Chun Mo Rionnag:
Yes. It has NOTHING to do with MDL. It's a secure messaging app that has been in the news A LOT recently for all the wrong reasons. It is one of the many messaging apps used by criminals.  

Well Shit!!!  LMAO It all goes down in the BL thread, damn, American Fan don't do it!! Think of your kidneys LOL

 Chun Mo Rionnag:

Yes. It has NOTHING to do with MDL. It's a secure messaging app that has been in the news A LOT recently for all the wrong reasons. It is one of the many messaging apps used by criminals.  

I use it for the many BL channels there; however, unless you know how to secure your privacy, remain relatively anonymous, and are good at keeping your devices clean of malware and virus infections, I would be wary of using it.  If this is a new friend, I would caution against moving off-site when you have DMs available here at MDL.

Oh wow! Yeah, I don't want to go off this site unless I know or feel comfortable with someone. There are a lot of apps out there and maybe different ones by regions of the world. I do use Line and Whatsapp and I don't need more. I won't give them out either, even though I was asked.

I think they mean well, but the direct messaging here is good enough.


Well Shit!!!  LMAO It all goes down in the BL thread, damn, American Fan don't do it!! Think of your kidneys LOL

I'm thinking of more than just my kidneys, lol.

Nothing is happening and all is well.

 American Fan:
I think they mean well, but the direct messaging here is good enough.

Indeed! I have two, BL-loving friends from MDL with whom I communicate outside MDL; however, we only moved to a secure messaging app (never WhatsApp) when our DMs ran into the 10s of pages over many, many months and it was easier to talk than type. 

 Chun Mo Rionnag:

Indeed! I have two, BL-loving friends from MDL with whom I communicate outside MDL; however, we only moved to a secure messaging app when our DMs ran into the 10s of pages over many, many months and it was easier to talk than type. 

What are their accounts so I can follow

 Chun Mo Rionnag:
Indeed! I have two, BL-loving friends from MDL with whom I communicate outside MDL; however, we only moved to a secure messaging app (never WhatsApp) when our DMs ran into the 10s of pages over many, many months and it was easier to talk than type. 

What are some other messaging apps? I only know about Whatsapp (which I use) and telegram.


What are some other messaging apps? I only know about Whatsapp (which I use) and telegram.


also whoever mentioned smells like green spirit... definitely watch it.. definitely an underrated gem because it hasn't been officially picked up yet. just fansubbers

 Chun Mo Rionnag:

Ugh. So episode 9 of "Battle of the Writers" (Thailand, 2024) drops with two, back-to-back NC scenes.

It was the plot delivery that was the issue. This is what you do? I despair!

And, Yim's voice still sets my teeth on edge.

i only got to like 2 episodes of that show.. is it worth continuing?


First note of love and I saw you in my dream. I haven't started them but they look good

first note of love kinda drags.. it feels like one of those soft launch a music career from tv show because the musical elements are so long. which i guess yeah.. it's a music show.. but still.. i liked the actor in history 4 but i stopped around ep 5.,

i was kinda bored and they keep showing how bro was a kid when they met when actually only the younger kid actor changed, and the older guy doesn't look younger when he's supposed to be in the flashbacks, so it just makes it look weirder..

i saw you in my dream i considered watching out of boredom because there's so many episodes out already and i'm intrigued that they're bringing back dream bls. like i genuinely don't think anyone else has watched my dream the series because it was an old show. it was like a fever dream

it makes me wanna go back to all those 2018~ bls like my bromance the series and like re-watch to see how far we've come

 Chun Mo Rionnag:
Ugh. So episode 9 of "Battle of the Writers" (Thailand, 2024) drops with two, back-to-back NC scenes.

It was the plot delivery that was the issue. This is what you do? I despair!

I honestly don't know what I'm watching. 

I'm kinda saddd lmao 

Like NOTHING happened. 

Where are my side couples? 

At this point, for those peeps still watching battle of the writers, must I beg you to stop torturing yourself? Please, I hate to see it lol


What are some other messaging apps? I only know about Whatsapp (which I use) and telegram.

There are so many. You need to find one that is right for you, so read reviews, look closely at the cons, and then decide. Then you have the task of convincing others to join you there since most folks don't care about security, safety, or privacy; it's all about convenience.


At this point, for those peeps still watching battle of the writers, must I beg you to stop torturing yourself? Please, I hate to see it lol

I'm a completionist, so no matter how bad, I go to the bitter end,  it took me six years to finish reading "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance", but I succeeded despite hating every second I spent on it.


So glad you enjoyed it - one of my personal faves. Young first love at its best!

Agreed! It was cute and fun! 


At this point, for those peeps still watching battle of the writers, must I beg you to stop torturing yourself? Please, I hate to see it lol

Ikr!! I’m surprised anyone can hold on for so long lol 

I will eventually end up finishing it (it’s currently on my On-Hold list) but for now, I’ve decided to stay well away from that monstrosity 


At this point, for those peeps still watching battle of the writers, must I beg you to stop torturing yourself? Please, I hate to see it lol

Can't do it. At this point I'm kind of invested, because I want to know how they're going to end this-- and surprisingly this show still hasn't triggered my drop button-- 

I do occasionally drop shows, but it's arbitrary, all vibes no logic.