Jazz For Two specifically. I misread which Why R U it was, though I do know parts of the Thai one are a dumpster fire by pretty much a consensus, but I feel like I need to experience Fighter/Tutor.
I'm on a high after Between Us and I just finished Not Me the other day. Both were top of the top for me. So I have to hit a wall at some point haha.
Oh dang. I haven't watched Jazz for Two-- but Why R U was definitely a train wreck for me lol Maybe I'm an odd one out but I was actually more interested in Zon/Saifah than Fighter/Tutor so those covid episodes towards the end with only Fighter/Tutor where such a letdown for me. Either way-- I still suggest you give it a try and see if it's for you!
Between Us is literally one of my favorite shows and Not Me is objectively one of the best BLs I've seen-- so-- I get you!!!
Maybe try something cute and short next? I saw you had Star in My Mind in your PTW list (honestly it's not the greatest show ever, but I think it's cute and I'm addicted lol)-- or Semantic Error (this one is a must, it's really really good)