
Just curious, what are y'all's unpopular opinions on BL dramas/movies? A popular show/trope/acting you didn't like as much as others? 

the lets break up on ep 11 for no good reason then get back on ep 12 (final ep) and meeting again after 2-5 years which 90% of times the final ep end up rushed and that type of drama/conflict feel forced

@ onyx and @RXinw banter war um talks over P'Joong were fun 

and i agree to a couple things RXin told also i would like to 90 degree bow thank u for the news about MYATB 0o0

I usually only watch the cut for petekao.

same here, i heard the whole thing is very messy , so just the cut is what i watch too

As much as I'm loving the couple of Bad Buddy but my brain isn't clicking with the set up. The parents I can get. It's the classic narcissist scenario and yes I want to smack them because I've unfortunately had neighbors like that. As well as separating a homosexual kid from his crush But the faculty division is annoying me slightly. They keep persistently setting the two sides against each other in different scenarios and then lose their minds when there are fights. This is how discrimination in general starts and I cant wrap my head around a Uni supporting that kind of division, just to get mad when the division erupts lol


As much as I'm loving the couple of Bad Buddy but my brain isn't clicking with the set up. The parents I can get. It's the classic narcissist scenario and yes I want to smack them because I've unfortunately had neighbors like that. As well as separating a homosexual kid from his crush But the faculty division is annoying me slightly. They keep persistently setting the two sides against each other in different scenarios and then lose their minds when there are fights. This is how discrimination in general starts and I cant wrap my head around a Uni supporting that kind of division, just to get mad when the division erupts lol

Also.......Someone from my red flag list is in this show LOL So i looked at the crew. One of my red flags is was an assistant director too hahahaha....that's a bad sign LOL

How did you discover BL & LGBTQ+ dramas? Do you usually watch dramas alone or with others? 

i watched gay movies etc since longtime ago, but if its about bls then i remember i watched my first bl it was love by chance 2018 and it happened as i was on youtube and a fanmade video of love by chance was suggested to me so after watching the video i looked for the serie and since then i kept up with thai bls then other bls from other countries too

and i usually watch alone , some people have very different taste in shows 

How did you discover BL & LGBTQ+ dramas? Do you usually watch dramas alone or with others? 

I started out watching bls in 2017 with my cousin and our first one was Sotus and then we just fell in love with them. I did not discover mdl until 2021 but my old account I had logged me out of it and forgot all the info to get back on it so I had to make my current account that I have last year lol. I sometimes watch with my cousin or sister(who also just got into bls last year) whenever she is in town, but I watch them by myself most of the time. 


um now i seriously believe it depends on who watched it. I LOVE this show and i've watched it more than 5 times, but i NEVER noticed pat's (or P'Ohm's really ) ...manly jewels. ALSO FAERY WHY HAVE YOU NOT WATCHED BB YET? 

also @onyx , i see well...onyx.

and @Rxinw , you and me both buddy, facing MYATB withdraws are difficult... i miss xiabao's dimples and huaein's eyes 

Lol wdu mean? 


same here, i heard the whole thing is very messy , so just the cut is what i watch too


I usually only watch the cut for petekao. The kiss me again series is just okay imo but one thing that drives me crazy is the main couple (if I can remember correctly)- the boy and girl couple never kiss even tho they do not get offically together til towards the end but still even kiss is in the title(shaking head emoji) like come on now you could have at least gave us one kiss. Lmao XD - but the main girl actress named Fon I did like her and Mond in the series called "Boy For Rent." 

Oh ok, I guess I’ll just watch the PeteKao cut version then. Thx! 


@ onyx and @RXinw banter war um talks over P'Joong were fun 

and i agree to a couple things RXin told also i would like to 90 degree bow thank u for the news about MYATB 0o0

Lol Hia just won’t give up even though he knows very well by now who has won (I have said this before and I’ll say it again: Joong is mine and mine only @RXinw!) 

AUGUST CHALLENGE - DAY 19 - Discovering BL/LGBTQ+ Dramas 

Each time I hear this question I rack my brain trying to remember how I got into BL dramas, but I never do remember.  My best guess is I likely came across a BL YT video with a couple of super cute guys on the front and it looked romantic. I watched YT  BL's long before I knew about sites like Viki or MDL. 

I watched Rick Orange's channel the most.  He didn't have nearly as many series as he does now, of course. (I looked around his channel today and see some stuff I might watch.)  I found Studio Wabi Sabi first.

I had a 4 page document of BL & straight dramas to watch, so when I found MDL in 2023 I was one happy drama lover for sure.

There is no one I watch or talk about BL's with, except you guys!! Yay for this forum and for YOU!!

My one year anniversary on the BL Lovers Club forum is tomorrow. It was a big deal to decide to step into the world of BL and I'm glad I did.  :-)

 Mignon toi:

the lets break up on ep 11 for no good reason then get back on ep 12 (final ep) and meeting again after 2-5 years which 90% of times the final ep end up rushed and that type of drama/conflict feel forced

That's a good one to dislike! I agree. :-)

 American Fan:

AUGUST CHALLENGE - DAY 19 - Discovering BL/LGBTQ+ Dramas 

Each time I hear this question I rack my brain trying to remember how I got into BL dramas, but I never do remember.  My best guess is I likely came across a BL YT video with a couple of super cute guys on the front and it looked romantic. I watched YT  BL's long before I knew about sites like Viki or MDL. 

I watched Rick Orange's channel the most.  He didn't have nearly as many series as he does now, of course. (I looked around his channel today and see some stuff I might watch.)  I found Studio Wabi Sabi first.

I had a 4 page document of BL & straight dramas to watch, so when I found MDL in 2023 I was one happy drama lover for sure.

There is no one I watch or talk about BL's with, except you guys!! Yay for this forum and for YOU!!

My one year anniversary on the BL Lovers Club forum is tomorrow. It was a big deal to decide to step into the world of BL and I'm glad I did.  :-)

Oh yes, I remember Rick Orange lol, he was also one of the channels I used most when I first starting watching dramas

Glad to have u on here! U gonna do anything to celebrate with us perhaps? 

Bad Buddy Ep7 ...... His sister ruined his room *cries* ......I know they're brother and sister but I find it strange that they're sharing a room..... They're still

Takara no Vidro Ep8

  • I love that Takara is so good at shutting Taishin down, because that boy's mind just goes from 0 - 100 and he needs brakes.
  • The bird watching date was hilarious. Takara taking a nap is such a vibe. 
  • Taishin is totally making himself feel pressured about dating Takara :(
  • omg I love these two so much, they are both a pain in their own right, but I GET IT, I get why they're attractive to each other lol
  • Takara is straightforward and observant, while Taishin is an open book: blunt where it counts and can't hide his emotions


Takara no Vidro Ep8

  • I love that Takara is so good at shutting Taishin down, because that boy's mind just goes from 0 - 100 and he needs brakes.
  • The bird watching date was hilarious. Takara taking a nap is such a vibe. 
  • Taishin is totally making himself feel pressured about dating Takara :(
  • omg I love these two so much, they are both a pain in their own right, but I GET IT, I get why they're attractive to each other lol
  • Takara is straightforward and observant, while Taishin is an open book: blunt where it counts and can't hide his emotions

You know, I've always wanted to do something really nerdy while by ultra cool partner takes a nap LOL That is gif is adorable. 

(@RXinw: This is my revenge for you writing in Patois!)

uhmmmmm okay?........A wah dis yah pon mi yah now.