later aided by a capable ML who get's involved with the MC because of his occupation/history. Our ML may also have clairvoyance, but to a lesser extent, and relies on his knowledge/intellect to help MC. There will be of course a lot of taking care of each other after injuries, quiet pining, arguments and  dramatic confession after a life threatening situation.

Supernatural romances are one of my top favourites <3 I said fantasy wuxia for mine. I don't know why my brain didn't mention supernatural elements but I guess they do appear in Wuxia occasionally LOL Your idea sounds awesome. I'd watch it. 

 American Fan:
Good ole country music. It's big in my state...the wife leaves the cheater, the cheater's dog dies and his truck breaks down. He's crying in his booze...

I actually spent the first half of my life in the Deep South - good ole Georgia (the Atlanta suburbs). I hated country music back then, but now that I live up north I really enjoy listening to it. I actually lived in New Hampshire for a long time and country music is surprisingly popular there despite being way up north. I am still not a huge fan of a LOT of country music (especially the absolute shit pop-country that was really popular in the 2010s - the stuff sang by men). There was a huge switch in the country music genre after 9/11, from like "working class woes" to "beer truck women America" - I think the genre is finally recovering though. Recent country music is much better than like 10 years ago. I enjoy country music sung by women from all eras though. Gimme a good "kill my cheating husband" song and I'll eat it up every time. 

Yonaguni - Bad Bunny

I <3 bad bunny. My fav is "Después de la Playa"  - seriously a fantastic party song. 

Si Antes Te Hubiera Conocido - Karol G

also loving her new song!!

Thank you Ash <3  maybe you're my BL twin. We hate the same stuff, maybe we like the same stuff too LOL

Out of everyone here, I feel like i'm most similar to you / might like similar stuff, starting from our sexualities lol. 

Has anyone claimed Babe Tanatat Phanviriyakool from The Sign yet?

he's again my son LMAO. i have so many children


he's again my son LMAO. i have so many children

haha, we'll co parent. Michael Chang needs a brother LOL


Out of everyone here, I feel like i'm most similar to you / might like similar stuff, starting from our sexualities lol. 

yeah, it definitely helps doesn't it? LOL I'll watch your lists haha. I created a BL list and including the shows I've dropped, I've only seen 24 shows. First note of Love will be 25. LOL Everyone else in this thread has lists the length of my arm lmao