American Fan:
Fourever You trailer

- YouTube

Yasssss! I saw it this morning and I'm so ready! 

It seems like this might turn out to be a group watch.  

 American Fan:

I don't know how to explain, but it's something I can't seem to control. It doesn't happen very often, for me, but once in a great while someone rubs me the wrong way. This is one of those times.

Ohh I see, I get what u mean

Personally, I love him lol (like I had said a while back, I’m in the minority who enjoyed watching UWMA because of KornIntouch scenes and Cooheart lmao) 

And I was so damn happy and excited when I found out about My Only 12% cuz I had just watched SantaEarth’s ep on 7 Project and fell in love with them lol


Yasssss! I saw it this morning and I'm so ready! 

It seems like this might turn out to be a group watch.  

Ooh yes!! Flashbacks of our We Are group watch lol 

The We Are OST (I mean the one where all of them r singing) is one of my current obsessions and every time I listen to it, I feel such nostalgia and bitter sweet lol…like I’m glad we watched and finished it together but at the same time I wish I could time travel back to when we first started watching it and enjoy the whole thing all over again

First Note of Love  Episode 7: Part Two

A continuation of part 1
I have to disagree with the comments suggesting that his hair needs an upgrade. I genuinely believe that the style suits Orca's personality.

Oh yes, I wasn't expecting a shower scene, but here we are. Look at how they please their audience. Beneath all those layers of clothing, he actually has some muscle, And are those abs I see? Nice!

Not Reese listening in on whether the shower is running. Why is he acting surprised to see him unclothed? The man has been walking around practically in his birthday suit since the day he inserted himself into Reese's life. Lol I have placed a bet on Orca pretending to sleep. The subtle movement of the hair got me in my feelings. He claims he's too perfect. STOP! I knew he wasn't sleeping!

Oh this sudden shift in mood is quite abrupt. We've returned to the confession—wait, I'm a bit confused. Neil abruptly pulled Sea closer. Is this a nightmare? Neil's expression is unsettling. Oh my goodness, this is actually hilarious. Whose imagination is running rampant? Why am I feeling so excited? LOL!

Whenever I see a necklace with a tag, my thoughts immediately go to the scene in "Why R U?" where Tutor and Fighter start devouring the chain. LMAO 

What is this Western music in the background? Oh my God, guys, I'm losing it right now. I don't even care that this kiss is a figment of someone's imagination. Loving every minute of it. And the mystery has been revealed. It was Sea's gay panic. It's okay, young one. It happens to the best of us. LOL

I really find Charles attractive when he wears casual clothes. A simple sweater and a chain seem to be all it takes, apparently! Haha. I'm just showing my appreciation for my girl Mei, who is always fabulous.

Neil, not the I have a friend, help me with my problems. I'm not talking about myself, but secretly, I am. He didn't make it halfway through the speech before he outed himself. Aw, Mei is so cute when she's excited! The friendship dynamic between the two of them is so adorable.

Oh my God, the pointing out of Neil's age and his sex appeal, just in case Sea's confused as  to where his panic is coming from, let us writers point out for him in flashing green lights—yes, he's done for and screwed, and I am right there with him. LOL

Why did Mei have to call Neil a stray LMAO

 The way Sea was dancing around the practice room made it seem like they were about to break out in a musical number! LOL

During the second pre-couples therapy session, Neil and Sea decided to temporarily set aside the conversation about their blooming relationship and relocate all of their musical equipment to the roof. WHY LOL  Once there, they launched into a performance in which the song's lyrics conveniently conveyed the emotions they struggled to put into words.

Sea, stop smiling like that; you're going to make my cheeks hurt. "I will be there for you to rely on in the future. I will stand guard and heal your broken heart." Okay, but why am I actually really loving this song?!

Why are you confessing to him while he's sleeping? Tell him the truth!

On a side note, what is Reese and Orca's purpose? Why are they even here? While I truly adore this show, I have to point out that the writers are using the side characters merely as a tool to assist Neil and Sea. They barely have any storylines.

