American Fan:
were all over each other the WHOLE time, including kissing! Can I say AWKWARD & totally, completely uncomfortable?!?

oh my god , i can imagine , i truly feel sorry for you. i'm glad i've never met my friends with their partners now

 American Fan:
Lastly, I'm no writer for sure, but one day these little sentences came to me and I liked them.

A flower opens

A bird sings

The heart gladdens

Nature is hope.


Early morning

lying awake still

mind wandering

truth visits me.

- both by yours truly :-)

they're beautiful 

e (i have them stuck on the wall near my bed ) 

maybe i'll attach a picture before the challenge ends ? 

Loving all the Quotes <3



by Edgar Allan Poe
(published 1875)


From childhood's hour I have not been
As others were -- I have not seen
As others saw -- I could not bring
My passions from a common spring --
From the same source I have not taken
My sorrow -- I could not awaken
My heart to joy at the same tone --
And all I lov'd -- I lov'd alone --
Then -- in my childhood -- in the dawn
Of a most stormy life -- was drawn
From ev'ry depth of good and ill
The mystery which binds me still --
From the torrent, or the fountain --
From the red cliff of the mountain --
From the sun that 'round me roll'd
In its autumn tint of gold --
From the lightning in the sky
As it pass'd me flying by --
From the thunder, and the storm --
And the cloud that took the form
(When the rest of Heaven was blue)
Of a demon in my view --

It is too hot for her, haha. It's thundering and lighting outright; I'm guessing it's pouring. LOL. Sounds like it is. We need the rain because it's been way too hot for my liking. Here in New York, the humidity has felt like 100.

Same, the heat  is honestly too much- I hate London weather :(

 American Fan:
Oh my. You need a clone of you, haha.

That'd be too much for the world lmao XD

I will Dm you with the info and my unfiltered and first reaction to 4 Minutes if anything spicy happens in today's episode as promised lol.

Unfortunately nothing spicy yet but I'm still expecting to see ur reaction in future eps lol

 American Fan:

I forgot about your question and not sure if it got answered.

Wow that's a lot lol

But thx for the advice! <3

So Vie wis definitely dead.

She is?!

As the song goes, "You only miss the sun when it starts to snow".

Only know you love her when you let her go (well, in this case it would be 'him') 

Lol I love this song XD

Also when Chef and Wan were talking about workout in a sexual way in the beginning of the episode, mind you I had already watched 4 Minutes at this point, I was consumed by the thought of sex. Then I got to thinking, for a slim person like myself I am very unfit, because I highly doubt that I could get into any sexual position without having short of breath. I mean by that time I would be sweating and panting already I would have to just say to the person, lets just pretend we had sex and go eat some food and call it a night! Anyways my whole point in saying all of this is, one, I am hungry and two if you are with someone unlike me go and have some bomb sex just because you can! - and tell me about it later; I am joking...I will be asleep by then (if you do it right to make it last until dawn; take breaks in between). 

Wow I was not expecting that lmao 

 American Fan:
This reminds me of the struggle I just experienced during my visit with family last week. A young (trans) couple in my family were all over each other the WHOLE time, including kissing! Can I say AWKWARD & totally, completely uncomfortable?!? I really wanted the parents to take them aside and tell them to knock it off. TG it was for only one day and not the entire week. 

That sounds quite inappropriate. I mean, it's nice that the couple r comfortable with each other in public and stuff but they should be respectful of others too

 American Fan:
"Don't be afraid of opposition; remember, a kite rises against the wind."

I loved this one

 American Fan:
- both by yours truly :-)

Ooh, that's nice!

4 Minutes ep 2

I'm in LOVE with Jes, his  chemistry with Bible is just impeccable 

I wonder why Tyme is working with the suspicious girl...

Also, I can't help but ship Tongkla with that police officer, I can tell there's gonna be a lot of drama with that one

At first, I thought that Title was the deceased and Tongkla's brother but now I'm confused as hell- WHO WAS KILLED BY WHO? WHO'S TONGKLA'S BROTHER? Where's Dome? Where's View?

Ahh so many questions but I'm so hyped for this series, I'm really love it 

Dark Blue Kiss ep 1

Ok first, I LOVE the intro so much, the music is so mysterious, it sounds like one of those old dramatic royal dramas, u know? I just can't stop listening to it XD

And I can't believe how different PeteKao r from KaranAchi lol

I can tell this drama is gonna have A LOT of drama and I'm so excited for it XD

Day 3 of August Challenge: Share a quote/poem/haiku that best reflects the inner "YOU". Include author's name if possible

Well, there's one quote (quite old and well-known) that I love and use all the time.

"Don't judge a book by its cover." - George Eliot

 It's one of my favourite quotes- it sounds simple but it has such a deep meaning and can be used in so many different contexts 

Also, I just found a quote online that I quite like and want to share:

"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." - a beautiful and very inspiring quote by Dolly Parton

August Challenge Day 3 -

I had a hard time answering this one.  I tend to pick quotes more for how I'm feeling at a particular time or for needed inspiration.

But the answer is always in front of you,  so I pick a lyric more than a philosophical quote. It's the final line from the song Samhain Night by Loreena McKennitt. 

"I'll be a moon's breath from your side,"

For many years, I couldn't even speak the words out loud because it made me cry. If I'm being extra, I'd say the whole song is my quote but that one line hits a personal nerve.


