Guyssssss !!! Quick post before I go to sleep! You all need to go watch First Note of Love! 

Also wish me luck because (after putting it off for a while) I just watched ep8 of Love Sea (the fastforward button is heaven sent), and plan to watch the last 2 tomorrow.

hi! does anyone have any cutesy bls similar to like only boo!?

@Kristen, in addition to the excellent recommendations from American Fan and Simi (above):

Three BLs on your PTW list which are not "cutesy" but nonetheless excellent:
"Eighth Sense", "Moonlight Chicken" and "I Told Sunset About You".
I would even go so far as to call each of these three "masterpieces" of BL.

Also on your PTW list, "Bokura no Shokutaku" is lovely, with one of the best little kid actors ever. I'm not sure I'd call  it "cutesy", and it's nothing at all like "Only Boo", but it's cute, sweet and gentle in the best way.

Two BLs not on your PTW list which I love and which you might consider "cutesy" (depending on what tickles your fancy) are:
"Takara-kun to Amagi-kun": Young first love. Sweet and fluffy.
"Fukou-kun wa Kiss Suru Shikanai": Really cute comedy.
Note that neither of these is steamy.

Battle of the Writers - episode 3

I am trying with this series honestly but I am just not feeling that connection. Now I have not the mood to fast forward but I am feeling as if it is a chore to watch.

You all need to go watch First Note of Love! 

Seriously,  After watching both episodes back to back, I found myself immediately rewatching them. I'm completely hooked. The music is fantastic, and the chemistry between Neil and Sea is electrifying. Their subtle glances and hand gestures convey so much meaning. The unspoken dialogues in those intimate moments consume me. I wish I had saved the series to binge-watch, but I'll likely rewatch the episodes anyway. I'm looking forward to seeing how music is used for healing in this series !


I personally loved "Tin Tem Jai", although I recognise its considerable flaws and can fully understand how you and others might hate it. I tend to overlook flaws if they're outweighed by things I like or that make me feel good. (Or maybe I just have low standards!)

"Dangerous Romance" was indeed disappointing, but I think it was partly because expectations were overly high. For me, it was alright but not great.

Finally, I thought that "Aoki Vuanpaia no Nayami" (which is bromance, definitely not BL) is a reasonably cute and sweet comedy, if one doesn't take it too seriously. I actually enjoyed it. (I also like Yutaro a lot, so I admit that I was biased.)

As you say, we all have different tastes and preferences, and I respect your opinions, whether or not they match my own!

I don’t think you can call it low standards, just that fluffy BLs blind you too much :) 

Regarding Aoki Vuanpaia no Nayami, I don’t mind watching friendships between men, but I don’t like the click bait with the tag BL, because then I go in expecting things, which in turn become very disappointing :( 

@ RXinw sorry I am texting from my phone, so I am unable to quote your text, but I would really like to see those rants! :) 

And you like The Eclipse? :( 

While I respect your opinion, whyyy?? I would like some reasons :P

I want to know what I am missing out :) 

I don’t like the click bait with the tag BL, because then I go in expecting things

That's a very fair point. What I don't know is where the MDL tags come from, and in particular, whether it's deliberate BL-baiting by the production company (= bad), or whether these are independently created by MDL (= not their fault). On Viki, the series is simply tagged as "fantasy, comedy, drama" (not "BL").

August Challenge Day 13 

What 5 things you dislike

Legal mumbo jumbo when I've just woken up LOL

1. Blood, guts and poo. I can take some violence as part of a plot but nowadays all too often, it's just sick indulgence. 

2. Not having my morning tea. Its my morning sedative.

3. Really big egos and flaunting wealth. Ugh the Gods don't care, please sit down.

4. Dog earring a book page. Gaah, use a book mark you heathen!

5. Mukbangs. Ya see, I was binge eater. Eating that much is not something to be encouraged. Ever.

6. Crowds. Unless it's a dog park, please don't touch me.

7. Christmas shoppers. I never hate people anymore than I do in December.

8. People with no imagination whatsoever lol we are very different people lol 

Funny how this one is the easiest off the top of my head lol


hi! does anyone have any cutesy bls similar to like only boo!?

