ROFLOL I did the same thing! Are you sure we weren't twins in another life???

I have finally found my twin in this club.

As a self-proclaimed connoisseur of NC scenes, I actually didn't care for the NC scenes in 4 minutes that much. I don't like when they're just done for the sake of salacious content and/or the chem between the MLs or build up to it, isn't there.

Yup definitely twins.

I think this was my fave epi so far. It left ya girl cheering like a proud Mama of her boys. *wipes tear*


YESSSS! To all you said in this post.

We Best Love

One of the best BLs ever made. I refuse to believe otherwise.

I'm looking forward to ep8. It looks good from the preview.

You will love it.


So I've finally watched 'Happy of the End' and I gotta say I'm not loving it so far. How does everyone else feel about it? I've caught up in the chat so I'm off to grab a bite to eat and then find something light and fluffy to balance things back out. 

I have yet to watch too much on my plate school and work wise.

YT is mad at my ad blocker atm and keeping the screen black

That's interesting, cuz I have Adblock Plus (free version) and after a recent update they now abort YT ads after 2-3 seconds and goes to the vid.  I'm wondering what YT will counter back with...

My top favorite currently airing series to the last.

  1. The On1y One: I'm in love with everything about this show. And the hot teachers.
  2. Addicted Heroin: A close favorite to #1 
  3. Hidamari ga Kikoeru: I'm at EP 9 and haven't caught up to the current ep. yet
  4. First Note of Love:  The last ep felt like a close repeat of the previous ep. Not much difference to me.
  5. Battle of the Writers: Pretty much a week-by-week decision to keep watching, for now.


starts tomorrow!!

I'M SOO EXCITED FOR KIDNAP!!!!!! Ohm and leng seemed to have really good chemistry in the trailer!!

Here's me shamelessly spamming all the new insta pics from the lita jp cast

Spam away!! I can't wait for this series for so many reasons. One is wth will a Japanese version look like? I'm dying of curiosity. 

I am super excited about kidnap too and in the poster on the kidnap page I see a plushie on the bed and if that is gonna be going on sale on the gmmtv shop I will so buy it cause it is super cute. lol XD! ♡♡♡

So I've finally watched 'Happy of the End' and I gotta say I'm not loving it so far. How does everyone else feel about it?

Same. Gritty and seedy, and not in a good way, at least not yet. Nevertheless, I'll probably watch it to the end because that's what I do, not least because I often wind up liking things more as they go along.

 American Fan:

starts tomorrow!!

I am very excited.

Same. Gritty and seedy, and not in a good way

For some reason this description is appealing to me lol

I saw people mention Lovesick 2014 and wanted to note that I have seen it. It was my first BL way back in 2014/15. I will start watching it when the new one comes and maybe can better assess. But the original was very wholesome for me. There was drama elements that made me hit my head on things, but it really is kind of the OG BL in my opinion so it was the start of so many cringe trends, but trends that really are nostalgic.  I am looking forward to seeing if they recreate it directly or not.

I have finally found my twin in this club.

Yup definitely twins.

*GRIN* Of course that now begs the question.... is that a good thing or a bad thing? I'll let y'all decide that one. *whistle* 

One of the best BLs ever made. I refuse to believe otherwise.

It's definitely in my elite top picks for sure vying back and forth for 1st place with Unknown. I loved every moment in it's entirety, the special ep, and it's sequel. It totally blew me away in all aspects and it's the standard to which I hold all BLs, from Taiwan or not. Actually, now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure it was my first TBL and what made me fall in love with them in the first place. It was also my intro to VIP Only... wait...or vice versa. Now while I'm writing this, I honestly can't remember which one it was that I watched first and it's starting to feel a whole lot like the age old chicken or the egg debate. LOL! 

Fun fact: Speaking of which... Stan Huang who played Gu Jing in 'VIP Only', is also starring in our current favourite 'The On1y One', playing the role of Shi Yu.

I have yet to watch too much on my plate school and work wise.

Ah yes, right! I hope you're adjusting ok. I didn't rush to watch this one either and waited until I freed up some time myself. Honestly, you might feel differently of course, but I'm just really meh about it so far.

 American Fan:
That's interesting, cuz I have Adblock Plus (free version) and after a recent update they now abort YT ads after 2-3 seconds and goes to the vid

I use it too and that's what used to happen with everything blocked just fine all the time. Then I started getting this pop up instead of the vid in the same viewing area that says something along the lines of "You are using an ad blocker. Please disable to view this video." or something like that. Then Ad Blocker started blocking that msg, but still giving me a blank black screen in the video area instead, like they erased the msg, but not the block. Sometimes if I refresh it a few of times in a row, the vid finally shows up as played and I just have to hit replay. Other times I have to go away and leave it for a good long while and then the next time I try it, I finally get back to the the played vid ready to replay screen. Then for a while, it just goes completely away and vids play as per usual until it suddenly pops up again, days or weeks later. No rhyme or reason for how it happens except it seems to coincide with google/chrome window updates. I've tried several other blockers, but they don't make any difference and some of them block the YT shorts, cuz I guess it comes across as a pop up because they're only 60 seconds long, so I have to uninstall them. Oh well, it is what it is.

Leng kinda looks a bit like Tor in the trailer!

I use it too

Sorry if my question is bothersome: You've prob also uninstalled Adblock and then reinstalled again recently?

ETA: My recent Chrome update messed with Adblock, so that's what I did and it works fine now.