Are we all in similar time zones?

I find it amazing how we are all in different places but still manage to come together and share the same interests despite our differences. My time zone is Eastern Daylight Time (EDT); no, I didn't know that; yes, I had to look it up, and I'm still confused. Sometimes, I worry about how unaware I am of the most essential things... help, LOL! My attention span has been pretty bad lately, so I can probably only manage one or two episodes a day until I finish the series. Right now, I'm engrossed in the show Connection.

Nah, ur fun! 

I lurve you lots and lots and lots. Right backattcha too, btw!

 American Fan:
They gave me the butterfly badge

I've gotten a couple of badges and saw them when I first got them, but I now can't figure out where they're located to see them again. I thought they'd be somewhere in my profile, but I can't find any trace of them. Do you know where I should be looking?

Is that why no one talks to me much in here? LOL

You liked my suggestions and didn't drop any, so you're not on my ish list!

 American Fan:
I've dropped a lot of popular dramas myself, so I know other's will have their own tastes and feelings too. Honestly, it's totally up to fate & timing. One can dislike smth one year and the next year be like raving their head over it. 

OMG that's so true! Y'all probably gonna hate me, but I am pretty sure I'm one of the only people who really didn't like Sotus (don't get me started on why...I barely made it to the end and didn't even bother with the sequel either) or Theory of Love. With TOL it wasn't a dislike of the show per say as much as it was more that I had major issues with the writer making the ML so dislikable and practically villainous, that it was nearly impossible for him to redeem himself and for a viewer to root for his HEA. That said, I did love the whole train station scene at the end.

This is all I see...

but I am pretty sure I'm one of the only people who really didn't like Sotus


I have been waiting for you my whole life *wipes eyes*

I had watched the sequel first then went back for the prequel and lord I wish I did not.

 American Fan:
First, I finally got around to watching Blue Boys

I liked that one too! Just finished watching Bad Guy and I'm currently watching Seoul Blues, all three done by the same film company. The OST for these gems is immaculate too. They're short films are probably the only ones I watch on YT.

 American Fan:
I think what you're picking up on is how strongly I dislike them when I do! I can't stand the over-the-top acting, like the yelling, weird body movements and facial expressions, or the self-abased attitude

This is exactly what I don't like about some JBLs, but overall I do really like them a lot on the whole because of the storylines and overall production. That said, when I first started watching them, I used to think it was just the actor not being good, but then I started thinking it was a directorial choice instead, since it happens quite frequently with all sorts of different actors/shows. Again, like the 70's type hairstyles, I think it stems from the big Anime/Manga following and therefore almost expected by Japanese fans especially, but eschewed by international ones like us. 

 American Fan:
It's totally self-paced and up to each viewer whether they want to post comments after each ep. or wait until the end of the series.

Got it! I'm so excited!

I am pretty sure I'm one of the only people who really didn't like Sotus

Hold up. This Serial Dropper hasn't watched that yet LOL I also have no clue what that is lol

uhh, hey @RX I think I've found the dubious consent tag in episode 12? You know honestly, I thought they were doing pretty well up until they found out their parents. Then Gu Hai's character went to sh!t LOL I watched it fall through my fingers as the old BL tropes fell into place LOL

I mean I could watch to 15 but this is where I find myself when I drop dramas. I just start losing interest and I come to a natural stop of, meh, it had a good run. At least it's not a rage quit LOL I can now say I have watched most of the infamous banned BL LOL

 American Fan:

Monster Next Door EP 6

Yep, I agree with most of the latest comments regarding this drama. 

Got is a green flag for sure, and the actor is doing a really good job, BUT there's no tension btw them. Overall the story feels flat. The idea is a good one, opposites attract (one of my favs) but it's not going well in this show.  Too bad. :-(

Exactly! That's what I've been saying all along too. It started off so fun and then quickly became just meh. I freaking NEED the sizzle people...and I don't mean it has to have NC scenes either. I'm talking about that undeniable somethin' somethin' that practically leaps off the screen and into your lap when two actors have natural chemistry together.

My time zone is Eastern Daylight Time

Just two hours ahead of me cuz I'm MST. WOOT!