This is completely for fun and shared in the name of it. I have written it out in the similar manner as I would if it were a series I had watched (which I kind of did LOL) and I'm typing up an A to B spoiler of the plot. I'm not trying to write a novel. Just sharing my crazy with the rest of the asylum LOL 

All pics are ai generated or Google images

Brought to you by Elfy's Dream Theatre ~ 

Eros Arrows/Shameless

Song Inspiration 

~ For Wen ~ Partition By Beyonce + Arsonist's Lullabye ~ By Hozier

~ For Rik ~ My Blood + Figure 8 ~ By Ellie Goulding 

Part Three ~ Eight Years

Wen's mother quietly and peacefully passes away in the early spring of the following year. The funeral is simple, with only Wen and Sandy in attendance. Wen tells Sandy how exhausted he was when he returned from work, that all he could do was hold her hand and rest his head on the side of the bed. He could feel her hand stroking his hair as he drifted off to sleep, just like she did when he was little. Wen remembers how he could never sleep without her as it was always just the two of them.
The doctors had said she must have held on for the right moment, as she lived a little longer than they predicted. Maybe that was her moment. Wen breaks down on Sandy's shoulder, who tells him to take his time and gently comforts him.
In the afternoon, Wen borrows Sandy's phone to tell Rik. He apologizes for not calling sooner as he had a lot to deal with. Rik was unable to make the funeral but had promised to be a listening ear. For Wen, however, the pain of separation was now too deep. He did not know the world anymore and was unsure of what to do next. He knew he could no longer rely on Rik or disturb him. They belonged to different worlds and a part of him had already started to give up hope.

Rik asks if there is anything he can do for him. Wen replies with a soft 'no' and tells him he'll speak to him later. When Wen returns to the small apartment he shared with his mother, he can do nothing else but cry. His life revolved around his mother and Rik, and now both were gone. Reluctantly, he takes Rik's ring off his finger and strokes it gently. He kisses it and decides to put it away with his journal, neatly packed together with mother's things.

For the months that followed, Wen travels to work and no where else, spending his free time in the apartment. Despite Sandy's urgings, he didn't know how to live his life on his own.

Rik's student life carries on as normal. He continues to meet the demands of his parents while meeting social obligations to his friends. He wanders through his days in tune with the ticking of his watch, every hour planned in his notebook. His classes, his art club, social gatherings, when he sleeps, when he eats. He becomes accustomed to a routine that he doesn't have to question. He spends most of his University life like this. When he returns home, his mother flaunts him to her friends as brilliant and regularly tries to keep Mimi by his side. Rik learns how to play along.

A year after his mother's passing, Sandy manages to convince Wen to join him at his cosmetology school and train to be a hair stylist. Apprehensive at first, his confidence is boosted by Sandy's extroverted nature and he quickly finds a new passion for fashion and beauty.

Although he does buy his own phone, the need to contact Rik lessons over time as he meets new friends and begins experiencing life by himself. When he first dyes his own hair, it is Sandy who posts his picture online. A stream of questions and compliments persuades Wen to finally create his own account and he often uses it to interact with Rik, only this time, his feelings of jealously subside as he begins to take pride in the life he is building for himself.

Watching Wen's posts, Rik continues to encourage and secretly long for him. He notices in Wen's pictures that he is no longer wearing the ring he gave him and begins to realize that neither are the same anymore and his conversation with Wen in the taxi comes back to haunt him. 

He isn't ready to let Wen go.

Life continues for both boys steadily and by the time Rik enters his final year, he is a well known student on campus, often being asked for tutoring lessons. His role as President of the Art Club adds the final touches to his sense of independence, so that when he returns home to visit his parents, he finally puts an end to the forced relationship with Mimi.

During a New Year's gathering, he is sitting in his usual place between his mother and Mimi, when he suddenly finds himself listening to a conversation about heels. Mimi pulls out her phone and places her arm around the back of Rik's chair, in order to lean towards his mother. She excitedly says that she was planning on buying them as they were just released by the designer. Rik's mother quickly interrupts and tells her that Rik should buy them for her as a holiday gift.
Swirling the wine in his glass, a devilish smile appears on Rik's face.

"I don't think those shoes would suit your feet, much too delicate"

He turns to Mimi and tells  her coldly how much of her beauty she is wasting on him.
Rik's mother can barely manage to stutter out a response before Rik excuses himself with a smile. His mother can only control the circumstances, not his actions, and Rik intended to exploit this. It wasn't long before his mother could only mention Mimi's name with a bitter smile.

Wen's life becomes unrecognizable. He begins experimenting with his hair and fashion. He pierces his ears and starts wearing chokers. He and Sandy become regular weekend faces at parties and clubs. Gone are the days of work and hospitals, as he glamourizes his life and finds freedom in drinking and sex.

