Omg the product placement freaking kills me and so often it's done so awkwardly that it pulls you right out of the story. Annoying AF, not gonna lie. It's probably one of the reasons I liked 'The Sign' so much... cuz there wasn't any! LOL!

I don't think I'd mid it so much if it wasn't so obvious. Like a commercial within the show. They do it so often now that it's just funny. especially when they do the drinks and the actors hold the drink so awkwardly. Kills me every time. 

So I'm currently finishing Unintentional Love Story and I'm conflicted. I wanna feel bad for the MC but what's happening is literally his fault; I'm sad for the other MC because of what he's being put through. :(

OK I actually had to go back to the end of 4 to see if I have skipped the episode LOL we're are jumping into a sub teacher. Mmmok

LMAO! I did the exact same thing. I was like wait, did I miss an epi? *head scratch*

Why do I feel like I know this actor?  ok this is the 2nd time I've stopped this show and its been 1 minute LOL

I thought the same. I think it's cuz he looks very similar to the Thai teacher that has been in quite a few BL shows, most recently being 'My Love Mix-Up' and 'We Are', Na Thanaboon Wanlopsirinun. Don't go by his MDL photo tho, cuz I almost didn't recognize him from

Ok it's an exam. My subs said competition so I was expecting something public on stage

Me too! 

Today's wisdom ~ Often our failures are not failures. They're detours to somewhere better. 

Love this. It reminds me of those quotes "When one door closes, another one opens." and/or "When God closes a door, He opens a window." I think there's also one that says something about every time you fail or something goes wrong for you, it's because God has better plans for you, or something like that.

Wangsnack? What does that mean he changed his thread and name? Did he unfriend him? LOL 

I think it's referring to his photo being changed to just black.

"Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards"

Another really awesom quote!

Finally get to see Ep 11 of I hear sunspot. 

I freaking love this show too!

Has anyone claimed Bas Asavapatr Ponpiboon because I am claiming him RIGHT DAMN NOW!!!!

Don't think so? And Joong.... drool worthy as always. Thank you kindly to your donation to my saliva... and other glands. *curtsy*

Everything has it's audience but, where is the line in the sand? I will be interested  to see. 

Very good point. It's like that whole fan service thing that makes most international fans cringe because of the intensity level and the downright open refusal that an onscreen CP is not one in real life and the absolute hatred that is given when it's proved otherwise.

Does anyone know if there will be a season 2?

One can only hope. I think it would be easy to create one because of how the story is going too. *fingers crossed*

 American Fan:
as I don't want to marry

Oh, there you are :) I was wondering what happened to my other half (opposites attract) and I see we have another similarity.

Don't think so? And Joong.... drool worthy as always. Thank you kindly to your donation to my saliva... and other glands. *curtsy*

I serve at the pleasure of your visual stimulation madam.

Re: The Rebound - episode 4

Yes I am moving that slow as I am still binge watching the American TV series Scandal lol

I have a question is it really so liberal in shower rooms with athletes just out in the open for each other to see? I could never!!! I cannot tell the last time my mom even saw me naked matter of fact can't even tell the last time a friend even saw my ankles lol. 

When grandma said she is lucky to have so much help to make desserts with Atom and Ryu being there, I said it is not luck, and started singing, "Zen's milkshake brings all the boys to the yard" lol screaming.

 American Fan:
Yeah, I started it but I'm not thrilled about it. I don't feel like reliving covid era. Too many bad memories and losses that affected me personally. It's prob a no-go for me. :-(

I didn't enjoy it that's for sure, and it was an immediate and major turn off for me (strike one) as well as all the trying to figure out who is who and part of which friend group, and who likes who and is going to be a side CP in the show (strike two). When too many characters and/or possible side CPs are introduced, I start feeling like IDGAF about any of them and all it does for me is make the story more complicated than enjoyable. I'm going to give it at least one more epi, maybe two if they're lucky, to see if they can turn my opinion around despite it. But yeah so far it's the first BL I might drop immediately or at the very least, put on hold for a much, much, later date.

many of you are in the *craving new content* state, because you have seen it all already from the last several years, so you're having a different experience than I am overall right now.

Same, tho I'm definitely getting there fast.

I am now off to watch Happy of The End.

Let me know how that goes cuz I haven't started it yet.


How big of a mistake will I be making if I watch Tonhon Chonlatee? lmao

I've heard the most cringe and unhinged things about this show for a long time, and the curiosity is getting to me!

I really liked that one. It sure put Khao in a different light after first seeing him in his more recent There's also some very nice eye candy moments. I'd say go for it!


