
@DramaNomNom  ready for ep 16 of The Untamed ?

Yes yes :) sorry I was catching up on the thread.

 American Fan:

Kicking off my Monday shows with Jack & Joker. I'm only 20 mins in and had to take a break due to mental stress and practically falling off the edge of my seat. 

Lmao!! I love the gif. Now I wanna go watch That's So Raven. XD 

Re: Jack & Joker - episode 2

I loved this episode. The comedy in this series is so funny to me. The timing of it just makes great comedic relief lol. It definitely has you on the edge of your seat.


First Note of Love Ep7

I loved this episode. It made me feel all-- how do I explain this? This episode feels like when you're first falling in love-- the uneasiness and the fear-- everything from the coloring to the way they act after the impulsive kiss and confession, feels so genuine to the characters-- like-- it's them! I really do like Sea and Neil together. 

I am like 2 episodes behind on this series I will have to find time to catch up tomorrow......hopefully.

Can you explain me what's that exciting about Semantic Error? I saw many people talking about how good that drama is but I find it quite boring and characters (especially Jang Jae Young) were so annoying

I recall that it took me a while to warm up to it, but in the end I really liked it. Although a relationship between a popular, outgoing campus star and an introverted, robot-like nerd seems very unlikely (even more so than "Monster Next Door" because of their prickly personalities), and although the "semantic error" storyline isn't terribly clever or complex, it actually worked quite well for me (including as a love story) - in no small part because the series is simply so well constructed, written, produced, edited, and most of all acted. 

Battle of the Writers - episode 8

Come through side couples!!!!!

During the NC scene between Sin and Jingjang a voice in my head screamed, "Boobs", when Sin took off his shirt lolllll

Battle of the Writers Ep8

I feel like I'm loosing brain cells watching this

I am blinded to its faults by my obsessive fantasies involving Tutor and Yim. 


I am blinded to its faults by my obsessive fantasies involving Tutor and Yim. 

I love that for you <3 lol

History 3 : Trapped Ep2 Live Thoughts

  • Fei is super sharp but why does Tang Yi play him like a fiddle every time, because why is he now paying for expensive tea?
  • Fluffy haired Tang Yi is cute ;;
  • I hate Fei’s electric blue pants, this man truly has the worst fashion sense
  • Fei is so obsessed with Tang Yi, like chill, but anyway I too want to put my hand on Tang Yi’s chest
  • Fei is truly and off the rails no rules cop
  • I love a couple who can kick ass together
  • Don’t yell at my baby bird, he gets scared
  • Screaming at that weird ass upside down shot and then we pan to Li An doing a hand stand for no good reason
  • Here comes the sexiest man to ever sexy. Yes, I’m talking about Jack. I think a large part of it is the crazy grin—
  • Eek they’re holding hands
  • So did the sexual attraction start because of the dangerous situation or were they already hot for each other?
  • Tan Yi looking like he could stay in Fei’s arms forever. I see you. 
  • Ewwwwwwwww not the finger!
  • It kind of looks like Jack is going to give Li An a lap dance and it wouldn’t be OOC. I’m sorry, but they already give off spoiled husband vs doting husband vibes.
  • Ok but like Fei can be really cute…
  • Did he really have to wake sick Fei up like that lmao
  • Of course! The catch is a must!
During the NC scene between Sin and Jingjang a voice in my head screamed, "Boobs", when Sin took off his shirt lolllll

I too am guilty--


I am like 2 episodes behind on this series I will have to find time to catch up tomorrow......hopefully.

Last episode was whatever, but this one I really liked--

Love Is a Poison EP 1 - ||  Ngl, I'm quite disappointed that this drama is going in the comedy route(from what I've seen so far). When I saw that it was a legal drama with a lawyer and a conman, I had hoped for a more intense and serious type of legal drama...I haven't seen something like that in BL yet, so I hoped it would be breakthrough the J-BL' industry with something new..That would've stood out so much more..  But, it's only 1 ep so far, so we'll see how it goes

Love Is a Poison EP 1

Yeah I was hoping for the same thing tbh. Like you I just waiting to see how things go...I thought the lady talking to the lawyer was interesting.

First Note of Love  Episode 7: Part One 

I re-watched the last few minutes of episode 6 just to catch a glimpse of Charles Tu in the shower.

Every time Sea says hi to Neil, he sounds so adorable. He's completely unsure of himself, timid in front of the person he's admired for so long. I eat it up every time; it gives me all the goosebumps, and I get all giddy inside.

The dynamic between these two.  Neil is torn between being a mentor to Sea and being emotionally drawn to him. This has become more apparent since last week's episode. Neil's conflict seems to be about feeling the need to mentor Sea while also using him as a replacement for his brother, And still, he is being pulled in by something he can't quite define. Meanwhile, Sea is struggling to live up to his idol and needs to realize how talented he is. The complicated webs they weave. God, I love them so much!

I was curious about what Sea was observing during the closing credits of episode six. It turned out to be Matt's guitar pick! I initially thought they wouldn't show it, but I'm relieved they did because not getting an answer would have been maddening.

Sea's internal freak out because Neil turned off the lights and put on a movie. Is this a date? Then, disappointment. LOL!

I'm glad we have more matte footage, but it's disheartening that Neil thinks Matt was Sea's only idol and continues to hold himself to high standards, feeling that he's not as good as his brother. It's bothering me that Sea has yet to confess the truth to Neil about who inspired him to pursue music. I hope this secret doesn't linger for the rest of the series because that would drive me up the wall. Neil will only continue to grapple with his insecurities until Sea comes clean.

I immensely enjoy the editing in this scene where they zoom in on the brothers practicing with their guitar. The editing makes it feel like you're watching a home video, drawing you into their memories. I appreciate that additional touch.

The emotional scenes in this series have a unique impact due to their rawness. Crying is not meant to be elegant, and it's refreshing that we don't witness the stereotypical one-sided cry, or what I'd refer to as the "pink eye" cry.  Both Neil and Sea display genuine emotion with watery eyes and heavy tears, which is more authentic, in my opinion. This is an unpopular opinion from last week's episode, but I feel the same about Reese's "ugly" cry.

"Slowly but surely, I seem to understand that my brother isn't coming back." The subtle ways this drama explains the stages of grief.  Sea, give this man a big hug :(

Oh, yes, please play some piano music. It's really stirring up my emotions.

I like how Neil's character grows in this episode. He's learning to be more independent and not rely too much on the person he cares about. He's taking the proper steps to be there for his new bandmate, Sea, who lacks confidence. Neil is helping to ease the pressure on Sea so Sea can focus on his music and grow emotionally. It's impressive that Neil understands the situation and makes changes that benefit them.

 Why do I feel the kiss was just a figment of Sea's imagination or a dream? 

I was so caught up in the moment that I didn't even notice that six minutes had passed and we still hadn't heard the opening song. LOL

Sea's reaction to the kiss and  Neil's confession is understandable. To begin with, Reese ripped apart his work and revealed that Neil is experiencing a loss of funding for their upcoming concert, leading to added pressure and an inability to concentrate at work. He is a private individual who might not appreciate Neil's ability to pick up on this. In essence, both of them took part in pre-couples therapy, (LOL) after which Neil admitted that he only returned to the stage because of Sea and now has romantic feelings for him. Sea is likely still affected by Orca's criticism from episode five. 

This is a lot for someone who never anticipated being more than a composer for the band. Yeah, sorry. it was not the best timing, as it seemed like Neil was acting on emotional adrenaline.