Just curious, which one's are you referring to exactly (maybe I can give you a different opinion, or reinforce it lol)

Jazz For Two specifically. I misread which Why R U it was, though I do know parts of the Thai one are a dumpster fire by pretty much a consensus, but I feel like I need to experience Fighter/Tutor.

I'm on a high after Between Us and I just finished Not Me the other day. Both were top of the top for me. So I have to hit a wall at some point haha.


Jazz For Two specifically. I misread which Why R U it was, though I do know parts of the Thai one are a dumpster fire by pretty much a consensus, but I feel like I need to experience Fighter/Tutor.

I'm on a high after Between Us and I just finished Not Me the other day. Both were top of the top for me. So I have to hit a wall at some point haha.

Oh dang. I haven't watched Jazz for Two-- but Why R U was definitely a train wreck for me lol Maybe I'm an odd one out but I was actually more interested in Zon/Saifah than Fighter/Tutor so those covid episodes towards the end with only Fighter/Tutor where such a letdown  for me.  Either way-- I still suggest you give it a try and see if it's for you!

Between Us is literally one of my favorite shows and Not Me is objectively one of the best BLs I've seen-- so-- I get you!!!

Maybe try something cute and short next? I saw you had Star in My Mind in your PTW list (honestly it's not the greatest show ever, but I think it's cute and I'm addicted lol)-- or Semantic Error (this one  is a must, it's really really good)

Maybe try something cute and short next? I saw you had Star in My Mind in your PTW list (honestly it's not the greatest show ever, but I think it's cute and super addictive lol)-- or Semantic Error (this one  is a must, it's really really good)

Ooh maybe Semantic Error. I'm terrible at picking what to do next. I'll be all excited, click to start and then not be into it at all. I was debating My School President too. I only hear good things about that. Unknown is also near the top of the list. I am a sucker for Taiwanese dramas.

Okay, it's a long list. Ahhhhh.  I like cute, but I also really like things that have more of a deeper storyline, so Not Me was perfect for me. (Deeper not meaning random kidnappings and homicidal exes. Oof. Those drive me insane.)

I'm all over the place LOL. I so appreciate your thoughts!!! It helps.

I'll be all excited, click to start and then not be into it at all. I was debating My School President too.

My School President is a good one too! If I remember correctly, it pulled me in after the second episode, so give it a little time! It has great acting and a great ost. 

Unknown is on my PTW list too! 

I like hearing what other people have to say about shows too-- usually I still try them out to confirm if I like them or not, but at least I have fair warning of what I'm getting into!

seeing the ratings has made me think twice LOL

No need to rethink. Everyone has their own tastes. I am a touch cookie when it comes to giving series a high rating. 


Welcome To The Club! 

thank you~~



hello there!!

Takara no Vidro” (Gaga: “Takara’s Treasure” 2/11): Speaking of country mouse/city mouse, I seriously love this series. Actually, of everything I’m watching right now, I think this may be my fave.

“Hidamari ga Kikoeru” (Gaga: “I Hear the Sunspot” 2/12): Lovin’ this one almost as much.

I was going to wait until these two were done airing, but you make them sound so good...maybe I should watch them with you?  The only currently airing series I'm enjoying the most is We Are. The others that we are group watching, WG, MLMU! & Love Sea are all just okay for me. Plus only 2 more weeks to go for two of the series. So it balances out. 

Do you have plans to watch it though?

1. The Novelist
2. Spring Life
3. The Novelist Playback
4. Spring Life Continued

@ Emrys - plans to watch any of these. TBH, they are on my "I Will Not Watch" List. hehe. I have a delicate constitution and can't do intense graphics or extreme scenes most of the time.  I'm joking, but ONLY  just a little.  

Like, you know The Untamed? I finally watched it this year and I swear I was watching a horror show at times. I loved it a lot, but I had to skip over the gore, blood and so on. Pretty sure there were zombie-like creatures too. 

Secret Love poster and synopsis are here

Added to my special list!

Made a new banner template and so here's 3 new banners.

You banners are really cool! Thank you!

Dang. I had a few of those on my next to watch list and seeing the ratings has made me think twice LOL

Here's my input abt the series mentioned above, cuz I've seen them all. And my rating.

Unknown (Goes deep)  10/10

Jazz For Two (Medium deep) 9/10

Star In My Mind  (Enjoyable) 8/10

Why R U? (Thai)  (Fun & pretty light) 8/10

Semantic Error (I actually watched it twice, very rare for me) 10/10

My School President (My least favorite, but popular with many) 7/10

I think they are all worth watching as soon as you can, haha!

I finished Not Me this evening. I'm so glad I took the time to watch this one. The range of Gun's acting was so awesome. I admit that the first thing I saw Off and Gun in was Theory of Love. 

I am a touch cookie when it comes to giving series a high rating. 

Just because you said that I had to look at your ratings, in order from 10 down. As I got to the 7.5's and below, I started clutching my heart at some of the most excellent titles I saw listed. Ouch! You weren't kidding. I had to stop looking. :-)  :-)

Then I checked my list of 10's and I have 91 titles compared to your 11. I give them out left and right, haha 

Currently watching:

As Beautiful as You
Knock Knock, Boys!
Love Sea
Love the Way You Are
My Stand-in
SKZ Code
Sunset x Vibes
Takara no Vidro
The Rebound
The Trainee
This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans
Wandee Goodday
We Are

Another fun Perth YT vid. He talks about Y Destiny, which I haven't seen.  He's so sweet and down to earth to listen to.

 American Fan:
91 titles compared to your 11

Holy Crap that's a lot of favorites LOL   I think it takes a really deep story or  a series were the romance is just so perfect i can't help but give it a 9 or 10  haha  did you look at my PTW list for 2024 or Completed BL list because i think i have a little more then 11 but only like 2 series with a 10 lmao 


Holy Crap that's a lot of favorites LOL   I think it takes a really deep story or  a series were the romance is just so perfect i can't help but give it a 9 or 10  haha  did you look at my PTW list for 2024 or Completed BL list because i think i have a little more then 11 but only like 2 series with a 10 lmao 

I’m sooo stingy with 10’s, so I only have 1 (3 between 9-9.5) but I do tend to rate A LOT between 7 and 8.5. 

It’s so funny to realize how subjective everyone’s ratings are lol


The magical world of MDL haha