I watch most of my shows on Kisskh because they always come out WAAAY sooner

Thank you, thank you! Some sites aren't available in my area, but this site might work!


You'll find a lot of actors have been 'claimed' in here LOL in good jest ofc. Well, I do LOL Not to sure about P4 and RX LOL 

I have claims on Michael Cheng, Babe and Billy. I co parent Boun and Prem with Ash LOL

And since I'm not as greedy as some in here * looks at a few in particular *  Yes, you can adopt him as your nephew lol

Oh yeah, I own Joong Archen(with Hia), First Kanaphan, Nishigaki Sho, Hsu Kai, Poon Mitpakdee, and Cooheart (with Aly) @MeNotYou

 American Fan:

I haven't caught up on those yet. Thx for the tissue warning!

Oh well, maybe I better skip a week...

It was an amazing drama! Had me on the edge of my seat for the second half.

Got it!! I flagged it :-)

I can't go quite that far, but for sure I would love to see them as MLs in a drama, continuing their story. Yes, sir!

lol I’ll fill u in on the good stuff from Peaceful Property XD


I watch most of my shows on Kisskh because they always come out WAAAY sooner and generally speaking, show the uncut versions if they're available. Every now and then the subs aren't quite right (just a few words here and there) or on very rare occasions the quality is lower than normal, so sometimes I'll rewatch on MyAsian like in the case of one of the epis in This Love Has No Long Beans. I knew the sub was off when they were saying it was cowsprout or something like that instead of long beans. Laughed my assets off, but still, wanted to make sure the rest of the subs were ok. 

Lol I use the same thing


You may not cry, as I do cry easy, but I think a few tears will escape at least. Next week tho..... Imma be bawling my eyes out I just know it!

Yay a fellow emotional watcher! Hi!!

 American Fan:
illogical things happening as well that can't be explained...?

OMG, who let Johnny 5 loose? LOL! As a Virgo, I always need all the answers. I can suspend my disbelief for The Fifth Element's Leeloo tho because she's Leeloo. 

Now that you mention it, I don't think I watch a lot of fantasy. The only one I enjoyed was The Sign, and that's because the fantasy part was based on Thai mythology, which I love.

 American Fan:

It's called "use your imagination". LOL. Or look at it as SciFi?

Wouldn't fantasies have a lot of illogical things happening as well that can't be explained...?

Am I the only one here that likes robot themes/stories?  You got me curious now....

This one's for RXinw. 

Lmao that gif killed me XD 

 American Fan:
Am I the only one here that likes robot themes/stories?  You got me curious now....

*raises hand* I don't think I like them either lol

I have a really hard time connecting with the characters--

I'm actually disappointed/surprised that VBL choose the Anti-Reset universe to expand with more robot BL's (Eternal Butler). 

He IS adorable. Have you watched My Tooth Your Love? (I'm not recommending it because I personally didn't like it, although a lot of people did lol BUT) He's part of the side couple in that.

I also was not a fan of it.

This drama offends me so much that I rated it a 2 out of 10.

Screaming LOL it really did offend you lol

 American Fan:
This one's for RXinw. 

 American Fan:
Wait a minute here!! I liked the whole robot theme and the MLs were SO cute together. And so romantic. Besides you, wouldn't love a good robot romance? NO, don't answer that anyone! 

It wasn't the theme I had the issue with (I was actually stoked about it) and I liked the actors themselves and the job they did. For me, the problem was the piss poor production and constant glaringly unrealistic things that were hard to overlook, even while believing in the whole AI thing possibility. Like the fact that the actor portraying the robot had a scar on his face. While a minor thing and in most scenarios, I'd never even notice, but with a created "human" everyone knows they wouldn't have any type of flawed skin or any kind of physical flaws for that matter, or having lips that turn blue and skin that pales and sweats, and a whole slew of other things that just wouldn't happen or be possible with an AI creation. It really pulled me out of the story so often that it made it unenjoyable for me and I wasn't the only one. Then there was all the issues and outright holes in the storyline itself too. It was like they didn't do their homework on anything or doing only the bare minimum, and were pressed for time so they threw it together haphazardly thinking/hoping no one would really notice all the numerous mistakes. 

Most of the time I can easily suspend all disbelief and enjoy a show as is, flaws and all, which is why I often don't mind or complete shows that others dislike or have issues with like the acting or pace etc. and therefore drop. So for me to not be able to do that with this show at all, says a lot. I did manage to finish it because of the actors mostly, but I definitely didn't care for it overall and absolutely won't recommend to anyone.

@RXinw  "Screaming LOL it really did offend you lol"

Occasionally that does happen, LOL  


LMAO Can't let the street cred slide now can we? 

You know it *sun glasses emoji*

So I'm more than happy to be a bad girl to your bad boy now and again when we're hanging out (but be careful what you wish for...LOL!). *fist bump* right backattcha!

hehe well then

I cannot wait for a NC scene good enough to drop so that I can do my reaction here but for now let me keep the image of me you have intact. *evil laugh*

"Stay with Me" was masterfully written. The cast did an incredible job. The child actor Phoebe has so much potential as an actress in the future. I'm disappointed that there won't be a season 2.

For realz? *cries* It's been for sure decided then? If so, was it because of the censorship crap? I freaking loved that show. It set the standards for so much and is one of the reason's I was hesitant about watching Addicted Heroin that's airing now. I'm still afraid I'm watching it with a biased eye and won't be able to be entirely objective about

I don't know what it is about this drama, but it made me really uncomfortable. Some plots just don't work in live-action. It dropped a lot of information without providing any explanations. How does "Ever 9" eat or go to the bathroom? How is this even possible?  and when he and Chu Yi Ping kiss, does it feel like skin, or is it just rubber? The drama really said hey, these two are going to make out and you're just going to believe it. Oh, and if I'm not mistaken, they actually did the deed. I can't recall for certain, but I believe they did. I'm sorry, but I just can't believe that the situation would ever be plausible.  This is no  Chobits! This drama offends me so much that I rated it a 2 out of 10. I would have given it a one, but I actually like the filming and scenery in some parts.

EXACTLY! So many production and storyline issues that it was constantly pulling me out of the story and irritating the hell out of me that I couldn't enjoy it. They simply didn't do their homework before filming, or even writing it, for that matter. And yes they did do the deed with no explanation of how other than him having "that function" or something lazy asset way of explanation. I was so hyped for that show too.


You know it *sun glasses emoji*

hehe well then

I cannot wait for a NC scene good enough drops so that I can do my reaction here but for now let me keep the image of me you have intact. *evil laugh*

Lol she’s in for a ride XD

Then there was all the issues and outright holes in the storyline itself too. It was like they didn't do their homework on anything or doing only the bare minimum, and were pressed for time so they threw it together haphazardly thinking/hoping no one would really notice all the numerous mistakes.

At one point, the series was receiving such positive reviews. As I read the comments, I began to question whether I was failing to understand something, as it seemed like everyone else was enjoying it except for me. I started doubting myself and wondered if I was overlooking something. Your explanation captures what I was trying to express much more effectively.