It won’t let me quote a long post, I hope I can tag, @MeNotYou asked how I was looking Love Sea…

i finished it sometime yesterday and here’s what I thought 

Overall: so, already  I went into it with low expectations because I’d heard/been told a lot of people were dropping it. Because of that, I think i enjoyed it more than I would have if I had gone in with high hopes. There were several moments that I thought were funny that I had to rewind to watch again, like when Rak ordered Muk to get Mut underwear. I did skip around a lot, and I got annoyed when Mut was meeting with the dad while Meena was with him. I was yelling at my screen “get that child out of there!” (^_^;) I thought the mature scenes were done well, and I didn’t hate Rak chasing after Mut in the end. So, didn’t love it, didn’t hate it. I doubt I’d watch the whole thing again, but I would definitely rewatch certain episodes or moments

The whole just @ tags don't work for me either, so I usually pick a sentence to highlight and quote from them to reply to. I felt the same way as you about it. I watched it in real time so I didn't have the advantage of hearing how peeps felt about it, but yeah I didn't see a lot of actor/character growth between LITA and it and it kinda felt like the same story just told slightly differently, so while the NC scenes were great as to be expected of them, I was kinda disappointed over all. But like you, there were a lot of good rewatchable scenes/moments, so not a total write off for me and sometimes, I find when I can binge a show, I sometimes end up liking it more than when I watched it epi by epi. You can miss or forget so many little things/subtle nuances/underlying msgs or undertones etc. in that week long wait that can often make a epi look and feel different otherwise.

 American Fan:
I've been thinking about the new Gay Marriage Law in Thailand and how that might affect BL drama stories in the future.  Would it change character behaviors, expectations, dialogues, endings...etc.

Me too because so many prior BLs seemed to emphasize not having it in their storylines, so I think it will have a positive impact in ThBLs down the road. Hopefully that translates into better stories and directorial decisions. *fingers crossed*.

Want to try and watch it this weekend? I'll do my best not to let you down. 

Ok, that works for me if it works for you. It might force me to keep and maintain that only 2-3 epi guideline since the weekend currently holds the most shows I'm watching. *grin* If we add e/o to our friend list, we can dm e/o while we watch in real time. I used to do that with another person. We'd pick a show to watch together and binge it over the course of the weekend since we were two hours apart. It was fun and almost like sitting in the same room Also, that allows us to decide where to stop or if we wanna keep going too. Thoughts?

I wasn't bored at all because we share the exact same thoughts. I'm new to BL (just this year) and have only watched so many because I'm stuck at home with torn ligaments and meniscus on either side of my knee, and therefore can't do much else, but I've been having the same thoughts and probably why my opinions on fan favourites are so different from most. I've guess I've been spoiled by the good stuff coming from elsewhere

Get well soon *heart emoji*

I am glad my post sparked discussion and opened the floor for opinions.

When I started watching BLs 26 months ago, I ended up watching more Thai BLs just because there were so many of them. This discussion group was just as lively but very biased against Thai BLs. Instead, there were many people who strongly preferred JBLs and KBLs to the point that if you liked Thai BLs, you would not get the support we now have for one another. I'm glad the group has changed for the better.

For many here who want to see our beloved BLs change for the better, I think they are headed in the right direction. For me, I have to remind myself about expectations, that BL's history comes partially from yaoi   (やおい) and Shōnen-ai[b] (少年愛, lit. "boy love"). Beginning in the 1970s it was used to describe a new genre of shōjo manga (girls' manga) featuring romance between bishōnen (lit. "beautiful boys"), a term for androgynous or effeminate male characters. Keeping this in mind, you can see how many of the BLs produced today have followed the same formula, esp. if they're manga adaptations.

After finishing over 200 BLs, I've already seen positive changes from older (and numerous) BLs to the ones we have gotten in the last few years:

  • Although many of us may be enjoying the NC scenes of 4Minutes, the plot and mystery has intrigued me more. I have some guesses and have read similar thoughts, but I can't wait to solve all the mysteries. Crossing my fingers that there will be very few plot holes. I also enjoyed the plot, mystery & fantasy aspects of these shows: My Stand-In,  The Sign
  • I loved the music in About Youth and My School President.  These were both fairly low-angst, feel-good types of shows that were well-done.
  • Love for Love's Sake I found this drama different and compelling.
  • For realism, these shows have won me over: 
    • His.  A dramatic show with a child custody battle. Engaging and heartwarming. A hidden gem.
    • I Told Sunset about You (and its sequels) This series is one of the best coming of age LGBTQ+ stories I have seen. Set in Phuket, the scenery is breath-taking. It's well-acted, well-directed, and I loved it. In Teh, we have a character confused about his sexuality as he finds himself attracted to his long-term crush Tan and to Oh-aew, his former best friend with whom he has recently reunited. 
    •  Last Twilight which dealt with disability and transplant.
    • The Eighth Sense and Bed Friend which impressed me with the use of anti-depressant and counseling for dealing with trauma.
    • Moonlight Chicken. It still amazes me that there were only 8 episodes because they were able to pack so much storytelling.
I'm looking forward to Kidnap. I will watch anything with Ohm in it....I hope it's good :)

I haven't seen any of Ohm's stuff yet. They're on my never ending list.

Just a clarification, Beauty Newbie is a remake of My ID Is Gangnam Beauty and not my favorite True Beauty. 

