
Does ‘Meet you at the blossom’ have a happy ending ? 


Ok hour and 20 min until the next EP of 4Minutes... but who's counting? Not me...

August Challenge (gotta catch up)

Day 15: Who is your ULT BL bias and bias wrecker? (The actor not the character.) Why? 

I'm sure everyone knows this lol (@RXinw *COUGH COUGH*) 

My ULT bias is Joong Archen Aydin 

Bias wrecker: There r too many so Ill just name a few lol

Nishigaki Sho, Jeff Satur, Andy Bian, Apo Nattawin, First Kanaphan, Jimmy Jitaraphol and Phuwin Tangsakyuen

there's a ton more but I can't remember them atm lol


The food and tea looks so good <3

Thx! I'm hungry now lol

My Love Mix-Up ep 11

Omg that firework rooftop kiss was sooo good XD

Kongthap and Atom have come so far, I'm so happy for them!

Also, that conversation between Kongthap and Atom's mom was so sweet, I love how supporting she was throughout

Looks like there'll be some angst with Kongthap's mom next ep- I hope she's nice *fingers crossed*


Ok hour and 20 min until the next EP of 4Minutes... but who's counting? Not me...

I'm so excited XD

Day 16 of August Challenge: Describe a typical day or weekend. Now describe what your perfect day would look like!

Now that it's the summer hols, everyday is pretty much the same for me, since I stayed at home this year

I wake up at around 8am, brush my teeth, do the bed, usual stuff. And then I either watch a drama or read webtoon (mostly webtoon) until breakfast is ready and then I eat. I spend most of the day cooped up in my room either watching BL or texting a friend. And I go to bed around 9.30pm (yep, a freakishly boring day lol)

As for my perfect varies tbh. But it would definitely be spent with my whole family (younger brother, parents, grandparents, cousins and aunt and uncle) in India, having a large meal together, going out and just having fun ig 

Any day spent with my family, especially my cousins, in India is a perfect day for me tbh 



Good ^^ I know what I'm watching this weekend lol

I'm also planning to start 4minutes <3


Good ^^ I know what I'm watching this weekend lol

I'm also planning to start 4minutes <3

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS......sorry I am a little excited about your watch plan lol

I'm sure everyone knows this lol (@RXinw *COUGH COUGH*) 

Picture from his IG I saw this morning. 


I have 3 more eps of Star in my Mind and then I was told to watch Lovely writer so I guess I LL start that lol

Also I'm not watching 4 minutes but I do enjoy reading all the adorable little fangirl/boy reviews LOL 

4Minutes today makes this awful week better. Weee.


YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS......sorry I am a little excited about your watch plan lol

Picture from his IG I saw this morning. 


I’m afraid I will have to touch to confirm that this beautiful angel is real

Well there was an earthquake this morning so my day is off to a shaky start. Nothing major though.

Day 16 of August Challenge: Describe a typical day or weekend. Now describe what your perfect day would look like!

I wish I could answer this question but that would be a breach and danger to national security as my daily activities involve government agencies at the highest level *straightens jacket*........LOL let me answer the question seriously.

Let me describe what my school days are like first since I am currently on holiday. I normally wake up at about 4:30am and get ready, I do not eat breakfast because I have no appetite when I just wake up so I normally eat at around noon, my driver picks me up at about 5:30am. I spend about 8 hours in classes depending on the day's schedule (some class can be 3 hours long) then after school I have other responsibilities on campus as student leader, debate society, entrepreneurship, or science club activities - I do not do science subjects but I do have certifications in chemistry and biology but opted to not do further studies since it is not integral to my career choice. Yup, then my driver picks me up and drops me back home, so that is a normal school day for me last school year but this upcoming year will be different as I have additional responsibilities. 

Now for what my day is like now. I wake up then check social media for news (international and local) regarding politics, music, breaking news etc. Then I check my messages from friends and organisations I am a part of. Then when my appetite kicks in I find something to eat. Depending on my to do list I will be typing up documents to submit to parliament - I work with parliament at a certain level as an executive member. Sometimes I will  get to speak in parliament in certain sittings. I will also have meetings regarding this or meetings regarding school activities and bodies - yes even though it is the holidays I still have some responsibilities along with teachers to fulfil -thank God the meetings are online lol. Yes I am young and should be living it up but I love what I do lol.

On a free day I just spend the whole day watching YouTube, BL, reading political news articles, listening to music, vocal training etc. Toady is a free day- well kind of lol.

I do not have a perfect day in mind. I like waking up and seeing a beautiful and happy day unfold, so I have no limits as to what that is. I like to be surprised that way. I will say though that I like a rainy day especially at night seeing the street lights illuminating the rain drops.

I’m afraid I will have to touch to confirm that this beautiful angel is real

Not you checking out the merchandise lol screaming!