I have been waiting for you my whole life *wipes eyes*

ROFLMFAO! We are each other's spirt animal. *nods lots*


Hold up. This Serial Dropper hasn't watched that yet LOL I also have no clue what that is lol

The way I ran over to your profile to see when you joined MDL so I can guess when you got into BL. With that being said when did you get into BL? Reason I am asking is that SOTUS  is considered one of the foundational series in the BL fandom; love it or hate it. I do not know about now but at one point it was considered a rite of passage for a BL fan to watch; if you said you never watched it fans would taken aback on the internet. 

Side note - what series today do you think is considered a rite of passage? *thinking emoji*


Hold up. This Serial Dropper hasn't watched that yet LOL I also have no clue what that is lol

It's practically a cult favourite amongst BL fans and I disliked it immensely. The only reason I didn't drop it was I was doing a viewing  with another person and we were watching it and messaging e/o at the same time. 


uhh, hey @RX I think I've found the dubious consent tag in episode 12? You know honestly, I thought they were doing pretty well up until they found out their parents. Then Gu Hai's character went to sh!t LOL I watched it fall through my fingers as the old BL tropes fell into place LOL

I mean I could watch to 15 but this is where I find myself when I drop dramas. I just start losing interest and I come to a natural stop of, meh, it had a good run. At least it's not a rage quit LOL I can now say I have watched most of the infamous banned BL LOL

Well then I think it is time for me to reveal the tag and why it is so crucial to the story.

The last episode ended abruptly with Bai Luo Lin's ex-girlfriend coming back. What happened in the book after this is that she did everything to win him back and destroy Gu Hai and Bai Lin's relationship. She even hired guys to sexually assualt her as a stunt and pin the blame on Gu Hai and she did all this while working with Bai Lin's mother to convince him to go back to the US with her to complete his education so that she and him could live happily ever after as a couple. However Gu Hai was not about to let that happen so he got some soldiers to kidnap Bai Lin and bring him back to the apartment and made sure the ex walked into the bedroom at the exact moment he raped him and made the soldiers hold down the ex and watch as he raped Bai Lin.

I will not go into anymore details as it gets a little graphic. I have yet to finish the novel so I will let you know what the ending is when I do.

Just finished the finale of SunsetxVibes and I can't even put into words about how disappointed I am with it. What a freaking waste of time watching this turned out to be. I kept watching and hoping they would/could somehow turn it around, but nope. It started and remained lame from beginning to end, almost as lame as that horrendously. so fake you can see the damn glue, "award winning" necklace.  *insert major eye roll here*


The way I ran over to your profile to see when you joined MDL so I can guess when you got into BL. With that being said when did you get into BL? Reason I am asking is that SOTUS  is considered one of the foundational series in the BL fandom; love it or hate it. I do not know about now but at one point it was considered a rite of passage for a BL fan to watch; if you said you never watched it fans would taken aback on the internet. 

Side note - what series today do you think is considered a rite of passage? *thinking emoji*

So no one was reading my answers for the august challenge LMAO  I'm pretty I've been asked this a few times now LOL

I've never really activately sought out the genre. I've just randomly stumbled some gay stuff throughout the years. And then KinnPorsche happened and I swore it off feeling a little dragged down by the genre. Until Untamed in February of this year. 

I'm Bi so I've read gay manga/webcomics/anime most of my life and just recently recognised myself as demi sexual so I'm the wrong person to be asking this LOL I'll either feel the characters or I won't. I dont really see any show as a pinnacle of the genre lol

 American Fan:

I was just about to ask for the answers to the posted riddles!! You read my mind, lol. TBH, I have NO head for riddles. Not a single stinkin' brain cell. :-(

Haha, I can relate! I’m pretty bad at riddles myself. Anyways, the answer is: 

He is a midget (a very, very small person). He can't reach the upper elevator buttons, but he can ask people to push them for him. He uses his umbrella to push the buttons on days when it rains.



If I had known so many in here liked it I would have made a proper declaration just for funsies LOL

*clears throat*




Oh man, ur dead. (Lol jk)


We cover a wide range of topics. I personally teach NC Sceneology as Professor of the sexual arts.

And I’m his teaching assistant!

I will not go into anymore details as it gets a little graphic. I have yet to finish the novel so I will let you know what the ending is when I do.

Yeah. Now you see if they had used that scene, that would most certainly be a very traumatised rage quit and is exactly the reason I fell out with the BL genre, as I stated in my previous answered quote.