American Fan:
Has anyone had tuna on their pizza?

lol i love Tuna on pizza and its common here too XD

 American Fan:
I don't have any suggestions, but I would totally watch this drama!

I have an entire detailed story swimming around in my head and I'm picturing various specific scenes and how they would look and play out on screen. I am even thinking about how they would sound speaking in the underwater scenes. I looked to the Aquaman movie for that inspiration as well as how underwater scenes would look visually. I'm also thinking about support characters. Like having Ohm Thitiwat playing Poom's older cousin who is also his best friend and biggest support in the family(Poom's merboy character is the Mer-Prince son to the Mer-King who is to eventually be the next king, but bc of his desire to be with his love, he doesn't want to be king). The story would play out to where his cousin would take the role of king when the time comes. This is something they both agree to so Poom's character can be with his love. I have so many dramatic twists and turns and breath-holding emotional plots, both beautiful and tragic, dancing around in my head.

I'm having an out of nowhere creative burst recently idk why lol


Well, thats embarrassing because that's the one I'm currently watching and I'm kind of bored LOL

AAaaaaaand, another one bites the dust LOL Sorry guys. Maybe for me, it'll not have anything to do with the country of origin. I'll either like it or I won't, with the rest of the dramas I've watched lol

Wow you all were active last night while I tried to sleep and finished a drama.

August Challenge Day 29

Let's talk pizza. Favorite toppings? Thick or thin crust?

I like a rustic, flatbread pizza, with white sauce, Asiago cheese, Feta cheese, Parmesan cheese, baby spinach, baby broccoli florets, shredded grilled chicken, drizzled with olive oil and topped off with fresh chopped parsley.  In general I prefer thin crust pizzas.

 American Fan:
but I would totally watch this drama!

i know a lot of people have issues with AI generative art, but for somethings like storyboard building, it's amazing. It's an amazing way to quickly synthesize your scene ideas into more powerful imagery for one's storyboard, although it still does have its limitations. I really want this drama to become a real thing, but omg the cost of production on this would be insane lol.

I can’t wait to rewatch Trapped in September XD

Me too! I was going to start re-watching this month and then I remembered we were doing this lol 

You know what? Let's try this Anti Reset and see what the big debate was all about last night LOL


Well, thats embarrassing because that's the one I'm currently watching and I'm kind of bored LOL

No way, really? DJ recommended it to me and I fell in love with it, I couldn’t stop watching and was sad when it ended lol


Me too! I was going to start re-watching this month and then I remembered we were doing this lol 

same, I’m making sure not to have any other shows to binge while I rewatch this lol 


i know a lot of people have issues with AI generative art, but for somethings like storyboard building, it's amazing. It's an amazing way to quickly synthesize your scene ideas into more powerful imagery for one's storyboard, although it still does have its limitations. I really want this drama to become a real thing, but omg the cost of production on this would be insane lol.

Ur previous post about the cousin and stuff is interesting! The cousin sounds like such a nice side character. And this picture looks kinda funny lol 

Monster Next Door ep 6 

This series is kinda lagging for me icl, but it’s worth a try

That tarantula gave me goosebumps, I had to pause the ep and look around my room to make sure there weren’t spiders lol (I loved Diew’s reaction, he’s so me) 

The ending was cute, I’m glad that they’re so comfortable with each other

Also, I’m so confused….are they boyfriends or not? Like, they keep going back and forth and it’s killing me. In the second ep, they started “dating” or whatever. And then in this ep they sort of confronted their feelings but never actually made their relationship official so now I have no clue what they are lmao

And this picture looks kinda funny lol

This was generated from a prompt for a scene where the MLs meet again years later for the first time since they were both little kids(which was their original first and only time that they met).

 Mignon toi:

lol i love Tuna on pizza and its common here too XD

Oh wow :-)

I'm having an out of nowhere creative burst recently idk why lol

I love those moments. Are you writing or recording your thoughts?

I like a rustic, flatbread pizza, with white sauce, Asiago cheese, Feta cheese, Parmesan cheese, baby spinach, baby broccoli florets, shredded grilled chicken, drizzled with olive oil and topped off with fresh chopped parsley.

Now that's a rich pizza! I would totally be sick after eating this one, but the combo is great!


i know a lot of people have issues with AI generative art, but for somethings like storyboard building, it's amazing. It's an amazing way to quickly synthesize your scene ideas into more powerful imagery for one's storyboard, although it still does have its limitations. I really want this drama to become a real thing, but omg the cost of production on this would be insane lol.

Gorgeous pic!!


You know what? Let's try this Anti Reset and see what the big debate was all about last night LOL

Oh boy...

 American Fan:
I love those moments. Are you writing or recording your thoughts?

I'm just keeping a little log of my ideas for the story in a private channel on my Discord server.

 American Fan:
Gorgeous pic!!

Yeah they really are. I have several others that I generated that came out great and I loved that I didn't post here.

Also, I’m so confused….are they boyfriends or not? Like, they keep going back and forth and it’s killing me. In the second ep, they started “dating” or whatever. And then in this ep they sort of confronted their feelings but never actually made their relationship official so now I have no clue what they are lmao

I also don't know if they're officially dating or not BUT regarding the second episode, I think it was a mistranslation. I think they meant just talking-- like the talking stage-- because the other way doesn't make sense-- idk I don't speak Thai but the context clues aren't working lol

Monster Next Door Ep 6 : Live Notes

  • this little b----. Let me fight her.
  • The gaslighting from the ex, like his friends weren't literally bullying Diew.
  • And now God is going to suffer because of the trauma the ah-ex caused
  • It's funny how this show has me siding with Diew's little demon over his angel.
  • Honestly, I get both sides. As an introvert, I can logically see the most efficient path but if that path exposes me to attention, I might just choose to take the more difficult option. It's like when you know  a call can quickly fix the issue at hand, but you choose to text or e-mail.
  • It kind of feels like God is treating Diew with kid gloves because he's afraid to make him uncomfortable. This might turn into an issue later, at leas until hey get to know each other well and learn each other's boundaries. 
  • "People I love" Smooooooooth. and God is here like 'Pick Me, Pick Me, Love Me, Love Me.'
  • "I'll have my eye on you" Shut up. Wait-- Win is kind of cute when he's not being an ass. I feel weird about Win and Game, like why did Win not show up for the art class. What is going on???
  • Calling the spider Brian doesn't make it any better lmao
  • This is the first time Diew has been in God's room, RIGHT?
  • Oh how the tables have turned! It's God's turn to be awkward. I think his mind might be in the gutter.
  • Boyyyyy! He's all sexy and shirtless and wet and he reminds you of a dog. Be for real.
  • I kept thinking : 'With those arms out on display... aren't you going to let him hug you?' Good job Diew.