Frack I did it again! SMDH. This is the only show I do that with and for the life of me I don't know why I constantly mix those two titles up. I KNOW which is which, but I always seem to write the wrong title every freaking time I talk about them. Every. freaking. time. I usually realize it right after I write it, but because I'm playing catch up as fast as I can rn, I missed it this time. Sorry about that and thanks for the correction.

I don't think I'd mid it so much if it wasn't so obvious. Like a commercial within the show. They do it so often now that it's just funny. especially when they do the drinks and the actors hold the drink so awkwardly. Kills me every time. 

Me too, although the drinks don't interrupt the flow of the story like the other do and can be inserted much more organically, so I don't mind them nearly as much. The toothpaste one and face cleansers tho drive me insane and there are others that are inserted so badly and randomly that it's exactly like a commercial break, since you get booted right out of the story because of it. It's the same when someone starts speaking random English for no reason. In some shows the scene calls for it like when they have to converse with English speaking characters for example, but other times, it's so jarring and unnecessary.

I have a question is it really so liberal in shower rooms with athletes just out in the open for each other to see?

Yep it is, especially for guys. Sometimes there's side dividers that may or may not go from ceiling to floor, like in 'The Rebound', and I think girls may get stalls with curtains for doors, but generally speaking, it's just a big ol' wide open tiled room with x amount of shower heads lined up in a row for the guys. I think that's why a lot of athletes are so relaxed about their nakedness and seeing other men nude. You get used to it I guess. Plus let's face it, most good athletes usually have decent bodies so that probably tends to eliminate most body insecurities.

Zen's milkshake brings all the boys to the yard" lol screaming.

ROFLOL I did the same thing! Are you sure we weren't twins in another life???

I freaking love this show too!

I'm really enjoying how wholesome it is. 

Get well soon *heart emoji*

((Hugs)) Thank you. On the mend for the most part, but I do believe my career in Retail Mgmt is over since I can no longer stand for longer than 15 mins at a time. Anyone know of a good sit down or remote Office job available?  Contrary to how it appears on here, I AM good with

Although many of us may be enjoying the NC scenes of 4Minutes, the plot and mystery has intrigued me more. I have some guesses and have read similar thoughts, but I can't wait to solve all the mysteries. Crossing my fingers that there will be very few plot holes. I also enjoyed the plot, mystery & fantasy aspects of these shows: My Stand-In,  The Sign.

As a self-proclaimed connoisseur of NC scenes, I actually didn't care for the NC scenes in 4 minutes that much. I don't like when they're just done for the sake of salacious content and/or the chem between the MLs or build up to it, isn't there. Like you, I'm there for the story and the mystery too and probably why I also enjoyed MSI and TS so much too, tho the chem between the MLs was VERY evident in those!

Love for Love's Sake I found this drama different and compelling.

I LOVED Love for Love's sake! I found it really fascinating. I also liked so many of the others you mentioned too!

I'm really enjoying how wholesome it is. 

Gah! I've now commented on so many shows back to back I can't remember which one we were talking about now. I really have to start putting names in my replies cuz I talk waaaay too much, especially when I'm playing catch up!

Ok so I may have to drop Peaceful property if things don't change because the constant, high volume, theatrical and over-the-top screaming in every epi, for the majority of the epi, has now gotten hard to take. I feel sorry for anyone using earphones to watch it. RIP eardrums. Only the second epi so far and it's already giving me headaches.

The lead singer's vocals are so incredible and unique to me.

Woosung is amazing and so hot too! His voice is a gift.

Oh, there you are :) I was wondering what happened to my other half (opposites attract) and I see we have another similarity.

Lol. I've been really distracted today. Tried to pay for my groceries with my library card, literally. My mind is involved in my current art project and couldn't even make dinner for myself. It's scary at times to feel so detached from everything.

Opposites unite!! (High 5!)


Gah! I've now commented on so many shows back to back I can't remember which one we were talking about now. I really have to start putting names in my replies cuz I talk waaaay too much, especially when I'm playing catch up!

lol it happens...we were talking about I hear the sunspot

lol it happens...we were talking about I hear the sunspot

It's the downside with playing catch up to multiple missed pages of comments in a single go...LOL! 

I love the more unique story of IHTSS and I found it to be a refreshing departure from all the workplace and ordinary/overdone school romance storylines. I mean sure it still sort of takes place in a school, but rather than the focus being on the school and the students per se. It's more about a development that happens to originate there and focuses on the development itself, rather than just the place and regular student life occurrences...if you get what I mean. 

As a woman who used to babysit a partially blind, deaf, and mute 6 yr old little girl when I was just a preteen, it hits a special place in my heart too. Remembering all the learning of ASL, the fingerspelling when I didn't know or couldn't remember how  to say a specific word, and just the whole learning to communicate with someone in a different way...gave me the feels big time. Who knows, maybe it's part of the reason why I'm so good with non-verbal cues and pretty good at reading a room in minutes It's also probably why I have a soft spot for the new KPop group, Big Ocean, which consists of three hard of hearing members who incorporate KSL into their dance routines and "MV".