
I do love your positive attitude (even if it doesn't necessarily extend to JBLs).

This made me cackle. I like your wit lol

 Mignon toi:

loved your list too <3

everytime i watch it i start to smile, gives a good vibe indeed but sometimes i forget to check if there is a manga so its time to check it out :D

The manga and LA are pretty mirrored, there are small small details that are different, one of those rare instances where one isn't better than the other haha.

 American Fan:
Yes, yes I wanna medal!! Make it gold, please. hehe

Side - eye.

@Mignon toi I will watch Skam the French version; thanks for the rec.

@TY_0910 I am very interested to see which series will have me finally drop a series lol

Sorry, no spoilers - but I liked this series more and more through the second half. Sit back and enjoy the ride. 

Pretty please *puss in boots eyes*

While Episodes 4 through 9 were indeed disappointing and draggy, I didn't think the series was quite as horrifically unwatchable as so many people are saying.

For me what ultimately made me rate it the way I did is the complete collapse in writing. The story premise demanded much more than what the series gave it and several factors were working against FortPeat pulling it off. I think this story would have better fit a new break out couple made up of first time BL actors who are seasoned actors with good acting skills to pull off the level of emotion needed. 

And, uh.... (someone help lol I can't fight this guy) 

Whatever, Joong is mine


I see lol

I'm not rich but if u ever come to London, u better take me on one of these midnight dates XD


August Challenge (DAY 12) -Things You Love

I was out this weekend, and I'm too lazy to do the day's I missed, so I'm just going to casually skip them...

I actually really had to think about this prompt. It felt like I was being put on the spot lol

  1. Cooking : I'm confident that given any recipe (except bread, I can't get it to rise to save my life) I can pull it off. Sometimes this confidence is unfounded, but it usually pays off. 
  2. Trying New Foods : I love going to new restaurants and when I travel a large part of the experience is eating anything and everything. I will try everything at least once!  My friends say I'm a foodie because I get visibly excited when I try something delicious.
  3. The Sea in Winter : I love the sea, don't really like the beach. No one in my family really does. We're watchers. We like cliffs and boardwalks, cloudy skies, and riverbanks. I have zero urge to be in water
  4. Glassware : I love pretty glassware, colorful wine glasses and cups with cute designs. When I travel I always buy a shot glass, sake cup, etc. as a souvenir. 
  5. BL Dramas :  Isn't this why we're all in the club lol I have a preference for show's that make me happy, but I do watch heart wrenching soul sucking show's once in a blue moon. 
  6. Buying gifts for people I love : I actually enjoy it. I enjoy trying to figure out what that person would like, specially when it's something that I'm sure they would not spend their own money on, but would be glad to receive as a gift. 

I kind wanna claim this Joong just for fun LOL 

I've now seen two of you say that you love the ocean but don't like being in it.......*sad mermaid face* fine.....I'll paddle by myself =( 

August BL Group Challenge - Day 12 - List 5 things you love, or more if you want.

Let me choose things that I have not said already *thinking emoji*

  1. Roses
  2. Fruits
  3. Chocolate Bars - I love chocolate confectionery but hate all chocolate flavoured things such as chocolate cake and ice cream.
  4. The beach - I know cliche, the island boy who loves the beach lol
  5. My Chromebook
  6. Social Media - X, IG, TikTok
  7. Food - all cuisines once I like the dish - (I love meat; one of my favourite dishes which is very popular here in Jamaica is curry goat with white rice/roti - this is the Indian in me coming out; did I mention that I am mixed, although most if not all Jamaicans are mixed, hence the National Motto - Out of Many One People.
I've now seen two of you say that you love the ocean but don't like being in it.......*sad mermaid face* fine.....I'll paddle by myself =( 

I don't even know how to swim lmao I can float though-- the question is how do I stop floating once I've started. 

August Challenge DAY 12 -Things You Love

  1. Purple-It is my favourite colour since forever. I will buy something just because it is purple lol
  2. Chocolate- I eat it a lot in all forms.
  3. Words- I like  the meanings and the sounds of certain words.
  4. Batman- My number one childhood DC Superhero 
  5. Elephants and Gorillas- I don't know why but those two animals are just so interesting to me. I used to be obsessed with lions when i was younger too.

I don't even know how to swim lmao I can float though-- the question is how do I stop floating once I've started. 

Floating in the sea wouldn't be a good idea lol we can stick to shallow water haha 


The following is in response to statements made by certain members of the BL Drama Lovers Club regarding claims to Joong Archen Aydin:

This is to inform all members of the said club to cease and desist from laying claims in any form on Joong Archen Aydin immediately. Failure to comply with this order will incur legal action. The management team of RXinw and Joong Archen Aydin understands the enthusiasm of fans but encourages restraint and respect for their relationship. Any future provocations made by members of the club will be responded to with decisive and comprehensive legal action. 

Thank you for supporting the GMMTV actor Joong Archen Aydin and please do continue to support him in his present and future endeavours. Have a lovely day.

've now seen two of you say that you love the ocean but don't like being in it..

I have a fear of large bodies of water. I have been in a boat a few times where the water isn't too big (?) or wide, and still needed support. 

I can't even float. You know there isn't much water in the American West...some rivers work for white water rafting, others for fishing.  I'm not a water active person in the least.

omg the lawyers is using lawyer jargon to threaten you all



The following is in response to statements made by certain members of the BL Drama Lovers Club regarding claims to Joong Archen Aydin:

This is to inform all members of the said club to cease and desist from laying claims in any form on Joong Archen Aydin immediately. Failure to comply with this order will incur legal action. The management team of RXinw and Joong Archen Aydin understands the enthusiasm of fans but encourages restraint and respect for their relationship. Any future provocations made by members of the club will be responded to with decisive and comprehensive legal action. 

Thank you for supporting the GMMTV actor Joong Archen Aydin and please do continue to support him in his present and future endeavours. Have a lovely day.

OMG lmaooo. I got really worried for a second

Where's that "I feel like starting trouble today" meme LOL!