I'm half way through 9 of bad buddy and feel like we're starting to slip now lol I think this is going to be a 3 part experience of kind of amusing to holy shit to oh....why? Lol now that I know one of my red flags is involved, I'd interested to know what part she overseen lol

when both leads match each other's ability to do this, that's when I say, I feel the chemistry, the actors ability to express the feelings between the characters. I can experience what the characters are experiencing. 

Yes! I agree with you on this. For me there has to be this feeling and good chemistry for me to like a series matter of fact..well let me save that comment for day 20 challenge hehe.

LYX carried the show while the FL was really wooden and expressionless.


Thank You for answering my morning babbling btw LOL appreciated the sharing of thoughts

*heart emoji*

 American Fan:
A token of my feelings. lol. And I like Pink!

LOL. I love Pink vocally; she has that natural rock voice.

 American Fan:
Who is the guy you just posted above?

Lee Long Shi from Love Syndrome and OMG Vampire.

Battle of the Writers Ep4

  • Let me be honest here, this show is far from being a masterpiece, and I can pinpoint all of its flaws, but-- I actually love it ???
  • It's easy to watch, creatively edited, and just a good time.
  • I can't believe they had them run around the city high on shrooms, like is this for real, I laughed so hard.
  • I really do appreciate a cute romance where both leads are cute and wholesome and not ah
  • The flirting is strong with these two. Like low key is not in the vocabulary. Good. 
  • I can't seem to find the plot but I honestly don't care.
  • TutorYim. That's it. 

Battle of the Writers EP 4

I need to get it out, now. 


Done screaming.

It started off ok. I'm admiring Tutor's wardrobe and his figure, specially in long robes. He's just so perfect.  And Yim is so cute in the bed scenes when he gets flustered over Shan (Tutor).  

And then my bubble burst into teeny tiny pieces.

Everyone's hallucinating, including me.  Animated talking mushrooms appear at the dinner table. Tutor & Yim in animal face paint romping around like 2 year olds for almost 5 minutes straight. 

I'm traumatized, for real. I think I've been tricked.  Am I watching the same drama I've been watching since it started? I don't think so. 

And no Mark & Gems scenes. Not one. :-(

I'm going to have to consider whether I can bear to watch another ep. I might need therapy first.

This is me rn

I have not watched the episode yet but all I am going to say is that from the beginning:


 American Fan:

This is me rn


It was a literall trip *dead* I think I’m a masochist because hell yeah I’m going to keep watching!


I guess I wasn't.


I have not watched the episode yet but all I am going to say is that from the beginning:


You could wait until I've calmed down....

You're like a rotten brother lol. 

MOM, tell RX to cut it out!!

Today I rewatched My Personal Weatherman, I don't know why but I did.

Finally finished my profile for the most part lol XD

First Note of Love Episode 3

Neil's emotional state in the first scene surprised me. The show's deliberate pacing effectively portrays his different stages of grief, making me fully invested in his character.

The confusion on Sea's face when Neil starts to play at the music bar?... Like the boy threw down the gauntlet. Neil is  basically saying, "Alright, watch me, kiddo!" Neil can't finish the song if Sea isn't watching him. I'm excited for the show to start exploring his emotional state. I want to know what is going on in his head when he's on stage and what he's so afraid of.

Liang, I can't tell if he's just oblivious or just a ball of energy. He always seems to be smiling, always out of the loop. LOL

Neil seeks validation from Sea on his singing but becomes defensive and cocky when he doesn't get the response he wants. Interestingly, he's willing to put himself in a vulnerable position to seek validation and prove that he is not a has-been. It seems he wants someone to look at him and define who he is; the man is a lost soul. Sorry, but in the scene at the university, Neil strolls around in a black hoodie. It would look sketchy if it were me. I don't get why nobody asked for his ID or anything. Also, how did he follow Sea back to the music bar? Does he have his own motorcycle or something? And how did he go unnoticed again?  I don't think Sea is creeped out by Neil stalking. Hahaha, He knows he likes it!  The big ass smile as he walks away. He's got such cute dimples. OMG, I love them so much !!!   (06:17)

Kiddo actually switched sides of the table to take the customer's order and be able to stare at Neil. I love how this kid is acting disinterested while internally screaming with excitement at getting attention from someone they've admired for so long. It's like, 'Oh my God, I'm so happy right now, but I can't show that I'm a crazy fan, so I must compose myself.  His eyes are freakin sparkling!

Neil and Liang, the bromance I signed up for.  They are two drunken cuties, Haha.  I'm sorry, but they are not doing an excellent job showcasing Liang's cooking skills. The ramen noodles, celery, and some sausage with basil, though it might have been spinach, food is not the specialty of this bar. People come for the music and drinks. LOL

 You know Liang is Sea's best friend cause he keeps airing out his business. Sea's face says it all like, dude, shut up! Haha

Ting Fe pressured Sea to play at the gig for which she couldn't find a band.** "Girl, you messed up. It's not his responsibility to help you fix the situation. What would you have done if Neil didn't show up? It would have just been Sea on stage. 

Charles Tu's glow up ... there's no denying the man is fine  I don't think I'm a fan of the fast-paced of this performance I think I like the slower version of this song. I'm really impressed by how quickly Sea picks up on Neil's emotions and knows how to handle his panic attack. It's not something a lot of people can do. What's also interesting is how Neil completely trusts Sea to calm him down without any resistance. They haven't delved deeply into Neil's grief yet, but it seems like he's dealing with it on his own. Having someone take care of him might be a welcome change for him.

Now don't come at me for this comment but I actually think that Neil and Matt would have worked as a main couple as well haha 

Day 20. What is something people would be surprised or maybe even shocked to know about you?

A lot of people would be surprised I didn't graduate from uni the first time around. Many others would be surprised at the lack of motivation I used to have on a daily basis and that was due to lifelong debilitating mental illness that went untreated for most of my life so far. Other people might be surprised I'm mentally ill in the first place when I've been relatively healthy when young. There's a lot other people might find surprising about me, but it's none of the good things. They already expect good things from me or at least they did and since I haven't spoken to so many people in decades, they only know me as that version I used to be. Which is fine, but clearly not accurate. My lore increased tenfold since then haha

 American Fan:
Everyone's hallucinating, including me.

Basically, I've been saying this since episode 2. I've been so lost. I'm really trying to like this show, but I just don't get it. Maybe it's the editing style, but there's just so much going on.


Finally finished my profile for the most part lol XD

Ooops, sparkly *....* And pretty men.....pretty men everywhere lol