Bad Buddy is nice, so is Kimi ni wa Todokanai... you should also check out Mr. Heart, Where your eyes linger and Star in my mind... all of them are cute and fluffy! :)


That's a very fair point. What I don't know is where the MDL tags come from, and in particular, whether it's deliberate BL-baiting by the production company (= bad), or whether these are independently created by MDL (= not their fault). On Viki, the series is simply tagged as "fantasy, comedy, drama" (not "BL").

who knows? anyway, there is no use crying over spilt milk right? :) 

You all need to go watch First Note of Love! 

I will take you up on that, and good luck for Love Sea tomorrow! :)

Day 13: What 5 things you dislike

  1. Actually, the number one thing I hate in this world is people with no proper work ethics. I cannot emphasise how much I can't stand sloppy workers, it makes my blood boil and a lot of other things you don't want to know. I know it doesn't make me popular, but I believe a good human must know how to go about his job perfectly, even mundane ones. For me, personally, a person's work ethics tell me everything I need to know about them. 
  2. I also hate people with gigantic egos and absolutely no manners whatsover. For me, not nice, makes you non-existent in my world. I believe it's important to be right in every situation and instance because that's what makes you human.
  3. I don't feel respect for people who have no opinions. I believe having opinions about things is very important. You can correct it if you are proven wrong, I am not saying you must be stubborn, but please take the effort to think why something is right and why something is not. Dont let everything pass by like water. 
  4. I also don't like bright clothes. I almost always only wear muted, pastel and neutral colours, so neon, hawaii and other gaudy clothwear are never found in my wardrobe. Of course, it is not to say that I think they shouldn't be worn or something, because it's a free world, and I don't think it's right on my part, but I personally would avoid them like the plague. When it comes to clothes, "classic and formal" is always my choice.
  5. I hate one-sided relationships. Be it platonic or romantic, I believe there must be effort from both sides, otherwise, I lose interest very quickly. It's a prime reason why I do not love too-fragile ukes because that just implies the seme must work twice as hard to sustain the relationship. Nope, not my thing at all. It just makes the entire viewing dissatifying in my opinion. 

P.S. I am planning to become a professor, and my MBTI is INTJ-T, if that helps you to make more sense of the above :)

I am planning to become a professor,

that makes two of us !! a professor in what may i ask?

What 5 things you dislike 

1. i hate wishy washy people. which is basically the opposite of straight forward people. wishy washy people find round-a-boat ways to get their things done and often approach you with ill intensions, i also don't like people who can't/ wont pull their weight. you can't always depend on others right? also like my father said "do not intentionally cause inconvenience to others" idk if i phrased it right in english.. 

2. I hate physical contact, and rarely tend to initiate it, unless im really really comfortable with you. but i've been trying to push that desire down as everyone around me are kind of physical and its awkward lol. i also tend to cringe very fast and hate cheesy stuff , hence why i get teased a lot. 

 3. I hate social events if they drag too long, i'm sorry my battery life is very short. 

4. I strongly dislike argumentative people , and like may said people with big egos. i'm scared i'll make a disgusted face if i'm near them for too long.

5. and like faery said, without my morning tea please don't except me to be a human, it gives me a huge headache and i'm annoyed and irritable something that no one wants to see, trust me. 

also faery, are there these in dramas? i don't see English shows very often, so i'm not sure. but i haven't seen poo and guts in dramas atleast 

1. Blood, guts and poo. I can take some violence as part of a plot but nowadays all too often, it's just sick indulgence. 

@Ash they are definitely in movies lol I don't watch a lot of western TV but I think it just depends on what show you are watching. On MDL anything labelled with gore is usually my cue to ignore but I admit, most Asian shows I've seen so far handle violence quite respectably. It's one thing to stab someone in a fight, it's another to have guts spattering everywhere lol my gentle wee soul doesn't take it very well