where it's a parental figure?

This was a big debate among fans when it was airing trust it plays a huge part in the series so just watch and enjoy.

You see, the car still running, I can understand. I left a stove hob on not so long when I thought I had turned it off. Fog brain, happens to the best of us.

I used to call this placenta brain cuz it only happened to me while I was pregnant or shortly after giving birth and got worse with each child. I'd do things like walk to the pantry (5 steps away) to get something for the dinner I was literally in the middle of making, only to just end up standing there staring at the shelves because for the life of me, I couldn't remember wth I went there to get. LOL!

On ep 3 of Unknown. 

You're watching it! YAY! How are you liking it so far?

You see, the car still running, I can understand. I left a stove hob on not so long when I thought I had turned it off. Fog brain, happens to the best of us.

But, you actually had to take a jar of mayo and put it in your hair, thinking it would work .......

The car still running, in a public place, was actually a shocker. It's just NOT done in the US. Matter of fact in some regions it's against the law. (Maybe if the car is locked while running). Anyway, it's a really bad thing.

No comment about the mayo.

Commence my episode 6 live reaction to 4Minutes...

Back at the car?  Hmm. We about to see what happens if he hadn't flipped back in the timeline? Ironically, if he had hit her, she wouldn't have hired someone to go shoot his mom.
I'd totally forgotten about Nutcha whoever.
Not Tyme being heartless and just drinking the coffee LOL
Not Great eating dinner like he didn't totally just test dummy a woman to death.
Not Great's dad being super casual about it.
Great's mom is at least consistently his dad's slave. BUT WTF GREAT. WHY YOU LAUGHING. Brooooo.
I have a feeling my brain is going to be very unhappy shortly as we go back through these events.
God dammit. I was eating freaking yogurt when the rock incident happened. Get better friends, Great. Get better friends. Psycho.
Is that the cars camera? Or is someone else recording them?
So now we see the other scene NC scene Great saw in the other universe/timeline? I think they should swap colors. Great should be in Black after his escapades.
Tyme being all smooth and shit. Making me blush. "Do you come here often" LOOOOOL NOOO.
"Let me use the bathroom" ... in the middle of that? Nah. No way.
Durex product placement.
Great taking an age to use the bathroom.
Proper use of lube?
Okay not really. That was barely any use of lube but I'll give them showing it at least.
TYME WHAT THE HELL MAN. I don't know why I am more bothered by the video taking than the lady car hitting. I think I liked his revenge plot to steal information wayyyy better than revenge porn.
Also, this world has no cute cat stuffies :(
Great looking super confused when he is rejected... man, me too. I'm confused too.
Okay so now we have some minor overlap of the timeline where things still happened the same. I kinda wanna see if outfits changed though LOL.
I keep waiting for the coffee cup overlap where it said "I'm sorry, Great"
Oh no. Nan dies in this one doesn't she :(
Who the hell is smoking man? Nice scarf.
Definitely Tonkla shooting him for helping with the death of his brother. That's my thoughts for sure. AND I WAS RIGHT.
But... wait? is he dead? THE HELL.


I suffered zero confusion, but that's only because the episode is confirming my entire theory on this show and what's going on.

I am still hoping it's a parallel universe, personally. I like the version we saw for the first 5 episodes. But I guess we have two more left to find out for sure.

Hook Mountain State Park

I am not far from here now, since I just dropped off kid # 2 at college.


Newly posted WeTV pilot for "Caged Again":
Looks quite cute!

The penguin threw me off innitually— but after watching the whole trailer— it looks adorable, I coukd totally watch it.


I am still hoping it's a parallel universe, personally. I like the version we saw for the first 5 episodes. But I guess we have two more left to find out for sure.

Right?! Reality always gotta suck the fun outta everything. 

Tbf, I would have nada regrets with it being a parallel Universe myself, if it means they keep this one far away from me and bring back the one we all prefer. *nods lots* Either way it's gonna be a helluva challenge/ride tying up all those gazillion loose ends in either PU....and I'm here for it!

AUGUST CHALLENGE - DAY 30 - How family/friends describe me

Bookworm - I do really enjoy reading.

Awkward- It takes me a while to warm up to new people and Im hella awkward😅

Smartass - by my dear mom 


Lazy😅 - I have to admit I do tend get real lazy when I'm tired

4 Minutes - episode 6

I was not confused as one of my theories was confirmed which is similar to @MeNotYou's theory. What I do wonder now is that is the timeline we have been seeing really Great fixing things or is it just a reality conjured up by his brain as it grapples with the loss of oxygen during the 4 minute gap it has to survive?

