What I do wonder now is that is the timeline we have been seeing really Great fixing things or is it just a reality conjured up by his brain as it grapples with the loss of oxygen during the 4 minute gap it has to survive?

This is my thought too and where my head went after the epi. Truthfully, it could easily go either way and still work, if it's done right. Personally, I'd love for it to be that he can somehow actually alter things in reality by fixin' them in the world inside his head. That would make for one epic storyline...especially since I'm almost positive Doc is gonna end up being the one that's operating on him and fighting to save his life. That said, having it just be a coping mechanism, tho obv not as happy of a ending, could also be an amazing outcome too, dependent on where they go with it afterwards.

the lack of chemistry between Jes and Bible was revealed during their NC scene last week

Ok I thought I was the only one who felt that way. Jes's awkwardness worked for the fake pickup and NC set up in this epi, given that he was supposed to be just going thru the motions for his revenge, but there seemed to be various levels of uncomfortableness present in all their physical scenes too, no matter the level. For me, Jes is kinda coming across as being either still uncomfortable with any kind of same sex physical interactions (I think it's his first BL is it not?), or maybe he's simply just uncomfortable with filming any kind of physical scenes period, no matter who his partner is. Either way, I also found their intimate scenes to be very stiff... and not in a good way.

Fun fact.. 4 minutes was apparently already slated and ready to start filming immediately following the completion of KinnPorche, with Bible and Build as the MLs. But then that whole Build debacle with that cee you next tuesday, put the kibosh on it and it's taken all this time to finally come to fruition, unfortunately minus Build.

August Challenge Day 31 ~ 

Share a funny story, joke, photo, video, mishap, meme, etc.

I was in Saloo, Spain, on holiday with my friend and we went into a bar we had visited the night before that had live music from another guy from Ireland. We thought he was funny so we went back. I got up to request a song and missed a step down right in front of him and shouted 'Fuck!!' The whole bar turned to look at me. I then proceeded to request my song 'These boots are made for walking'  LMAO 

I went back to my friend as a red a tomato and told her 'uhh, we need to drink these and leave' LOL 

He did sing the song but he also called me out before hand as 'the girl in the back' just to make everything really fking awkward in a bar of increasingly drunk people LOL I was a blur of colours leaving that bar LOL 

Well, this has been fun. Whatever will I ponder over my morning tea now? So here's a final picture. I'm not a selfie person. I'm not the sexy type. Never was, and last winter, I bought a fox themed night gown and I was feeling cute, and I tried to take a selfie and promptly dropped my phone and ended up with this. I like this much better. This is who I am really LMAO It's been fun getting to know everyone <3


@American Fan Can you please remind me which HIStory series we are planning to watch as a group tomorrow? I've already watched "Obsessed," but I didn't rate it very highly. I read somewhere that one of the HIStory series is more popular than the others. Is it the one that Charles Tu has a role in?

We will be watching History 3: Trapped (2019).  I believe it's the most popular History series. 

Charles Tu is in History 4: Close To You (2021), which I really enjoyed, but isn't rated as highly as Trapped.

"Obsessed" was okay, but I like the series mentioned above and the series I list below much more. All of which I rated a 9 or 10.  IMO, of course!

History 2: Crossing The Line (2018)

History 2: Right or Wrong (2018)

History 3: Make Our Days Count (2019) 

My least favorite of the History series and the first ones to come out (2017):

History: My Hero

History: Stay Away From Me

Obsessed is also from this era and the better of the 3, imo. Here's a link to all three as a compilation on MDL.

Jump to 2023 and History 5: Love in the Future came out, but it was a disappointment for me. 

There you have it! It's more info than you asked, but it's also confusing to many. Thankfully there is no need to watch in a particular order since they are completely different stories.


American Fan- History 3: Trapped is my favorite out of the Historys. I love it! ♡ Andy(Jack) is my favorite charactor. lol! XD


American Fan- History 3: Trapped is my favorite out of the Historys. I love it! ♡ Andy(Jack) is my favorite charactor. lol! XD

Yeah, Jack really caught my attention for sure! He was hot, fun and little bit crazy (as Andy)! I wish he had been in more dramas. 

 American Fan:

Yeah, Jack really caught my attention for sure! He was hot, fun and little bit crazy (as Andy)! I wish he had been in more dramas. 

Ikr! I miss him. :( ♡

For Boun Prem fans <3

My review of Unknown ~ Rated 9.5. Includes spoilers.

Joint No. 3 with Untamed in my Top 10 Rated

NO. 16 in Top 20 I decided to list films separately so it has now moved to No. 11 on Top 20 Shows

Although Love Note and on1y one hasnt finished yet, it and Unknown have brought Taiwan up to 3rd place on my BL collection. It would seem that for Taiwanese BL's there's a possibility that I may prefer their slice of life offerings. They take their time unravelling the characters feelings and situations before jumping into a relationship and my sexuality prefers that lol

 American Fan:
Thankfully there is no need to watch in a particular order since they are completely different stories.

OH wow  Thank you  for the info that helped !  I will watch History 3: Trapped with you guys and add  History 4: Close To You to my BL PTW list !


ROFLOL! See this is why we are now friends. Clearly I need to protect you from yourself in these types of situations!

Lol I counting on ya! 

So, I'm thinking next I will give this famous Addicted 2016 a shot because it keeps coming up LOL I am seeing dubious consent in the tags though. So.....fingers crossed LOL


American Fan- History 3: Trapped is my favorite out of the Historys. I love it! ♡ Andy(Jack) is my favorite charactor. lol! XD

 American Fan:

Yeah, Jack really caught my attention for sure! He was hot, fun and little bit crazy (as Andy)! I wish he had been in more dramas. 

He’s my fav character lol, he was insanely hot and I have him on my fav actor list XD

For Addicted, even if I drop this later, I would like to say that I'm really appreciating the visual grit so far. There's no filter from the guys, I can see their pores and dark circles, the 'laddish' teenage boy look, the average joe's town and housing. All but one c drama I've watched have been wuxia/xianxia genre's so my experience with c drama's is that everything is very glossed over and every detail is perfectly co ordinated. This real human approach is very refreshing for me. 


So, I'm thinking next I will give this famous Addicted 2016 a shot because it keeps coming up LOL I am seeing dubious consent in the tags though. So.....fingers crossed LOL

Well considering the original material, the novel, and it's tags, dubious consent was their way of making it censored enough for airing. Although if it had the chance to finish before the Chinese government intervened I do not know if they would have included the other tag. I guess we will never know the direction it was to take regarding that other tag.

Ok I thought I was the only one who felt that way.

I love this club. As usual just when you think you are the odd one out there is always someone here who is of the same mind. Yes I noticed the awkwardness too.

There is something else I wanted to say but held back but let me save it for my final review.