American Fan:
Because your last story had them apart right? And now it's 8 yrs later...making sure I'm following along correctly, lol.

Yes. Depending on what country you've placed them in, in your own imagination, part 2's ending in the taxi places them around 19 and the main plot should have them around 27. Part 3 was the big gap in the middle I had to fill in myself LOL

But like have they already slept together? Were those flashbacks at the start, or weird editing choices about the future?

I was thinking they were Pat's wishful thinking because he has feelings for his boss.

Were those flashbacks at the start, or weird editing choices about the future?

RE: Bad Guy My Boss 

I thought they were Pat's dreams?

These two are just the rough first couple of runs,

Very cool!! I like the first couple!


Yes. Depending on what country you've placed them in, in your own imagination, part 2's ending in the taxi places them around 19 and the main plot should have them around 27. Part 3 was the big gap in the middle I had to fill in myself LOL

Ahh, ok. Good!

Part Two ~ Eight Years

I finished reading. How sad for both of them. :-(

Now I'm sad too. Waaaah!

 American Fan:

I finished reading. How sad for both of them. :-(

Now I'm sad too. Waaaah!

The next part is actually the hardest part for me to write but not because it's sad, even though my brain laid it all out for me LOL I just feel embarrassed typing it LOL

Hidamari ga Kikoeru last 2 episodes were amazing. I'm really glad I had the opportunity to watch this series. Easily a 10/10 from me and I hope to re-watch it in the future.

 American Fan:
Very cool!! I like the first couple!

Yeah that first one came out nice overall, but I do want to continue to refine my prompt. It's incredible the amount of detail it will follow and implement. It's  extremely powerful, and all you need to do is know how to write a solid prompt and it will literally create what you're imagining in your head and make it come to life. The tool is only producing 5 second clips, for free anyhow.

I didn't yet look into if it has premium paid options that let you make longer videos or whatever. Also, they are supposed to implement the ability to use an image and then have it use that image as a reference to build your video from, if I understood that correctly. I don't know all the details about that yet as I was just skimming an article about the tool release and the recent update.

It's  extremely powerful, and all you need to do is know how to write a solid prompt and it will literally create what you're imagining in your head and make it come to life.

That's amazing. In a good and bad way, lol.


The next part is actually the hardest part for me to write but not because it's sad, even though my brain laid it all out for me LOL I just feel embarrassed typing it LOL

I can't imagine being a writer. Maybe you need a secret pen name, lol. We can pretend we don't know it's you. We don't really know who you are anyway, so it'll be easy, haha.

 American Fan:
I can't imagine being a writer. Maybe you need a secret pen name, lol. We can pretend we don't know it's you. We don't really know who you are anyway, so it'll be easy, haha.

it's a bit late for a pen name now but you do make a fair point about not knowing me anyway LOL  I will try to keep that in mind lol

 American Fan:
That's amazing. In a good and bad way, lol.

Well they do have guardrails in place and your video won't get made if it doesn't comply with the community policies.

The On1y One ep 9

All I have to say is wow that was alot of Butts Lmao XD

Wooooo! The On1y One Episode 9 ~ My live reaction

Alrighty.....we are in this foreshadowing via grammar lesson?

Turd appears to be less cocky. Improvement.

Ahh, my girl, Pepper <3 LOL I love how open asian shows are about periods.

Ok Turd, I deduct my point I just gave you. Why you huffing with Sheng now?

Jiang just wants to be with his man now LOL thats adorable 

He's like, I dont care. Where my baby goes, I go LOL

Yes, scones are delicious, I approve. But I dont approve of you giving the whole box to Jenny because your husband is going to walk in and see that and there's going to be an argument and I'm too tired for that.

ohh, I thought Turd was going towards his teacher but no, he gave evil eyes to Sheng as he walked past and strutted off because he isnt special LOL

LOL Bro, you are clearly holding a grudge and can't let go. You're classmates werent bullying you. You're just jealous as hell of Sheng.

I can answer that for you. You're not being yourself. People can instinctively pick up when people are being fake to garner attention. In a primal sense, they have power over you too. Sheng walked in and sailed right through from the start because he had his own goals. 