A quote that best reflects the inner me is a line from the great speech delivered by Alexander the Great at Opis when his army threatened to mutiny; some historians regard it as the greatest speech in history.

"...For there is no part of my body, in front at least, remaining free from wounds..."

This is about to be a whole life story:

What he meant by this is that he has never run in retreat of the enemy hence all scars are at the front of his body and not on the back because he has faced all adversaries head on; death before dishonour. This quote reflects the inner me because I am not one to back down from anything in all spheres of my life even when the odds were stacked greatly against me. I remember when I was the outcast among the boys in school because I was the nerd and the boy he took his appearance seriously; we wore white shirts so while all the boys would play rough and get dirty I would go home in the evenings looking like how I left home with my white shirt white as snow. I wanted to show them that I was not just some nerd that there was more to me, so I joined the track team (oh yes I did). I was very underestimated and not taken seriously. However years later, now I look in my room and stare at my more than 40 medals, with only 2 being bronze and the rest a mix of gold and silver in the 100 and 200 metre sprints. I remember the year I had won Champion Boy in school as the most decorated athlete on campus, the boys in my class were pissed and their "leader" the so called cool guy who won the title the year before was not that happy. I could not care less lol and I went on to represent my school at the national level. 

However now that I had a taste of my potential there was no limit I placed on myself. "The mind, once stretched by a new idea, never returns to its original dimensions." - Ralph Waldo Emerson.

I was very shy so I wanted to push those limits. I joined a drama club and I got up on stage and performed poems and drama pieces. I was petrified the first time but I willed myself through it and ended up getting medals for performances. There are so many other things I had to face later on and I came out with achievements for them while dealing with hate, backlash, rude remarks said behind my back (because they can't say it to my face hehe) and discouragement from friends but I say this to underscore a quote from Rue McClanahan's speech when she won an Emmy in 1987 for her role as Blanche in The Golden Girls; "Every kick is a boost." 

I now developed this attitude that once I see a wall in my way I will bring it the fuck down or fail in trying. That is what matters; the fact that you TRY. Not everything will come easy. You will be faced by obstacles but:

"If you are to achieve anything in life, you must be prepared to snatch success from the jaws of failure" - RXinw

You will find that sometimes in pursuit of your dreams there will be tables that you are not invited to and oftentimes at those tables the main topic being discussed is you! That is absolutely fine because first of all, you know who you are so you do not need to be at a table like that because you are already a master of the topic (yourself), and second that table is too small for you and beneath you because small minds discussed other people.  You deserve to be seated at a round table surrounded by people who are for you (knights) not at a cheap bar table surrounded by hypocrites, liars and wastrels. 

Yes, you will fail at times but as the Jamaican expression goes, "Dem tink seh mi did done but mi jus a come!", meaning, as the current President of the United States, Joe Biden, would put it, "When you get knocked down you get back up!"; at least in this context that is what the expression means. "Do not look at where you fell, but where you slipped" - African Proverb.

At times you will not have the confidence to pursue your dreams but to hell if you are going to sit it out! Fake it until you make it! Bullshit your way through things and use that bullshit as manure and grow until you flourish. 

All in all to say, "Aim for the moon because even if you do not make it, you will be among the stars."

This has been my TED Talk lol.

This quote quote has nothing to do with what I said above and I do not know who said it but I found it on Printerest and decided to share:

"Once you lie to me, every truth you ever told me holds less value. How am I to distinguish black from white when you have painted everything grey."

Also this quote from Marco in Call It What You Want the series

"Do you want to be the bird in the cage or in the sky."

SunsetxVibes Ep8

This is another one of those shows I don’t quite know what to think of… so here’s a live review…

  • I’m trying hard to ignore it but the ‘khun dad’ pissess me off lmao
  • Ooooh seems like we’re jumping into the fantasy plot
  • That little cheater— and he’s a gaslighter too! good riddance Pim
  • I like how Moss cries/sobs, it’s really realistic
  • The heck, is she taking over his body??? Ok maybe not.
  • Whatever Sun is doing with that other girl is going to be such a pain to watch
  • Yep. I knew it.
  • But also like Lin is an idiot for not asking, and so are Pim and Yotha because can’t they ask Sun first. Salin JUST woke up from a coma wth
  • Give me SamYotha back NOW
  • Prim & Pim preview next week looks cute

August Challenge (DAY 3) - Quote

“This too shall pass” is not exactly a quote, but a Persian proverb.

A few years back my anxiety got the best of me and sent me into a crisis. It took me a long time to feel like I was myself again, at least partially.

During this time my therapist suggested I find a quote I wanted to live by that would help me ground my thoughts, and after I read the fable where this phrase originates from, I felt like this was it.

The meaning of this quote is that nothing is permanent. Not happiness. Not suffering. It reminds you to appreciate what you do have and to live in the moment, but also to look forward to a time when the things that aggrieve you, will no longer torment you. 

um i just read motivation quotes and two of my faves

Writing these down!! lol

I can see a bit of your handwriting 

Oh well, makes me more human.  :-)

they're beautiful 

Thank you!

maybe i'll attach a picture before the challenge ends ? 


by Edgar Allan Poe

I enjoyed this very much. Especially "in the dawn of a most stormy life" for some reason...

What is the demon that he is referring to?