
Welcome! :)

I just watched Cherry Magic the other day. I enjoyed the story but Kiyoshi annoyed me all the way until the last episode. Have you seen Tokyo in April is...?

I haven't! I'll add it to my list thank you ☺️

Rxinw thank you for the long list!It seems I can't quote your post because it is too long :(


Welcome to the club! :)

Thank you so much!! ☺️☺️


Hii is this u demi

Yes hehe 

i would like to join 

The moment in episode 7 at precisely 08:28 strikes a perfect balance between beauty and haunting intrigue. It's brief yet deeply impactful, and the subtle imagery completely immersed me in the scene.

I've observed a growing interest in AI generators within this chat, which motivated me to experiment by inputting my thoughts into a poem generator. The outcome surpassed my expectations, and I'm genuinely pleased with the result.

In a quiet room, where shadows play,
He stands alone, lost in yesterday,
Surrounded by echoes, his brother’s embrace,
A flickering memory, time’s gentle trace.

A family video, a momentary freeze,
Captured laughter and joy, like a soft summer breeze,
Yet now a symbol, what’s left behind,
A cherished soul taken too soon, unkind.
Comfort and solace, a bond that was deep,
Now leaves him in silence, a sorrowful heap,
A void in his heart, a chasm of pain,
The memories linger, like a sweet, haunting refrain.

In this tranquil space, unease intertwines,
With vulnerability raw, in the heart, it aligns,
Confessions unspoken, like whispers in the air,
Reflecting the struggle, the weight of despair.

The dance of the past, with the future in sight,
A conflict within, between darkness and light,
To cling to the known or to venture anew,
A timeless dilemma, what’s safe and what’s true.

In the tapestry woven of joy and of trial,
He stands at the crossroads, pondering a while,
The comfort of yesterday calls him to stay,
But the promise of tomorrow beckons away.

So here, in this moment, he breathes in the sting,
Of love and of loss, of the pain that they bring,
In the heart of the struggle, a flicker of grace,
For in letting go, there’s a chance to embrace.

The poem doesn't have a title. What do you think we should name it?

The poem is AI-generated


Have you ever found yourself in this situation: you put your meal in the microwave to warm it up, then get caught up in handling an urgent task? All the while, you're looking forward to savoring the delicious taste of your food and the prospect of unwinding. But when you finally return, you find that your meal has turned into a rock because it was overheated. 

Now you stand over your hard-as-rock meal, contemplating your life choices, questioning the urgency of that task, and mentally berating yourself for forsaking your one true love. 

Was that task truly urgent, or could you have spared a mere 20 minutes to be with your meal? It was meant to be you and your meal, standing together through thick and thin. Oh, the bitter sorrow. Goodbye, my beautiful meal, you will be missed. Perhaps these rock-hard meatballs will nurture the ground we walk on and one day give rise to beautiful trees and flowers.

Rip to those potentially delicious meatballs 


They were Swedish meatballs as well.  *insert dramatic fake cry* Lol!


i would like to join 

Hello, Welcome. 

I've observed a growing interest in AI generators within this chat,

I was just coming here to post the official 'looks' of Wen and Rik and now I feel nervous LOL 

i would like to join 

Welcome to the club! We are a welcoming bunch, so feel free to jump into any conversation you're interested in. There's no judgment here.

now I feel nervous


Hello, Welcome. 


I just saw a most interesting post about today's episode of Addicted Heroin (Thai) but unfortunately I cannot watch until tonight as I am literally getting ready to head out; yes campus is calling no more mini vay it's a travesty of my freedom honestly.


i would like to join 

Welcome to the club.