@GelfyFaeth222 wow that was so good 

please do ask your brain to finish the series and then tell us what happens lol

I finished rewatching HIStory3: Trapped and now I want to watch it all over again TT 

The rewatch was just as fun as the first watch, except this time I got to fast-forward the “boring” parts and skip to the good scenes lol 

I honestly wasn’t even paying attention to the actual plot, I just watched the romance lol 

Anyways, that was fun!! 

At the time I watched it while it was airing I found it to be lacking in portraying the elements promised; namely Mafia and BDSM. If anything I saw it more of a parody of these elements.

(re "Forgotten Night") Indeed. Back when I started watching it, I initially saw the series as a bit of a cringe train wreck. But then as I decided to think of it more as a spoof of a mafia BL, it was OK. As with many Thai BLs, the cuties help. @MeNotYou, I'll be interested to hear your final opinion.

Both of you are right on the money and I'm in total agreement. I also found the casting was just wrong in the sense that the ML, no matter how "rough around the edges" they tried to make him be, could not convince me in no way, shape, or form, that he was Mafia or that they were deeply into BDSM. Bondage... maybe, but the rest was weak af. Almost as weak as the entire dialogue of this show....lol. I seriously was either rolling my eyes or cringing at almost all of it... especially the whole last epi. in it's entirety. I also didn't care for all the various things they glossed over and ended up making so unrealistic with the way they were said and done. Like the fact that Cherry slapped, tied up, and locked away Kim, but yet they're still gonna be friends? On what planet would that ever happen?  And yet, Kam turns around and goes apeshit over Day/De "hurting" Kim by not loving him back, loving someone else and therefore, breaking up with him? BFFR! Or how about when they claimed someone else and not Cherry shot at Kim and Boon, but they never even showed anyone else being there or even just something as simple as a hand with a gun and a muzzle flash, nor did they even do anything with it (or her) after that statement. It was all like... there, there child, we know it's not your fault and we didn't believe it for a second, despite what you did to him at the event, so don't worry your pretty little head about such silly things and with a pat on the proverbial head, poof, it's all is instantly forgiven, completely forgotten and just let go, never to be dealt with again. It was the most unnecessary scene and did nothing for the story whatsoever the way it was done. Still burns my assents when I think of all that nonsense, especially the first example, and those weren't the only times I wanted to slap the writer for either...lol. GAH!

That said, my favourite character was Kim and for me, he was what saved this show from being disliked. Not only is the actor Ton Saran Anantasetthakul  nice to look at (like if Win Metawin and Offroad had a son) with a stunning smile and straight up having a pair of the most kissable lips I've ever seen, but I thought he fit his role the best, and I enjoyed his acting and his character the most out of all of them. I will definitely be following up with some of his other works to see how he did in them. Also like RX said, the MLs chemistry was definitely better than the show itself and tbh, it was probably what kept me watching. That, and being the big cat lover that I am, the tigers of course. 

So over all, I didn't dislike it per se, but I can't say I really liked it either. Best I can say is I didn't mind it.

This pulls me back to a long post I made months ago here in the club where I talked about the differences in watch experience when you watch a series while it airs versus binge watching a series and how popular opinion influences the perception of a fan during the airing of a series.

I do rewatch some series and I have found I almost always enjoy them more being able to watch the whole thing in one go and I often find things I missed the first time around. A time or two it has even changed my perspective entirely. As far as popular opinion influencing me, you've already noticed with 'Sotus', that I am not one who shies away from not agreeing with the masses, so tho I always like to hear other people's opinions/takes on a show (especially if they share valuable insight that ends up shedding a new light on things), I'm perfectly comfy sticking to my unpopular opinion and being the odd man out if I don't agree and we don't see eye to eye. If everyone all liked the same thing or had the same opinions, there wouldn't be so many different tropes or shows to watch... and it would be the most boring world to live in. As they say, opinions are like a$$holes. Everybody's got one. *GRIN*

I love JBLs, KBLs, Taiwan BLs and Thai BLs in different ways. One of the various things I especially like about Thai BLs (although it has a downside*) is that the same actors keep popping up

I feel the exact same way. It enables me to watch what I'm in the mood for. As for seeing peeps popping up in other shows, that just happened to me with 'Unforgotten Night' when I spotted a chuck of the actors from 'For Him' in the cast. I like it too...lol

@American Fan: I'm watching "Lovely Writer" and lovin' it so far

I really liked that show too! Please let me know your thoughts on it as well.

I have now officially watched so many BL's that I dreamt one up myself last night

Omg I've done that too... so many times! LOL!

(SN: it's basically about stalking someone until they fall in love with you right?)

LOL no it's not about that at all...lol

I'll take recommendations from you anytime :) 

Awww TY! What a sweet thing to say. Side note and just a head's up, you might not like 'Love is Better the Second Time Around' overall as a lot of people weren't crazy about it, but if you can, try and stick with it until the NC scene. I promise if you like nothing else about it, you'll love it and the artful way it was done.

I missed the last few days…anything important I missed? 

