I'm a guy also. It's okay bro, you're among friends here. You can admit it. You have squealed at least once. At least internally to yourself. :)

Well, guess I should admit it, I do not squeal either. Do I shout, "YESSSS", well yes that I do but squeal, I simply do not. I do not even think I can squeal lol.

So ep. 6 of 4 Minutes today messed with my head and I'm so confused. D:

In an interesting or bad way because 4 Minutes and I are at odds at the moment, so what I am I walking into tonight when I watch?

Well, guess I should admit it, I do not squeal either. Do I shout, "YESSSS", well yes that I do but squeal, I simply do not. I do not even think I can squeal lol.


In an interesting or bad way because 4 Minutes and I are at odds at the moment, so what I am I walking into tonight when I watch?

I honestly don't even know how to answer this; that's how confused, lol, but I'll try. I usually love very complicated interlocking character pov shifts jumping back and forth with flashbacks to timeline differences woven in and out of sequence until it makes sense later on, like Absolute Zero that a lot of people struggled with. But this episode, I feel like I'm missing something or some key aspect that I might have not noticed earlier or not yet revealed, so it's making the whole episode seem confusing to me. I feel like this series would have been better to watch when it's all completely out and then binge it without week-long breaks between.


Source - X

NOOOOOO! Not the Next Prince! Darn it! I was so looking forward to this couple too and of course that now means that the show I've been waiting for the most (after Revamp of course) is likely not happening any time soon. Why does this keep happening to my favourites?! UGH!!!! @&%#%(&#$%(*&%&! *off to sulk and vent in the corner*


So ep. 6 of 4 Minutes today messed with my head and I'm so confused. D:

Hadn't had a chance to watch just yet...now I'm scared to...lol

Welcome back for ANOTHER The Heart Killers Update!Bonus!!!

OK, so I have caught up on The On1y One and I'm genuinely loving it so far. I never had a favourite BL couple and now I have two in the same week LOL 

I will Live type my thoughts from here, the same with Love Note. 

Also ~ the kid who is clearly messing with Wang to get whatever model student position or whatever, is still not going to have friends at the end LOL No one likes a Swot. There was a girl in my year at high school exactly like that. She had friends but they weren't real friends, and most people laughed at her behind her back. This is why Wang is popular and he's not LOL Wang is smart/quick learner but he's down to earth and gets a long with most people. Also, I have a bad feeling about that video of Wang being drunk. I feel like that could resurface later but maybe as the relationship develops, the university of choice might have more to do with being with each other, as opposed to a top place LOL

I'm assuming Mr Jealous, can't remember his name, has worked his ass off for top marks, and all of a student this gorgeous new student walks in and takes his spot LOL I would like to know how he has connections to all these thugs? Is he paying them or does he know them personally?

My guess for Wednesday. Wang has left the school premises, in another fight, getting beaten and missing his exam. Tian is probably going to save his ass in the fight. That would be a classic rescue scene. If not, he's going to be really effing pissed and I will look forward to a revenge scene LOL but I wonder if the english teacher, or another student will step forward to defend Wang for missing his exam. There was a whole class of kids who saw him get called out. I wonder if any of them will be brave enough to step forward? 

In an unrelated note, Ahhh, the late summer season, and the flock of bats are feeding outside my window LOL MY inner goth is pleased LOL

OK, so I have caught up on The On1y One and I'm genuinely loving it so far. I never had a favourite BL couple and now I have two in the same week LOL 

Yaaaay! So glad you're enjoying it too! Isn't it awesome?

Welcome back for ANOTHER The Heart Killers Update!

One of my other ones I'm excited to watch. Ty for the nice pics!

Hadn't had a chance to watch just yet...now I'm scared to...lol

No reason to be scared to watch it lol. I think I might have an idea of what's going on and why it's confusing me, but I feel like I might need the next episode next week to fill that in.


No reason to be scared to watch it lol. I think I might have an idea of what's going on and why it's confusing me, but I feel like I might need the next episode next week to fill that in.

Well alright then... I'm off to check it out. If I don't return within the hour... send help. Wish me luck!


Day 30: Ask family/friends to describe you as a person. Choose 5 words.

Slightly edited:*
Charming, vivacious, youthful, scintillating, open-minded.

*Actual unedited answers from respondents:
Grouchy, lethargic, old, boring, judgemental.

A charming not-too-old grouch maybe? :-)

I had to take a break already just after that little bit of working on it, because I got really emotional and didn't expect that to happen lol. The vividness of my imagination scares me sometimes.

Wow, maybe there's much more to this huh? 

I can have very deep insights or imaginative/creative thoughts the very first thing when waking up. I can wake up to a whole letter written in my head, for someone else. Not a dialogue, but a letter, or a message. 

Hello everyone! 

It's been a few weeks since I posted here. I hope y'all have been good <3

I had a pretty busy month with work and college but I'm making myself some time to watch a few series. I'm currently watching 4 Minutes which I'm loving but also I'm having a hard time understanding everything lol I haven't watched ep 6 yet, me and my friends watch it together every Friday night so I'm waiting for them to watch today's episode.

I'm also watching The Trainee which I started loving it but now I don't feel the same way if someone its watching it you may know about the cheating thing... Ugh, I can't stand cheating so now my expectations on the show are low plus OffGun having so little screen time it's bothering me.

Is anyone watching The On1y One? I might start it today.

Anyway, I just wanted to drop by and say hello. I hope everyone is okay and enjoying life. Chub chub <3

Grunt, yes ... and possibly salivate.

You're really trying to paint an unflattering pic of yourself. First your description, and now this, LOL.

I don't squeal either, but I might repeatedly hit the imaginary person space next to me. I did that at a family member's house (alone in a bedroom, so I hit the bed), and my brother's dog immediately jumped up next to me. He was so happy, but he wasn't supposed to be on the bed.


I feel like I'm missing something or some key aspect that I might have not noticed earlier or not yet revealed, so it's making the whole episode seem confusing to me. I feel like this series would have been better to watch when it's all completely out and then binge it without week-long breaks between.

RE: 4Minutes

This pretty much sums up my viewing experience in just the first few eps. I quit watching and figure if I'm still interested I'll watch in one go.

It's been a few weeks since I posted here. I hope y'all have been good <3

Hi back!! Several of us are watching The On1y One and l believe the consensus is it's a hit so far!