Chemistry is something else that I don't understand. I think I logically get it, and I've even used the saying but not sure I understand what most mean.

For me chemistry is not just limited to romance. Chemistry is when two are more people interact in such a way that they seem comfortable with each other, their roles to each other seem natural, and there is a genuine friendship there. Sometimes an actor's acting can seem stiff but it is not necessarily a fault of his acting but because his on screen partner and him do not share that special connection.

For example (I do not know if you have watched this show before) in the Golden Girls all the girls were able to execute their roles so well because they had good on screen chemistry so it really did feel like a genuine group of friends living together and that is what made the show so relatable and the jokes so funny.

Another example (Disney Fans) is the show Jessie. That last episode when Jessie left was so emotional because all these characters had acted together on this show for such many years and created this on screen bound and chemistry that it really did feel like a genuine goodbye. If they did not have this bond then the performance would not have been felt. 

As much as I hated how Love Sea turned out the chemistry between FortPeat cannot be denied. When ever they were together on screen it was not awkward or seem as though their interactions were forced, cold, or stiff. I guess for me that is what true chemistry is; no matter the chaos around the couple whenever they are together their interactions pull at your heart strings because a couple is a couple.

Of real couples also have chemistry; when you see a couple in the store and you do not have to guess if they are together, just by seeing how they interact with each other you know.

It is hard to recreate chemistry so when a pair of actors is able to do so they steal the hearts of fans hence why ships work in the BL industry and why fans feel so attached that they think the couple is real. 

Anyways this is my two cents. 

I enjoyed your morning thoughts lol they made me think.

 American Fan:
I was going to wait until the pizza question, ...but now that you brought it up, it's my favorite pizza topping.

That is it we have to break up. It is not me it is you (we need to normalise this version of the saying)

 American Fan:
I didn't think you would like it!

And you did not warn me!!!!


I feel attacked

A wah dis yah pon mi yah now.

Aaaaah, my Patois-to-English translator gives me: "What is it? This here on me right now." (Huh?)

Somebody help! I need an experienced RXwinw-to-English translator!

Anyways this why my two cents. 

Totally agree

and @Rxinw , you and me both buddy, facing MYATB withdraws are difficult... i miss xiabao's dimples and huaein's eyes 

@Rien made some emblems for me I will share them here in a bit.

and i agree to a couple things RXin told also i would like to 90 degree bow thank u for the news about MYATB 0o0

Lol you are welcome *bows back*

Lol Hia just won’t give up even though he knows very well by now who has won (I have said this before and I’ll say it again: Joong is mine and mine only @RXinw!) 

NURSE she is out AGAIN!

 American Fan:
My one year anniversary on the BL Lovers Club forum is tomorrow. It was a big deal to decide to step into the world of BL and I'm glad I did.  :-)

How do you remember lol. I have no idea when joined.

Also I am skipping today's challenge because I really do not know the answer lol. I do not even know my first BL.

Aaaaah, my Patois-to-English translator gives me: "What is it? This here on me right now." (Huh?)

Hey that is not bad actually.

Translation: What is this that has befallen me now. 

@RXinw we gotta figure out some way to deal with this lol

Battle Of The Writers ep 4 

I enjoyed this ep surprisingly lol

That whole scene where Obaun and Shan went crazy after eating the mushrooms had me laughing non stop- I was so confused at first lmao 

And Obaun is so cute when he gets shy thinking about Shan- he literally imagined their wedding lmao he’s down so bad XD 

Overall, the comedy in this week’s ep made it more fun to watch, especially cutie Yim <3


You know, I've always wanted to do something really nerdy while by ultra cool partner takes a nap LOL That is gif is adorable. 

Right— it’s oddly satisfying lmao


@RXinw we gotta figure out some way to deal with this lol

Treaty of Joong

This treaty hereby proclaims that all rights to Joong are exclusive to @RXinw and @OnyxTheHedgehog; in perpetuity. Thus neutralising any other party to lay claim.

Joong Archen Aydin will be shared by both @RXinw and @OnyxTheHedgehog.

How he will be shared will be determined by both parties through contract at the negotiation table.

End of Treaty.

I forgot to post this yesterday:

As much as I hated how Love Sea turned out the chemistry between FortPeat cannot be denied. When ever they were together on screen it was not awkward or seem as though their interactions were forced, cold, or stiff. I guess for me that is what true chemistry is; no matter the chaos around the couple whenever they are together their interactions pull at your heart strings because a couple is a couple.

I skipped the sex scenes in Love Sea, I felt they were very cringey LOL but I get that. I believe in my head, that's what I understand chemistry to be but I dont experience it like that. If I've ever looked at a real couple and thought they looked cute together, it's always an aesthetic thing, that they compliment each other visually. But I do understand looking at people and thinking, hmm, well they like each other. 

In Bad Buddy, it hit me hard because all that frustration and heartache and unspoken words just colliding into a really passionate kiss. I describe that more as empathy for the characters. I'm living the moment with them so I can feel excited with them. But I can also do this with just a solo character. 

I'm sorry to mention Cheng Yi again as he's not a BL actor but that effer could make me cry over a log, I don't know what it is LOL But in Immortal Samsara, it's a similar feeling as Bad Buddy, I experience both sides, whereas in Stand By Me, it was Cheng Yi alone. Luo Yun Xi in Follow Your Heart, is another example and I even said in my review, I didnt the feel chemistry, and there were other reviews saying that as well. LYX carried the show while the FL was really wooden and expressionless. But I still experienced the plot through LYX character. 

That's a long winded way of saying, that whenever I feel 'chemistry' what I'm actually feeling is empathy for the character. Cheng Yi has proven that, one actor alone can do this (2 if we count the voice actor for c dramas lol) and I will be invested in just that one character and live the plot with them, but when both leads match each other's ability to do this, that's when I say, I feel the chemistry, the actors ability to express the feelings between the characters. I can experience what the characters are experiencing. 

On the flip side, MileApo were touted very heavily for having really good chemistry and I felt nothing because I wasn't invested in the characters. I didnt care. So no matter how expressive Apo was, I still watched with my finger on the escape button LOL

Thank You for answering my morning babbling btw LOL appreciated the sharing of thoughts

Glad to have u on here! U gonna do anything to celebrate with us perhaps? 

Aw, thanks. I'm glad to have "met" you and everyone else here. 

I draw a blank when it comes to celebrations. I was asked once to help plan a b-day party and I spaced out the cake. 

That is it we have to break up. It is not me it is you (we need to normalise this version of the saying)

A token of my feelings. lol. And I like Pink!

And you did not warn me!!!!

RE: Love Stage - I thought it would be fun for you to find out on your own. 

How do you remember lol. I have no idea when joined.

It's cuz I don't have a good memory so I have lots of things noted on calendars. I use calendars as a diary in a way, not just for appts and stuff. 

Who is the guy you just posted above?

Pink's MV with the chainsaw, hahahahaha. I LOVE this song!!