I get where Turd is coming from in regards to the competition in class, but hiring thugs to beat the crap out of Sheng, not once, but TWICE, as well as the disabled janitor, that's not a 'little mistake'. That's full blown assault in an effort to destroy Sheng's grades, which in turn affects his future. Of course no one is going to be cheering for you after that, in case they become your next target.

I hate to be heartless here but I cant feel pity for Jiqio or whatever is name is. He very much brought this on himself. 

That was a really weird transition lol

Ok. Jenny is eating the scones like a regular bun and I feel like screaming. They're plain scones too. My Irishness is deeply offended. This is absolute blasphemy Taiwan. How dare....

Hang on wait, Jenny, roll that back. Youth is like a colour and Time is like the light. As time (light) shines, the things that dont fade as you grow up, are the things you dont want to let go of ~ hmmmm, poetic...

Also, I hope that means your husband Uncle teacher man lol

I cant believe she's just eating the scone like that. I'm speechless. 

I dont like the look on his face. Please dont break the uncles up.

OOOHHH SENPAI!! It's the sports day episode! LOL

That fact that Gao keeps getting away with this behaviour just tells me that his classmates love him really LOL

mwahahahaha Sheng, sold him out ! LOL

Ohh, go on Jiang, your man is asking so nicely ...ohhh, he pulled out the puppy eyes pleading and everything for you Jiang LMAO I love this LOL

Sheng is one breath away from pouting to match those puppy eyes peeping over his shades LOL

Ya see that. All giddy that he got his way. Sheng's transformation to spoiled bottom has now started 

Ok I couldnt help but laugh at this picture because technically, being taller, the boys should be at the back, but as the protagonists of this story they have to be at the front for this pose LMAO

Also, Jiang, you love that arm around your neck, dont pretend 

.........If my principal, or any adult staff ran naked around the pitch at school both the police and an ambulance would be called LMAO

hehehe, Sheng lifted Jiang like a toddler and Jiang could barely get Sheng's feet off the ground hahaha

who's this.....ohhhhhh, shit, it's Jiang's dad 

uhhhhh, that should be an instant disqualification 

Sheng just focused on his boy and went for it. Change my mind LOL

Coooool guuys dont look at explosions.....oh wait sorry LOL

Go Jiang!!

Oooooooh Jiang immediately shut that down. No. You do not get to know my boyfriends name. No i will not talk to you. No you can not touch me. I'm leaving now. Watch me walk away and cozy up to my man, who is infinity superior to our relationship in every way LOL

Ahhh, crap, they've discovered my plan after what she did to those scones. I regret nothing.

Please dont tell me this is Turd's doing because, how the fk did thugs get on to school grounds and kidnap a damn teacher. I mean really?? And she's the english teacher too....

Turd set up his own teacher to be sliced and rped........Yeah. I stand by my conviction of giving him no sympathy what's so ever. He may not have been a bad person before Sheng, but he is most certainly a bad person now. And should be behind bars.

LOL I appreciate the directors attempt to not traumatize the audience with a realistic assault scene because that was really goofy LOL

yeah, you gave her a bubble tea last week, and this week it's scones. your husband gave her his cup previously. dont be thinking of anything else. please. let's go back to Jiang and Sheng.

I cant work this man out honestly.

Yeah. Jenny, I'm unsure of what side plot you re in right now but thats what good teachers do. Your student is now a walking red flag and someone needs to intervene like, now. 

ohhh fantastic, so the deciding factor is Jiang and Sheng's race because of course. We've got a group of thugs walking around, a psychotic student, an injured teacher and an angry father all walking around together. What could possible go wrong??

Ah, every short person's nemesis. The high jump. Everyone be quiet, Jiang is doing something cool.

aaaaaaaand, he cleared it LOL

Yep. Classic protagonist moment. This last jump is the deciding factor lol

Oh he did not just look down at his man's bracelet.....

Do it for Jiang! Do it for Jiang! Do it for Jiang! FOOOOOORRRR JIIIIAAANNNGGG!!

