

I actually agree with ur list lol (sorry guys!) except for MSP, I haven’t watched it yet 

This is why you are my favourite!

every time I cross gothic stuff I get excited over it. Thanks for sharing <3

Yay, Take a trip down nostalgia lane! Haha 

The process of creating hat collage was quite enjoyable. I hesitate to categorize myself as goth since my fashion sense is an amalgamation of various trends. However, almost all the time, I'm clad in black, loose-fitting attire with a shiny touch. I have a particular affinity for leather, so anything incorporating that material immediately captures my interest. 

Some might assume that I am a stern or gloomy individual, but I assure you, that's not the case! Overall, I'd describe my style as a fusion of sturdy and delicate fabrics.


*le gasp*

Having said that. Chemistry is something else that I don't understand. I think I logically get it, and I've even used the saying but not sure I understand what most mean. It's why I never understood ships. They're actors to me so when people say 'oh they have great chemistry' my first response is, what do you mean by that? What are you feeling? Taking the Bad Buddy kiss as the most recent example, I wouldn't say that's chemistry, that's me in my feels LOL I could watch the same sequence leading to the kiss with any actor and it would still work because the momentum of events is there. It was also an emotionally driven kiss which added to it.

So actors having no chemistry is how I feel most of the time watching shows, which are always very sex driven, esp BLs LOL If I get to a sex scene I either skip it in deep awkwardness or am so outraged at the randomness I rage quit lol Between Us sex scenes were pretty tame and the narrative was casual sex so it didnt bother me as much.

Whereas, when I've seen something much more graphic, I've felt almost disturbed. So answer a question earlier - What's your unpopular opinion in BLs? ...I have to add the 'aphrodisiac' trope. That's just a really lazy excuse to initiate really passionate sex without putting in any emotional work. And that frustrates me on creative levels as well as hurting my feelings and has at times, reinforced the belief that I'm a difficult person to love because no one wants to invest in that, esp in the modern world, where I'm just a boring old prude lol

I may have swung 'demi sexual' around a bit since discovering the word but damn, it really adds weight to how I process my sexuality as opposed to just thinking I'm broken and out of place LOL

Does this count as a TED talk? Thank you for coming to my TED/random morning thoughts talk lol



I actually agree with ur list lol (sorry guys!) except for MSP, I haven’t watched it yet 

I also found Love By Chance extremely boring- at one point, I thought about dropping it but the struggle was real 


You said you are dessert and dessert is not the FIRST thing SERVED. It is the LAST thing served so you are predisposed to being last. 

Case is NOW Closed.

Wait, no, I’m reopening the case! 

Even if I’m the last thing served, I’ll be the one to remember as the taste of me will still linger on his tongue and he’ll come back for more 


This is why you are my favourite!

Hehe <3

Even if I’m the last thing served, I’ll be the one to remember as the taste of me will still linger on his tongue and he’ll come back for more 


soooooo what you are saying is that I am served first so I get to call first dibs and have exclusive rights. OMG thanks friend. 

Day 19 of August Challenge: How did you discover BL & LGBTQ+ dramas? Do you usually watch dramas alone or with others?

I found BL dramas in July 2023. Basically, I used to only read BL webtoons and wattpad stories and didn’t know about dramas, but then started watching random YT shorts of JoongDunk, FortPeat and NetJames. Eventually, I grew to love these couples just by watching random shorts and videos of them, but I was blissfully unaware that they were actors lol. And then I found out that FortPeat, who was my favourite couple at the time, was in a series called Love In The Air. I searched it up and found the whole thing on YT and decided to watch it and became obsessed. And then I found out about GMMTV through JoongDunk and yeah, one thing led to another and here I am lol

I watch dramas alone. I love talking about them and discussing them with others but I prefer enjoying them on my own, although I do love our group watches! 


soooooo what you are saying is that I am served first so I get to call first dibs and have exclusive rights. OMG thanks friend. 

Goddamnit this is frustrating *throws a pillow at you* (lol jk)

No that is not what I meant! Ur just a one-time thing but I’ll be his forever <3

August Challenge Day 19~

How did you discover BL & LGBTQ+ dramas? Do you usually watch dramas alone or with others?

I discovered BL anime in my late teens, when I had a very bad cold and just flicking through an anime streaming sight, just clicking on things and I clicked on Gravitation. I've known I was bisexual since puberty but had little experience with gay media up until then. Some years later, I got into reading webcomics but struggled as it's always just one page a week and I have little patience for it LOL I would end up getting bored eventually.

