
I‘d love to join here!! :))

Welcome to the club :)

Is the NC scene better for 4 Minutes or TLDHLB?

*Gasps* how could you even ask that. Of course 4 Minutes was hotter lol.

On a serious note though both were amazing. I think each were complimentary to the nature of the individual series. For TLDHLB it was hot and tension sizzling with the chemistry most apparent between the leads. 

For 4 Minutes well I think I have been very clear on my explicit views lol. Can I just add that everyone in this series is good looking; sides and leads. I really want to know if @p43425 got to watch and what are his thoughts. I also hope @American Fan will get a chance to watch during her trip; I hope she is enjoying her trip.

I‘d love to join here!! :))


Can I please join!


I'm still trying to process the 1st episode of 4 minutes. I want to write something that leaves you with this many questions at the end of the first chapter.

I'm still trying to process the 1st episode of 4 minutes. I want to write something that leaves you with this many questions at the end of the first chapter.

The plot is so intriguing. The writers did not come to play. You might get ideas from this for your writing arsenal, so writing inspiration.  

Okay I am making too many posts for one page!


Source: X (Twitter)

Even though clips and photos are already circulating on social media I thought I would still share this information with you guys. I note that gifs were not mentioned. 

So another series to add to my currently watching list. I wonder how much it will take until I am overloaded *thinking emoji*

RE: Updates.

  • It was such a mistep for the production to release 4minutes when they don’t have clear release dates for the rest of the world. A lot of people are going to watch this show anyway they can, and probably won’t re-watch it when they have legal access to it. Plus, it takes so much steam off the promos for like twitter trends and stuff :(

The plot is so intriguing. The writers did not come to play. You might get ideas from this for your writing arsenal, so writing inspiration.  

I've been collecting ideas and getting them into a note book. I'm looking forward to using them in either my romance suspense novels or my urban fantasy mystery novels.

I can't watch 4 minutes on my laptop because it's a work laptop LOL. And I will do some watching on it but nothin that would get me fired. So I will be watching on my phone.

4 Minutes live reactions because I'm a nerd who would totally have Bible's babies. I mean... forget that. Anyway.

- Bible speaking English. Will never tire of it.
- He's a cat man, Savannah!
- He's a bad man, Savannah! Hit and run what?! Oh. Didn't happen just yet so uh.  Morally gray characters and all that.
- Character redemption already! WEEEE.
- Currently enjoying my mango. Has nothing to do with show but. Anyways.
- Me realizing man likely missed his exam. Ouch.
- That's a solid 10/10 butt.
- The lack of preparation for men in these always makes me worry for them. But... it's a show, I suppose.
- Not you grabbing the phone while your hot babe is all over you. And then lying about his existence in front of him?! Weowwwww. I'm gonna need to see growth here, buddy. Cus Tonkla deserves better. Show already has me fighting for Tonkla.
- There's cold shoulder and then there's eating on the opposite side of the room.
- These cars are so nice. My little car heart is fluttering.
- Imagine looking at someone and seeing your hot, sultry future with them. Wild.
- He still ran into him. Love that. Even trying to disrupt the future, sometimes you can't prevent parts of it. ~*fate*~


I'm a nerd who would totally have Bible's babies. I mean... forget that.

Not so fast *smirk emoji* I saw that!

- Currently enjoying my mango. Has nothing to do with show but. Anyways.


Not you grabbing the phone while your hot babe is all over you. And then lying about his existence in front of him?! Weowwwww. I'm gonna need to see growth here, buddy. Cus Tonkla deserves better. Show already has me fighting for Tonkla.

Right! Why do I feel like the father is going to introduce a girl to Korn for him to marry which will cause drama.

- Imagine looking at someone and seeing your hot, sultry future with them. Wild.

Now that is the ultimate foreplay lol

I really want to know if @p43425 got to watch and what are his thoughts.

Nope, I haven't yet started to watch either "4 Minutes" or "Long Beans". I think I'll show self-restraint and wait on them: I have so much going right now (plus also "Writers" starting Monday, which I absolutely must watch from day one because of my sincere and only modestly pornographic love for Tutor and Yim - so much for self-restraint).


Nope, I haven't yet started to watch either "4 Minutes" or "Long Beans". I think I'll show self-restraint and wait on them: I have so much going right now (plus also "Writers" starting Monday, which I absolutely must watch from day one because of my sincere and only modestly pornographic love for Tutor and Yim - so much for self-restraint).

Your comments on TutorYim always get me because SAME 


Finally! Dunk as Style for The Heart Killers.