Aaaaaaand broken ankle. Cool. Someone else injured while there's a lot of angry people walking around awesome lol

Yeah, thats nice, now notice Sheng in  pain please lol Where's Jiang?? Your boy needs you

Get ready to face defeat Dean

tHis is cute and all but I don't care anymore about whatever is happening here

ohhhhh is ......I had barely processed whats happening. Sheng is going to run with this broken ankle. Nice.

oooooooh, yeah, that's either sprained or broken. Look Jiang's face. 

Wait they have to run naked?? I thought the kids had to clean the toilet, it's the dean who has to run naked? Surely the boys and girls arent going to run naked together?? LOL

Ohh, so they will have to run naked OK. Well thats going to be fun for Jiang and Sheng because plot LOL but, the girls with the boys together? They had a whole thing of the girls getting dressed in the classroom, hilarious scene, and now they're going to have to run naked with the  boys LOL That doesnt make sense. 

Notice how he said that with a smile Sheng LOL Jiang has officially claimed the Top position LOL

Ohhhhhh. that was smooth Jiang LMAO Yes, baby arent you tired? Rest your head on my shoulder LOL

He wants to claim you Sheng just let him LOL

And there it is, the opening scene LOL Called it LOL Almost a confession LOL

Ya see, when your real with yourself, you find your people quicker <3

LOL Jiang wants to do it which is what is really killing me LOL

LMAO Jiang absolutely wanted to show his future husband his stuff and Sheng doesnt know why he's liking it LMAO

I'm glad the girls werent included because that just wouldnt make sense. 

Look at all those butts LOL and they got Sheng in his feelings thinking about his baby LOL

Ohhhh, interesting we didnt get a Jiang moment this time. I wonder if that's to put an end here and start the 'big dramatic finish' plot tomorrow because we've only got 3 more episodes. It's like the laughter before the storm LOL

Overall, I dont care for whatever is happening with these teachers but I'm loving Sheng's transition to spoiled bottom while Jiang claims the Top position with a grin LOL Change my mind LOL

When Sandy reaches him, Wen is already pulling himself up, laughing.

"At least it was Chanel"

Lmao that's the spirit!

Rik can feel his heart race and his eyes burn. He's found him. He reaches out to him but before he can call his name, the loud bartender with the undercut has moved beside him, wrapping his arm around his waist and plants a kiss on his lips.

Rik stands motionless, suspended in time, holding onto the bar with one hand, and an empty bottle in the other, drunk, unkempt and missing a shoe while the love of his life clings onto another man, unaware of his presence.

NO NO NO NOOOOO *punches the air in frustration*

Recognition suddenly etches into Wen's face as his rosy cheeks drain. Wen and Rik find themselves locked in each other's gaze, unable to move, not knowing what to say.

Eight years had passed since their fateful conversation in the taxi. Five years since they last heard each other's voice. One year since they had last messaged each other. Life has moved on and changed dramatically for both of them. Now none of it mattered as in one moment, repressed emotions overwhelmed them and flowed over in their hearts.


U can't end it like that!!! TT 

This story has me feeling all the emotions I'd feel watching an actual BL drama oh my god


Right! I feel the same ;; It's honestly my favorite show this year (to date) because of how it made me feel and how attached I became to the friend group ;; I too miss watching it an discussing it with everyone lol

I'm waiting for Perfect 10 Liners to air, now that PerthSanta is a thing-- but specially because I learned that New was directing. I figured out that I really like his work, it's not mind-blowing, but a lot of his shows are my comfort shows ;; e.g. Star in My Mind, Between Us, We Are and I'm currently watching My Only 12%, which I'm loving as well. 

Oh yes, I love love LOVE all the drama that you've listed lol

And I'm also super excited for Perfect 10 Liners cuz I love Santa XD

 American Fan:

Let's make it official!!


Date believed to start is Thursday, OCT 3rd

Watch on your own time and come here to post your comments & thoughts.

Everyone welcome!

Yesss, I'm so ready!! 

 American Fan:
Maybe we'll get lucky with Fourever You. 50/50 chance right? LOL

I hope so lol

 American Fan:
Mine is Definition of Ugly Is by The Rose. I have to listen to it every day a few times or more. If you haven't heard Woosung's voice, this is a great intro song to how beautiful he sings.

I haven't heard of him before. I'll make sure to check it out!

Just made these two gif badges with FortPeat.