I feel out numbered 


It's time to talk about the one and only Win from Thai BL Between Us.

Yes, just yes to all of your post in it's entirety. *heart eyes* 

Nice choice! I just finished watching Between Us very recently myself.

I can't even tell you how many times I've watched that and those special shorts spinoff. *Le sigh*


Nice! Thank you! Well in the story he is the son (Mer-Prince) to the Mer-King and he is being trained as a merwarrior and being groomed to be the next king. However, he is very much a lover and not a fighter and doesn't want to be the king. So, the delicate aesthetic wouldn't work for the character. I like your idea though, and that might work for another character in a different type of Mer BL story.

No not delicate, that's not what I meant at all cuz I was just talking about their face. He would still have a warrior's body (tbh, I've never seen a male merperson depicted in any story without a muscular physique) but with a face that's... how do I put this...almost angelic or maybe otherworldly would be a better word? Kinda like how the lore is that when a human becomes a vampire, everything amazing about their looks are suddenly magnified and they're beautified by 100000% because of the supernatural element. Ugh, I'm not sure I'm explaining this well enough. This is the time when a pic is definitely worth 1000 words!

 American Fan:
Yeah, the first time I saw pizza with tuna I almost gagged. :-(

I mean technically if it had white sauce on it instead of red sauce and lots of cheese, it'd kinda be a lot like a type of toasted tuna melt, which I do like... but still not something I'd actively choose...lol


Lmao yeah I like tuna, but idk if I would like it on pizza, but I love it in pasta like tuna noodle cassarole for instance.

Exactly. I think I'd be able to eat it if it was canned tuna and had a cream sauce base, but still not my first or even 20th choice. That said, as long as it wasn't like a raw tuna kinda thing, I'd try it if someone else ordered it. You can keep the raw tuna one tho. I may have a lot of cat traits and tendencies, but liking raw meat of any kind isn't one of them! LOL!

No not delicate, that's not what I meant at all cuz I was just talking about their face. He would still have a warrior's body (tbh, I've never seen a male merperson depicted in any story without a muscular physique) but with a face that's... how do I put this...almost angelic or maybe otherworldly would be a better word?

Ok, got'cha. I understand what you mean now.

 American Fan:

Just a little personal rant...

I now have 12 currently airing series, 10 are BLs, and I've never felt so much anxiety when I see my CW list. In the past it's never been more than 1 or 2 series at a time, since it was my usual habit to finish a series before starting another one. And I would binge watch shows after airing.

If I start one more new series I'm going to bang my head against the wall. My drama goal is to NOT start another new show until my list is reduced by about half.

Hoping by posting this I can make it a reality... and I need to make a note so I don't forget.

Lawd you would absolute have a melt down if you saw my ongoing list. I usually have anywhere from around 20-35 on it at any given time (obv not all BLs), and that's not counting the ones I rewatch or binge. And don't get me started on my plan to watch list. That sucker is nearing 200 by now methinks, and I keep adding to it with every recommendation or snippet of a show I happen to see that looks interesting! 

That said, realistically speaking, if you watch say just 2 or3 currently airing shows, one epi of each in a day, you'd be watching anywhere from 14-21 shows in a week with ease. It's the binging of entire shows that throws everything out of whack, especially the Chinese ones that are always at least 20-40 regular, 40-45min length eps, per show!

 American Fan:


Istg that sweet chili sauce is one of my most used condiments...lol


This is indirectly related to BL but, I wanna watch Chasity High (...because Yudai Toyoda from Cosmetic Playlover is in it...) and I wanna know if it's good? I haven't done any reading on the plot yet... 

ALSO does anyone know where to watch Billion X School?

Haven't seen either, but I found your Billion show, but without subs, if you're interested. I'm going to paste the link and see if it let's me. 


Day 30. Ask family/friends to describe you as a person. Choose 5 words, add your response and post here.

Sorry, I'm too lazy to be doing this. And it's awkward to ask my family/friends this kinda stuff.

The On1y One - episode 4

I need them romancing each other like now! The chemistry, shared looks and tension are setting me on fire. I feel like I am being mercilessly edged without release. At one point a spicy scenario flashed through my mind. I had to pull myself together. Tian and those glasses lawd have mercy.

Anyway, the dialogue between the leads about the present and future had so many good lines and I appreciated the writing there. I am definitely seeing the shift in how they are to each other; I have a feeling this series will meet my halfway mark preference.

Get out the cuffs Ocifer, cuz I absolutely love Pineapple on pizza. LOL!

My mind went elsewhere when I read the first words of this sentence lol.

Lawd you would absolute have a melt down if you saw my ongoing list.

Right! My CW list has about 55 series on it and my PTW list has nearly 700 series and movies on with most being BL.

Finally caught up! WOOT!

Comp still giving me grief, but it doesn't seem to be buffering as badly as it was all day, tho still nowhere near as fast as it normally is, which is why it took so freaking long to catch up here today...lol. And despite it being fully charged, if I unplug it, it immediately dies as if the battery is dead. Smdh. If anyone has any suggestions on how to fix it myself, I'm all ears.

Anyhoo, I did manage to catch the first epi of Peaceful Property today with TayNew and a bunch of the other GMMTV gang, that just started airing. For those who are thinking of giving it a pass (like I was going to) cuz of the "horror" element, don't. Unless something drastic changes in later eps, I wouldn't even remotely classify it as scary or even really a horror at all, tbh. For me at least, I found it to be more of a kind of a slapstick version than actually anything I'd consider dark/scary or suspenseful, and only a tad at that cuz there's well, dead people/ghosts in the story, so yeah, kinda necessary. 

For me, the only real ick factor of the show is the look of the "dead" people/ghosts our boy can "see". Your face will probably screw up like you just ate a lemon and you'll no doubt say something along the lines of "Brother EWW" or maybe "yuck", because well, they're supposed to be dead and looking icky like that after all (minus any kind of actual bloody gore, that is). There are a few super quick, but very minor/mild jump scare moments (to be expected when a character can "see ghosts"), but I found them to be almost more comical than actually scary when they happened and they were over as fast as they came.

Haven't quite decided how I feel about the show yet, but still willing to keep tuning in to see how it progresses. Besides seeing Tay in this role is rather hilarious.

I need to catch up on prompts. When I am awake. 

I need them romancing each other like now! The chemistry, shared looks and tension are setting me on fire. I feel like I am being mercilessly edged without release. At one point a spicy scenario flashed through my mind. I had to pull myself together. Tian and those glasses lawd have mercy.

Anyway, the dialogue between the leads about the present and future had so many good lines and I appreciated the writing there. I am definitely seeing the shift in how they are to each other; I have a feeling this series will meet my halfway mark preference.

Ikr? This is what I love about TBLs. Their ability to make tension palpable to the point where you feel like you're in the room with them is... Chef's kiss. And it's always just the right amount and the right level for the scene and/or story. Never under or overdone. I just love it when stories are well written and even better directed/produced. Everything always flows so smoothly along and if you get top notch acting on top of it, then nothing is more enjoyable to watch.

My mind went else when I read the first words of this sentence lol.

*GRIN* you don't say.....*whistle*

It's the binging of entire shows that throws everything out of whack, especially the Chinese ones that are always at least 20-40 regular, 40-45min length eps, per show!

Yeah those Chinese marathons can be brutal.  Oftentimes I'm stuck halfway through a never-ending drama, not sure whether to continue to the finish line or cut my losses. It's a big investment.

You DO have a long watch list!

Tian and those glasses lawd have mercy.

Right? They are the sexiest glasses I've ever seen. And his eyes. Love 'em!