yeah I agree with you  Jadeheart, it is indeed  many fans like sexual contents and it is really okay .. but for some as me .. I am more of a connection and intimacy as what you have mentioned .. 

I love you guys *smiling emoji*

*side eyes hard* jk jk

 Personal Style

Cool! Thanks for taking the time to show visuals. I love eye candy like that.  One of my fav combos is a black T (like the iconic Rolling Stones red lips) under my men's black suit jacket and my black boots.  

My School President. To me it was boring and lacking chemistry. It also felt like stepping into a time machine and going back to the old days of BL; the plot seemed unoriginal.

This is how I would describe MSP as well.  We agree.

Oftentimes when series are airing they get all the rave and love, only for a few years later those same series are being hated on by fans sometimes just because of changing popular opinion. For example, TharnType and Kinnporshe

I'm a steady fan of both!! 

TutorYim have yet to make a compelling series. I do not think, based on how it is going so far, Battle of the Writers is any good.

Far, far better than Middleman's Love. My biggest disagreement on your far I'm liking this series quite a bit. But I can see that it might not be for everyone. :-)

You can breathe easy. No banning today.

 American Fan:
 One of my fav combos

Seriously, one can never go wrong with a leather jacket and black boots! Also, I like visuals as well and its fun to make the collages

 American Fan:
You can breathe easy. No banning today.

Speak for yourself. I want to cancel him for the 'Between Us' AND 'The Eight Sense' comment lmao

No but for real, my favorite thing about this group is how we all enjoy our own thing, and let other's enjoy what they like. <3

Speak for yourself. I want to cancel him for the 'Between Us' AND 'The Eight Sense' comment lmao

Yeah, well....I was being graceful about it by ignoring those comments. You & I know how very very wrong he is. Heehee!!

we all enjoy our own thing, and let other's enjoy what they like. <3


let me stop before I am banned from the club permanently and shunned. 

You are walking very close to the edge, young man. (Just kidding: You're allowed to have your opinions, even if you're wrong.)

BL fans can sometimes be hypocritical.

Well, at least I agree with you on one of your seven points. While I tend to see the good rather than the bad (in actors, in ships, in BLs), the fickle, judgemental and dehumanising behaviour of some BL fans disgusts me.

As to the other six points, I violently disagree!  Grrrr!

TutorYim have yet to make a compelling series.

OK, now you've gone too far. I challenge you to a duel. Choose your weapon!

Day 16 Describe a typical day or weekend. Now describe what your perfect day would look like! 

Typical weekday, I get up for work. I work from home 3 days a week, so I either eat some breakfast and head to my room to work, or I drive to work. I work at night twice a week, but when I don't, I'll go workout. Usually elliptical, 3-5 mile run, maybe some lifting. Weekend is elliptical and then lifting. I may play on my computer  a bit, walk my dog a lot because he always has to go, then by the night just trying to relax and watch TV for a bit. On the weekend it's similar, but longer workouts and more relaxation unless I have other things going on (which I do sometimes, but not always). My ideal day would be to sleep in, go to the gym, go for an easy walk, have a good meal, and just enjoying myself -- on a self-care day, get a mani/pedi, some Mexican or Asian, and then be lazy haha.

Day 17 Pets

I have one doggo named Hondo. He's a black lab and very anxious, but I love my little man. I will share a picture when I feel more functional... I had a concert last night and danced for 6 hours after working out and then went to the gym today. Zzz.

western country which in LGBTQ+ content lacks innocence and romance development and everything is hyper-sexualised between guys, so western gay series just don't appeal to me. They're often dark, tragic, or cautionary tales,

Yup, exactly. Even where it's not over-sexualised, Western gay content over my adult life has so often been so deeply unhappy (especially during the Aids era). Another thing that irritates me (as a gay guy, I'm allowed to say this) is exaggerated stereotypes and certain behaviour that goes with these, even down to annoyingly stereotypical speech patterns. Asian BLs have appealing guys with nice love stories and happy endings. That being said, there has been some recent Western content (e.g. "Heartbreakers", "Love Simon") that is much more like the Asian BL model: appealing, non-stereotypical, non-annoying protagonists with nice, feel-good love stories. I hope we get more of these.

Hi.... I want to join

 Okey dokey:

Hi.... I want to join

Welcome to the club ♡

 Okey dokey:
Hi.... I want to join

Welcome to the Club

I was annoyed at the Tul and WIns brother plot.

(re "Between Us") Yes, definitely the weakness of this otherwise excellent series. And as to the younger brother, I love Santa, but his talent is wasted in this. (Yes, he has a dazzling smile, but he can do so much more than just toothy grins.)

On the other hand, I really like how "Between Us" goes beyond "Until We Meet Again" by introducing not only new depth and storylines but also new characters (A, Bee, Sea, Prince - Bee and Prince are so sweet!). I don't even mind the small amount of blatantly reused footage from UWMA because "Between Us" gets so much right.