I am not about to corrupt a friend.

HaHa, thxs!



Oh yes, we should definitely do a group watch for Battle Of The Writers!! Anyone else?

Already on my BL calendar! Which is Tomorrow!!!!

Guys is it me? Am I the problem here? Be honest with me am I being unreasonable with this series?

Yes, it's you. "Love Sea" is the best-written BL drama ever, and every episode just keeps getting better. You are the problem. (Just kidding.)

P.S. My sarcasm does not diminish my love for Fort & Peat.

Guys is it me? Am I the problem here? Be honest with me am I being unreasonable with this series?

RE: Love Sea

I will validate your feelings 100%. You are also confirming my gut decision to ditch this drama (at EP 6)  as the right one.  


Question, is anyone aware of this series? I came across it on YouTube last night. I cannot find it here. I have no idea what it is about because I have yet to watch. It appears to be currently airing via its YouTube channel.


which language is this ?

Yes, it's you. "Love Sea" is the best-written BL drama ever, and every episode just keeps getting better. You are the problem. (Just kidding.)

P.S. My sarcasm does not diminish my love for Fort & Peat.

for a minute i thought you were serious, idk why im watching it at this point , oh yeah for FortPeat. 


Hi, can I join, please? (I hope I’m doing this right, I’m new to MDL and this is the first forum I’ve wanted to join, I hope I’m commenting correctly (´,,•ω•,,)♡ ) 

Hi Casper! I had a cat named Casper when I was little. I see that we both  like LOVE Jeff Satur,  F4 Thailand and Love In The Air!! I can't do many thrillers though.

And speaking of introverts (I saw your pfp comment), someone here asked the question about HS/Uni clubs. I could never bring myself to be a part of a club or group at school. Never. I could barely talk to other classmates most of the time, unless a friendly extrovert talked to me first. I was pitiful. Ugh!!


which language is this ?

I think it's Cambodian. 

I’m so ready for Battle of the Writers tomorrow !!!! (It’s time for TutorYim /internal screaming!!!)

RE: Love Sea— I got the episode spolied on twitter and now I don’t want to watch it!!! Like wtf is that dumb plot. (Tbh why am I even suprised, it’s Mame.)

The Heart Killer Updates:

Which aren’t updates. It’s just me screaming about Dunk.

I’m so ready for Battle of the Writers tomorrow !

Supposedly the uncut version will be on iQiyi, but it's not showing up yet. I think I'll wait for that.


Supposedly the uncut version will be on iQiyi, but it's not showing up yet. I think I'll wait for that.

Oh! Good to know! I’ll probably wait for that too!


Yes, Yes, he is you are free to pass out now, lol


Perfect Propose - episodes 1 - 3

I am not sure but I believe this is the first time a J-BL has satisfied my halfway mark requirements. Why did I not watch this sooner! I love it so far and that is monumental for me considering my feelings regarding J-BLs; looks like I just need to find the right ones for me. When Kai said "Because in the end you're going to be mine", my heart felt weird in a good way.

What I love about these characters is that they are direct with their feelings. Things just flow smoothly and no one is acting stubborn; no one is falling into the usual penchant of J-BL characters. Hopefully this continues throughout.

Yes I started this series on a whim after Love Sea's disappointment.

P.S I am glad you guys felt the same and I was just not over here being mental lol.

Hello. Can I join? (❁´◡`❁) Should I message someone If I want to?

Hello. Can I join? (❁´◡`❁) Should I message someone If I want to?

Welcome to the club!

No need to message anyone.

I hope you enjoy your time here. We are a very friendly bunch so do not be afraid to share your thoughts on BLs and ask questions or ask for series recs.