By the time he acquires his stylist license and a trainee job in a salon, he is surrounded by a string of eager men chasing him. On one Valentine's Day, a large bouquet of roses is delivered to Wen's place of work from an admirer wishing to take him to dinner, followed by 2 more deliveries from separate admirers and another waiting to confess outside after hours.

Sandy gleefully gets this whole fiasco on his phone, exclaiming that most people wait years for one person, and now there were four on one day.

Wen gets a taste for danger and often finds himself in situations of being worshipped and obsessed over. He thrives on the attention and laughs about it with Sandy. His carefree nature reaches it's peak when he agrees to a relationship with an older and wealthier man.

For 15 months, Wen enjoys a salacious affair filled with shopping sprees, expensive restaurants, private vacations and rendezvous in the back seat of his lover's expensive cars. During one meal, Wen was tracing his finger down the menu when he heard a familiar voice. He looked up to see Rik's parents calling out to his partner. Fearing being recognized, he nervously tries to hide his face behind the menu.

His lover is an acquaintance of Rik's parents and as a married man, quickly makes up a lie that Wen was an aspiring new model he is considering signing to his agency, unaware of Wen's connection to them. Thankfully, Rik's father takes little interest in those around him unless they are of use to him, and Rik's mother barely recognizes him, extending out her hand with a warm smile and commenting that he will be famous soon as he has beautiful eyes.

Wen takes great pleasure in recollecting this experience back to Sandy.

When his lover's wife eventually discovers the affair by checking the accounts, her husband continues to send Wen gifts for a few a months afterwards, unable to fully let go.

Sandy begins making jokes of the 'wife and the concubine' each time Wen receives another expensive gift.

Shortly after graduating, Rik happily announces his wishes to live on his own. It's the only time Rik can remember his father defending him against his mother, who reluctantly agrees as long as she can help pick the place. Rik has his belongings packed the moment he's told he can collect the keys. 

Whilst in the middle of his move, he sends Wen a message asking if they can meet up.

When Wen receives this message, he is casually walking down the street with his groceries, and is about to send an excited yes reply, when his lover's wife angrily flies at him with her handbag. She hits him repeatedly, screaming and cursing him for being a whore and a disgusting monster that had seduced her husband.
People stop to watch the assault as Wen protects his head.  Seeing the commotion from the end of the street, Sandy rushes to help, as the lover halts his car to a stop with a squeak, and jumps out to grab his wife.
Wen is left dazed and surrounded by vegetables in the middle of the street. When Sandy reaches him, Wen is already pulling himself up, laughing.

"At least it was Chanel"

Rik waits for Wen's reply but it comes late in the evening, simply saying that he was busy. Wen is too embarrassed to meet him.

Several times Rik tries to meet up with Wen without success. Often Wen is busy with his work or has prior plans with Sandy and various friends. Occasionally, Wen deliberately lies.

Wen wants to meet him but feels that he no longer can. When his married lover finally breaks off contact, Wen simply moves on, feeling that he is no longer the boy Rik will remember and is afraid to disappoint him. He has changed. And although he has long given up his hope on being with Rik, he still hopes that he can be remembered as the carefree boy that he once was, despite his troubles.

Rik begins to feel the same. He has also changed and perhaps he and Wen were now very different people. He watches Wen's metamorphosis on his social media and a deep aching settles into his heart, one that he can not shift. 

Before he is to begin working at his father's company, his mother suggests that he travel first, and Rik quickly accepts. When he messages Wen of this idea, Wen simply replies with

'Sounds fun'

Both have already decided to live their own lives and that there is no going back to the past.

Rik travels to various places across the globe during the following year, while Wen begins working full time as a stylist, quickly gaining popularity on social media for his looks. 

Both watch the other's shared adventures online, but neither wanting to disturb the other.

Wen's romantic affairs continue to be intense and a topic of gossip, while Rik is quickly set up on a date by his mother when he returns home. Rik begins to accept the offers, even dating some of them but always finding something lacking eventually and the relationship always ends with a tearful phone call and a scolding later from his mother. The deep ache in his heart turns to numbness and Rik begins to drink more often by himself, never removing his ring. 

By their 25th year, both men have a left a string of broken hearts behind them. Rik, unable to commit, and Wen, unable to be tamed.