Anyway, I am mostly certain of story-line and mystery at this point. There would have to be a huge plot twist for me to have doubt, so for me, at this moment, the plot is understood and solved.

Now why am I at odds with this series? Well there are two things, one is me nitpicking and the other is serious to me. The first thing is that the production in terms of the substance used for blood irritated me in previous episodes because the colour and consistency in fluidity in caparison to real blood is way off. I am so used to excellent production from Be On Cloud that this slight thing stands out to me and messes with my perfectionist mind. 

On to the more serious thing. I believe that I am going to be the odd one out here with the following being an unpopular opinion. Chemistry is my issue. In the beginning the visuals, atmosphere of the series, and intriguing story-line made up for and boosted whatever chemistry is there. However for me the lack of chemistry between Jes and Bible was revealed during their NC scene. Notice how I did not give my usual NC scene reaction for their first NC scene nor for this episode. That is because of the reasons I gave previously and because it struck me that there is no damn chemistry. I did not say anything because I did not want to be premature in my thinking so I waited until this episode to give them some time but now it is too late for me as next week is the penultimate episode. I will be honest, coming into this series I was hesitant about whether they had enough chemistry to pull this series off because just before the series aired I watched their short film and I did not see no minuscule of chemistry. I purposefully waited until just before the series aired to watch the short film because I wanted it to be my introduction to this new couple. I am now wondering if fans really are seeing chemistry or is it the excitement surrounding Bible switching roles in the bedroom, the danger element of the series, the handsome visuals, the hot sex scenes between side characters overshadowing the sex scenes of Tyme and Great and the mysterious atmosphere of it all that has them blinded to the lack of chemistry.

Yes, of course their NC scenes are hot but that is simply because there are two visually pleasing guys having sex, and nothing deeper than that, "Beauty without depth is just decoration." 

mi nuh know bout ada people but fi mi.....deep breathes, a rant coming on, let me reign it in. As it pertains to action/crime/mafia series involving romantic relationships between morally grey characters there must be some deep passion, tension and chemistry to hold an audience to the romance when conflict ensues; I so believe. Here we have Great's family killing Tyme's parents, Tyme attacking Great's family and wounding his brother Korn, Tyme releasing a sex tape of Great, Great committing a hit and run, Great being an accessory to murder, etc. , with all of this how can there be such bland interactions between the leads, how can this romance be sold as potent enough for all these things to be sidelined by it, unbelievable. When the first NC scene occurred between the leads I had voiced my criticism with how it unfolded considering events that took place before which just made the scene seem disjointed from the rest of the series (must be taking notes from Sunset x Vibes). That scene needed raw emotion and passion. 

I am at a mature place where I am looking deeper than visuals when watching NC scenes. A couple years ago would I have ate their scenes up? Yes, but a couple years ago I was also excited about slight touches and air kisses now I would side eye the fuck out of that bitch.....deep breaths, I will not rant. 

Okay, I started writing this at 9 pm and it is now 11 pm. I got pulled into work matters now I have lost my train of thoughts lol soooooo:

All to say that they nailed the story-line and wrote it excellently with how the story is woven intricately, but for me the leads do not have the chemistry to pull off this type of morally grey romance. I do not think acting is the issue, I think there is just simply no chemistry and................let me not say that other part lol. Perhaps I will save it for my finale review (depending on how many fs I give at that moment lol). It is very unlikely I am rating this a 10 (exception being a veto) which would make it the first Be On Cloud series I have not given a 10. 


Random question- What is everyones favorite colors? :)

Purple, Red, Olive green

Day 31. Share a funny story, joke, photo, video, mishap, meme, etc.

This question puts me in the situation of having to search for jokes online.

Here you go, the funniest jokes of all time, supposedly.

And with this, the challenge is over. Glad to have participated, it was fun!

@American Fan Can you please remind me which HIStory series we are planning to watch as a group tomorrow? I've already watched "Obsessed," but I didn't rate it very highly. I read somewhere that one of the HIStory series is more popular than the others. Is it the one that Charles Tu has a role in?

I am not far from here now,

I love it even if you're not a big hiker the walk around the Lake is worth it! Also, Positive Vibes for your kiddo at college. :)