Other than RX's BL updates, nah... just me foaming at the mouth as per usual...lol. Oh and if you missed it, the start of the show 'Kidnap' which is a gooder so far.

skip to the good scenes lol 

And then I woke up. My brain gave me a whole damn series and wouldn't let me see the end....I must really hate myself LMAO

I demand the ending of this story.


Source - X

TOO season 2 with more kissing and intimate scenes?! WOOOOOOOT! Bring it on! ANNNND a KBL that has FIFTY full length eps? Yes please!

Lucky you. I have never had a BL dream. My dreams include......well never mind what my dreams include lol. 

Pffft we all know what your dreams include. *wicked grin*

And then I woke up. My brain gave me a whole damn series and wouldn't let me see the end....I must really hate myself LMAO

Tell me you at least got to see the good parts...LOL

Where Your Eyes Linger, the series, also very sweet. I have now moved onto Boys Be Brave

I have not yet watched the first (tho I recognized the name immediately so maybe I have and don't remember), but I enjoyed the second and gave it a fairly high score. Enjoy!

@MeNotYou Let me know when you're ready to embark on our 50 episode journey with The Untamed XD

Any time that's good for you. Just send me a DM when you're ready!

LITA JP page is up on MDL!

WOOT! Poppin' that show into my PTW asap so I don't forget! Thanks for the heads up!

@RXinw you crack me up!

Maybe it's because I'm a chronic skipper, but I just finished ep 7 of 4 Minutes and I'm so confused ToT

Are there two time lines? Why did Title hear his brother come home but then he disappeared and (to my knowledge) hasn't shown up since? Is he a ghost? are we starting over with Thyme? Is this going to be a third time line? I don't have the attention span to sit down and watch 45-55 minute long episodes so I do skip over a lot of dialogue so I can't tell if I missed something because I skipped over it, I'm just dumb and don't understand, or it's meant to have you guessing T~T

that has FIFTY full length eps? Yes please!

It is 1 minute runtime for each lol

I'm glad some of you like my dream haha. My brain never gives me the ending, I know, it's done this too me a thousand times before but never fear, by tomorrow night, I will have a full plot outline complete with soundtrack lol x

Has there been any more updates on Wuju Bakery?

I just finished watching the first ep of Kidnap. I didn't think it would be one I would go for, since I tend to stay away from gun violence/violence themes, but I was so wrong. It hooked me completely in the first ep, and I AM ALL IN!!! Can't wait for the next ep. Let's go!!!

Side note - Ohm is looking sexy af too! ♡


Maybe it's because I'm a chronic skipper, but I just finished ep 7 of 4 Minutes and I'm so confused ToT

Are there two time lines? Why did Title hear his brother come home but then he disappeared and (to my knowledge) hasn't shown up since? Is he a ghost? are we starting over with Thyme? Is this going to be a third time line? I don't have the attention span to sit down and watch 45-55 minute long episodes so I do skip over a lot of dialogue so I can't tell if I missed something because I skipped over it, I'm just dumb and don't understand, or it's meant to have you guessing T~T

RE: 4Minutes  Not everything has been explained as of yet, and there are several guesses out there. My own guesses:

  • Dr. Den (Tyme's friend at the hospital who's doing research) said that the brain can survive without oxygen for about 4 minutes, after which irreversible damage starts to occur.
  • In the first few episodes, where we saw Great had his 4-minute superpower was likely the result of his hospitalization after he was shot. Great's mind was either playing tricks on him, or these were causing Great stress so he wanted some sort of do-over. The number of times he had a "do-over" may coincide with the number of times he was on the brink of death, that is, when his brain was deprived on oxygen.
    • The reality was he wasn't able to avoid the collision with the Mom who lost a son. His Dad paid someone off to hide that news.
    • Great wasn't able to save Dome (Tonkla's brother), so Title killed Dome with that rock. I started to suspect that there were two "timelines" when Dome was coming home in that taxi, but when the camera panned to Tonkla, no one was there. But, I didn't realize the first "timeline" was more like wishful thinking on Great's part.
    • Great and Tyme didn't have a relationship. In fact, Tyme used him fully knowing who he his father was, then Tyme ghosted him.
    • Great wasn't able to save Tyme's friend, Nan. 

With regards to Tyme, it looks like he has entered the "4-minute room." I'm guessing someone was able to save him after being shot by Warit's henchman and doctors at the hospital are trying to save his life.

I just finished the first episode of Kidnap. I think I'm gonna like this series, the production value is chefs kiss. Not to mention Ohm taking his shirt off in the first episode is a win. <3 OMG he fine!

I'm right with you!!!


DAOU is LIVE on TikTok right now singing if anyone is interested.♡♡♡


For anyone that missed Daou's  hour long live yesterday and wants to watch it, you can watch it here:

I honestly wasn’t even paying attention to the actual plot, I just watched the romance lol 

Haha, me too!! 

ANNNND a KBL that has FIFTY full length eps? Yes please!

Each ep is only ONE MINUTE  :-(

Why, why, WHY do they do this????

CONGRATS to the cast of We Are for winning  "Entertainment Program of the Year".  WOOT!!