Rik is working at his father's tech company, overseeing major departments and is popular among his female co workers, while Wen and Sandy open their own salon and begin to frequent a bar on a side street, where they become friendly with the staff.

By then, both men only communicate through their social media posts.

It is shortly before Rik's 26th birthday, his mother becomes more and more incessant that he should consider getting married. She huffs until her cheeks are red, telling Rik and his father that all her friend's children were now married and some were even parents, including Mimi. She begs Rik to consider how embarrassing it is for her to have set him up with several women throughout the years, and that he had turned all of them down. Now she was being invited to their weddings and baby showers.

"They were your choices, not mine"

Rik has gotten used to his mother. He has learned to block her out, looking off into the distance with a smile every time she spoke, teasing her in his responses. When he is asked why he couldn't 'just pick a women', he replies that none of them are blonde. He laughs under his breath as his mother nearly turns purple with rage. To her, all the women she chose were beautiful and from wealthy, well established families. To Rik, none of them are Wen.

The desire he suppresses eventually begins to spiral, and within another year, he finds himself dating a young heiress called Emi. Having fallen into routine and the emotional numbness that plagues him, he moves through the relationship as requested by his mother. He smiles, he flirts, he dates as normal. He hasn't spoken to Wen in over a year when he finds himself living with Emi and giving in to his mother's desire for marriage and grandchildren.

Always on top, Rik begins a slow fall downwards as the hold on his life is taken from him. His concentration begins to suffer at work as his free time is filled with outings and wedding plans between Emi and his mother. Outwardly, Rik remains gentle and smiling, but inwardly, his mental well being deteriorates and he starts to binge drink regularly, often waking up at his front door. 

A concerned Emi tells Rik's mother of his drinking habits but is convinced it's just 'pre-wedding nerves'.

One night after a hot and miserable day at work, Rik indulges in another late night binge, stumbling between bars. He clutches an empty bottle and believes himself to be walking towards Wen's house, mumbling as he went. All he wants is Wen. He shouts up at the sky in anger, calling out to the Heavens to bring Wen to him. When nothing happens, he waves his fists in the air and pretends to punch the sky.

He cradles the empty bottle in his arms and stumbles on, unsure of where he is. 

He soon finds himself on a narrow street, where he can hear singing and laughing coming from a small bar. Checking he still has his wallet, he enters the bar to find the source of the singing.

It's crowded inside, with lots of people laughing and singing along to karaoke. Finding a seat in the corner, Rik sits down, still hugging his empty bottle and looks around. He doesn't care if he passes out or vomits. Everyone is too happy and he feels determined to spoil the mood. He considers ordering another drink. When he looks down at his feet, he realizes that he has lost a shoe, and laughs miserably at himself. Standing up, he makes his way to the bar.

There are two bartenders behind the counter. One is a handsome man with black, spiked hair and an undercut. He is loud and cheering on the singers, hyping them up as they sing, clapping his hands in the air. The other is a smaller, more effeminate man with make up and a coiffed pastel pink hairstyle.

When Rik leans on the counter, it is the smaller man with coiffed hair that approaches him and asks for his order with a wide grin.
Rik waves his credit card towards him and replies with something strong. The bartender hesitates for a moment, looking him up and down with a concerned look on his face.
He responds with a simple 'sure' and quietly walks towards his co worker to whisper something in his ear.

Rik sit his chin on the palm of his hand and looks around the room again. The music has changed to a softer tone and everyone becomes hushed and begin to coo. His eyes follow the lights to the stage where a small blonde figure comes into focus. Singing softly and seductively, the little figure sways with the guitar, and gently caresses his face as he sings to the audience.

Cries of 'sexy' and 'marry me' erupt from the crowd to resounding laughter. Curious, Rik stands up to get a better look. Slowly, he walks forward, holding onto the bar for support before the figure comes into focus. Rik's world stops as he realizes who it is.

Wen finishes the song with a wink and flirtatiously blows kisses to the crowd.

Rik can feel his heart race and his eyes burn. He's found him. He reaches out to him but before he can call his name, the loud bartender with the undercut has moved beside him, wrapping his arm around his waist and plants a kiss on his lips.

Rik stands motionless, suspended in time, holding onto the bar with one hand, and an empty bottle in the other, drunk, unkempt and missing a shoe while the love of his life clings onto another man, unaware of his presence.