A thousand years later, in 2022 once again, I was ill in bed again, and clicking through streaming sites. I was so delusional at the time I can't even remember how I found it or where I watched it but I happened upon 'Don't say No' and found myself enjoying it. I tried TharnType 2 after that because I was more interested in the DSN couple followed by the 1st TharnType which I dropped like like volcanic ash. Then came KinnPorsche. I dont think I need to link that one. I found it when only the first two eps had dropped so I unfortunately got caught up in a lot of the hype around it. The art piece trailer to it was so beautiful I got my hopes up for a deeply emotional and artistic masterpiece LOL I also had a slight kinship with Apo Nattawin but the whole thing turned into a major mess that I've already mentioned several times before lol I joined this site just to have somewhere to rant about it lol

I decided to ignore LGBT media after Kinnporshe because of reasons mentioned in my earlier TedTalk. It all just felt like glamourized porn and I was just that angry at the time. 

2023 was spent between kpop and netflix asian shows.

 Fast forward to February this year, when my Grandmother passed away, and I chose to give Untamed a try because I felt nothing and was doing nothing. 

The Untamed changed my mind about BLs. I had already been enjoying the asian offerings on netflix and decided to return to this site to see what else there was. At the minute, Untamed still holds the Top spot of my favourite BL's but I'm open to it being usurped. A rewatch for me means it's a favourite and so far, Until We Meet Again and Between Us have been the only ones but I would still choose Untamed as my favourite so far. 

I watch BL's alone. To be fair, I watch all my shows by myself because my tastes have always been very different to those around me and the main reason I became more active on this site was to share my thoughts with literally anyone and find others I could talk to about the shows I've watched. 


I was going to wait until the pizza question, ...but now that you brought it up, it's my favorite pizza topping.

Love Stage!! - Thai series

Well that is time spent I am never getting back.

I didn't think you would like it!


Comments on today's Ep. 8 of "Takara no Vidro": このシリーズが大大大好きです!
(@RWinx: This is my revenge for you writing in patois!)


Since I’m watching Dark Blue Kiss, I’ve decided to watch Kiss Me Again straight after I finish it, but I wanted to ask…is it worth watching the whole series or should I just watch the PeteKao cut (the one with 3 eps)? Cuz I’m only wanting to watch it to see PeteKao’s love story so idk if there’s any point watching the other storylines 

How did you discover BL & LGBTQ+ dramas? Do you usually watch dramas alone or with others?   

I have read M/M romances and watched Young Royals. So when I happen to see Utsukushii Kare and Cutie Pie on Viki, I just started watching and fell into the BL rabbit hole. 25 months later, I have watched 210 dramas, movies and specials. I always watch alone since the only one who knows I watch BL is my husband, and we have very different taste in shows.


This camera really loves to get crotch level and have Pat, in shorts, spread his legs like a rainbow LOL yes sir, your package is lovely, now please close your legs, I'm trying to read the subtitles LOL

um now i seriously believe it depends on who watched it. I LOVE this show and i've watched it more than 5 times, but i NEVER noticed pat's (or P'Ohm's really ) ...manly jewels. ALSO FAERY WHY HAVE YOU NOT WATCHED BB YET? 

also @onyx , i see well...onyx.

and @Rxinw , you and me both buddy, facing MYATB withdraws are difficult... i miss xiabao's dimples and huaein's eyes 


what's BB? lol       OH wait, is that Bad Buddy? LOL If you look at my answer to today's challenge question, you will see why i have not watched Bad Buddy yet LOL and I hope more that I will enjoy that I havent gotten to yet 

*I have a talent for noticing odd little details and in this show it's man bulge in my face lmao


Since I’m watching Dark Blue Kiss, I’ve decided to watch Kiss Me Again straight after I finish it, but I wanted to ask…is it worth watching the whole series or should I just watch the PeteKao cut (the one with 3 eps)? Cuz I’m only wanting to watch it to see PeteKao’s love story so idk if there’s any point watching the other storylines 

I usually only watch the cut for petekao. The kiss me again series is just okay imo but one thing that drives me crazy is the main couple (if I can remember correctly)- the boy and girl couple never kiss even tho they do not get offically together til towards the end but still even kiss is in the title(shaking head emoji) like come on now you could have at least gave us one kiss. Lmao XD - but the main girl actress named Fon I did like her and Mond in the series called "Boy For Rent."