Chun Mo Rionnag:

Um, that word is used in reference to the first, abandoned property he visits, not his family's house, remember?

Whoops. You are, as always, quite correct. (My memory is excellent but exceedingly short. Sowwy!)

In any case, the series is not meant to scare or terrify the viewer. There are a few gruesome moments, but they're more like black comedy.

Also I have to watch this Ghost house now. I love ghost and supernatural stuff LOL

So, I know you peeps are always very open about loving a series more if you think the guys are good looking. That's very human and I respect that. It's cute. 

But i felt like i was too broken to be able to join in because I was convinced I either liked the plot or I didnt and appearances didnt mean I would enjoy it as I've dropped shows with good looking people in it. But the more Bl's I've watched, I have now learned that I am indeed, a vain human being, 

Hooray LOL 

But instead of the actor, I seem to take in the whole visual vibe of the show. Right now I'm on ep 2 of First Love, Again, and so far, theres nothing wrong plot wise. Seems simple. The leads are cute. The fl is gorgeous, I love her character. And yet I still want to drop it. It doesnt have that 'pull' to it that my top BLs had, which leaves me feeling a little bored, and now I know the reason, is the overall visuals/feel of the show.

Never thought I'd be happy to be called vain but