Another man, dressed in a lacey blouse and light brown hair, from a far corner shouts for the lovebirds to get a room. The bartender gives a booming response.

"Next round is on Sandy!"

Sandy responds with a curt 'was that haircut free?'

Wen burst into a deep laugh as he wraps the bartender's arm around his neck, playing with his fingers.

Rik can feel the tears fill his eyes at the sound of his laughter. How he had missed that sound. 

They walk off the stage and the bartender softly tells Wen to get some lemons from the back for a customer. He quickly glances over at Rik and Wen follows his eyes.

Recognition suddenly etches into Wen's face as his rosy cheeks drain. Wen and Rik find themselves locked in each other's gaze, unable to move, not knowing what to say.

Eight years had passed since their fateful conversation in the taxi. Five years since they last heard each other's voice. One year since they had last messaged each other. Life has moved on and changed dramatically for both of them. Now none of it mattered as in one moment, repressed emotions overwhelmed them and flowed over in their hearts.

Once again apologies for grammar or spelling mistakes. This is just for fun for the few that were interested in the full version. Thanks for entertaining my whims LOL

like I’m glad we watched and finished it together but at the same time I wish I could time travel back to when we first started watching it and enjoy the whole thing all over again

Right! I feel the same ;; It's honestly my favorite show this year (to date) because of how it made me feel and how attached I became to the friend group ;; I too miss watching it an discussing it with everyone lol

I'm waiting for Perfect 10 Liners to air, now that PerthSanta is a thing-- but specially because I learned that New was directing. I figured out that I really like his work, it's not mind-blowing, but a lot of his shows are my comfort shows ;; e.g. Star in My Mind, Between Us, We Are and I'm currently watching My Only 12%, which I'm loving as well. 

yes, he's done for and screwed, and I am right there with him. LOL

SAME. Sea is us, we are Sea. 

SAME. Sea is us, we are Sea

Just finished 4minutes

i was not prepared AT ALL for the double death of Ton Kla and Korn, like tbh I thought korn was gonna k!ll ton kla

Finished A Man Who Defies the World of BL Season 3 - It was another perfectly funny season lol! I LOVED HOW MUCH AYATO AND TOUJO WE GOT! I want to see them in a drama together as main leads!  I gave it a 9/10. It could've been 10, but I really, really disliked the trope they added in episode 2 or 3. I was kinda disgusted. The trope basically is a man helping out a 13 year child, but it's obvious that the kid is going to fall in love w/ the guy in the future. I did not like it at all!!!!! The way they show the man helping out a kid in need so romantically pissed me off. But, other than that, I really enjoyed the show. I loved all the new people and the fun tropes. Hatano's adorable! I'm so glad that he understands that he's a minor and doesn't want to get Mob in trouble by pushing himself onto Mob. But, the end was such a cliffhanger though!!!!! I want the sequel rn so I know what happens!!!!

tried one with EarthMix

That's such a playful one of them, so cute!!

It seems like this might turn out to be a group watch.  

Let's make it official!!


Date believed to start is Thursday, OCT 3rd

Watch on your own time and come here to post your comments & thoughts.

Everyone welcome!

 American Fan:

Let's make it official!!


Date believed to start is Thursday, OCT 3rd

Watch on your own time and come here to post your comments & thoughts.

Everyone welcome!

Okay count me in. :) ♡

I wish I could time travel back to when we first started watching it and enjoy the whole thing all over again

Maybe we'll get lucky with Fourever You. 50/50 chance right? LOL

my current obsessions

Mine is Definition of Ugly Is by The Rose. I have to listen to it every day a few times or more. If you haven't heard Woosung's voice, this is a great intro song to how beautiful he sings.

I have to disagree with the comments suggesting that his hair needs an upgrade.

"An upgrade" is putting it mildly, hahahaha

Whenever I see a necklace with a tag, my thoughts immediately go to the scene in "Why R U?" where Tutor and Fighter start devouring the chain. LMAO 

Oh yes, I remember THOSE scenes. 

 what is Reese and Orca's purpose? Why are they even here?

Me wondering the same. 

Part Two ~ Eight Years

Because your last story had them apart right? And now it's 8 yrs later...making sure I'm following along correctly, lol.

 American Fan:

Let's make it official!!


Date believed to start is Thursday, OCT 3rd

Watch on your own time and come here to post your comments & thoughts.

Everyone welcome!

Love the gif /o/