
I fear the regular posters have dropped Love Sea lol is there anyone still watching it that can answer this question?

I'm still watching it, but my enthusiasm is much less than during the first three episodes, which I really enjoyed - partly because of some scenes between my beloved Fort and Peat, but also because of the nice island setting and beautiful cinematography. Starting with Ep. 4 it shifts to Bangkok, and the story also started to drag. Still two episodes to go, so it may get better. At this point, you might want to wait another two weeks and decide based on the final verdicts.


Hi, can I join, please? (I hope I’m doing this right, I’m new to MDL and this is the first forum I’ve wanted to join, I hope I’m commenting correctly (´,,•ω•,,)♡ ) 

Hello welcome to the fun


I usually wait to watch shows until they’re completed so I can binge them all at once, but I’m REALLY debating with Love Sea…should I keep waiting or start it now??

Um. I think you should wait until it finishes airing and then binge watch it so that you can fast-forward the annoying parts. I need to start ep8 but at this point I'm just going to wait for it to finish airing and then binge the last 3 episodes. (Only doing this for FortPeat ;;)

Perfect Propose

Another hand up for Perfect Propose! I liked it too :-)

I was just not over here being mental lol.

Even though you are, hee hee hee (in a good way) <3


For my fellow "DMD Friendship the Reality" fans: There's a lot of talent in the Domundi third-gen actors who we got to know - including the musical talents of Firstone and Tle. This new music video is confirmation of how musically gifted this new pairing is.

Thx for sharing. It's early am for me so the slow style was a good fit for these sleepy eyes, lol.

once my roommate had to physically drag me out of our room just to go to the cafeteria (;﹏;) 

I totally get that!! My (very outgoing) mother would try to force me into doing things cuz she was so sure I wasn't normal. But, of course, I am. 

It was the recent Domundi reality series (on Youtube) to introduce their third generation of artists and to establish couple pairings.

@Saygo - It was really good! I'm sounding like p43425's parrot now. 

To all my "The Boyfriend" fellows: Tomorrow is Tuuuueeeessssdayyyy! :D :D :D 

I totally wanna binge it with ya'll, but I'll have to wait until my first full day at home on Thursday. 


Hi to all the new BL friends here! (waving). 

We have done a few BL drama challenges on this thread, and now we are about to start a month long challenge of answering personal (and drama) questions just for fun and to learn a little more about our fellow BL drama lovers.

On Wednesday July 31 I'll be posting the August BL Group Challenge - "Getting To Know "YOU".  

Many of the questions were contributed by members here!

Of course, participation is optional. More details and the first 2 weeks of questions to come on the 31st, prob in the AM of my current time zone. (Even earlier than my usual zone).

I will also be traveling on the 31st and won't be home until later evening, so early is better for those of you already waaaaaay ahead of my zone, lol.


Sorry, I'm really cramming a lot in this one post!! Just wanna say....I've been waiting for Battle of the Writers for so long and I might have to wait until tonight to start!! I'm so excited to see Tutor again!!


I fear the regular posters have dropped Love Sea lol is there anyone still watching it that can answer this question?

I dropped it at EP 6. I MIGHT check out the last ep if I have nothing else to do. But yeah, I say wait til it's over.


BOY NEXT WORLD:  I'm excited, but after Love Sea and Wandee Goodday, I don't know what to expect. I don't want another break-up like Love Sea or the disaster that was WG...


RE: The Boy Next World

Am I watching? Yes. 

Am I going to hate myself for it? Probably. 

BUT TO MY DEFENSE, Boss looks really hot and Noeul looks adorable in this. BYE.

This is how they get me /sobs

The Boy Next World

Am I watching? Yes. 

I'm still watching it, but my enthusiasm is much less than during the first three episodes, which I really enjoyed - partly because of some scenes between my beloved Fort and Peat, but also because of the nice island setting and beautiful cinematography. Starting with Ep. 4 it shifts to Bangkok, and the story also started to drag. Still two episodes to go, so it may get better. At this point, you might want to wait another two weeks and decide based on the final verdicts.

I hate when stories/plots start to drag ToT maybe I will wait…


Um. I think you should wait until it finishes airing and then binge watch it so that you can fast-forward the annoying parts. I need to start ep8 but at this point I'm just going to wait for it to finish airing and then binge the last 3 episodes. (Only doing this for FortPeat ;;)

I am a chronic fast-forwarder ToT I think I will wait so I can quick binge and skip ahead if needed 


I fear the regular posters have dropped Love Sea lol is there anyone still watching it that can answer this question?

I am still watching and after watching the intro to The Boy Next World your post has given me a good jump off point to do a little morning rant. I am on my best behaviour this morning so I will be nice about it.

I fear we  may be suffering from brukups (Jamaican term meaning flash in the pan, lucky shot or one hit wonder occurrence). I remembered that Love In The Air is the only series FortPeat and BossNoeul have starred in as main couples. Whether you liked both story-lines in the series or only one you have to admit that the series was well received by audiences for the most part. I think we all were expecting good things from Love Sea and hopefully goods things from The Boy Next World because of the bar that was set in Love In The Air but the fact remains that these actors have only known one mould as main couples and this is where I now blame MAME. There is no diversity in characters. It would appear that only the story-lines are changing but the characters remain the same with different names. When you look at it both of Peat's characters (Sky & Rak) have the same exact attitude and so does Fort's characters (Prapai & Mut). Based on what I have read and seen of The Boy Next World it would seem to be the same case with Boss and Noeul. Now the state of repetitiveness has been entered which will make for monotonous series being released. They cannot expect to use hot NC scenes to distract fans from or placate fans of the fact that the plots are repetitive and in Love Sea's case have a solid house (premise of the series) built in a sand bed (delivery, characterisation and writing). I can only speak for myself when I say while I love NC scenes no amount of them can distract me from the fundamentals of a series. Matter of fact I feel disrespected and feel my enjoyment of NC scenes are cheapened when production companies do this to make all the shit smell better; if anything I start fast forwarding those NC scenes. I said I would be nice but I am going to call names. For me Playboyy the series is the quintessence of doing this, so too Check Out the series. If these series are among your favourites I remind you that this is  just my opinion on these series or whatever they attempted to be. Anyways this is my mini rant I will save the rest for that Love Sea final review.

I am still watching and after watching the intro to The Boy Next World your post has given me a good jump off point to do a little morning rant. I am on my best behaviour this morning so I will be nice about it.

As long as the rant isnt directed at me, please, rant away. Rant reviews are my favourite LOL 

I've noticed that rant reviews on MDL always have more likes than the better ones. The human brain as a wonderful way of turning peaking levels of irritation into hilarious streams of sarcasm LOL


I fear the regular posters have dropped Love Sea lol is there anyone still watching it that can answer this question?

No I have dropped it as well

"DMD Friendship the Reality" aired this past winter. Yes, it's on the Youtube "Domundi" channel. You can read more about it on the MDL page - or better yet, just give it a try!

Oh thank you very much for the explanation! :-) :-) I will have a look at this! I'm in the mood for realty shows at the moment. :D 

 American Fan:
I totally wanna binge it with ya'll, but I'll have to wait until my first full day at home on Thursday. 

I probably won't watch it until Wednesday either, because I'll have Thursday off and it'll be a good start to my day off. (*happy*) :-)

I'm going to start binging The Boyfriend now that it's completely available. I'm not one for reality shows but I hope this is different enough from American reality shows to keep me going.