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Like with a boss and a babe, most of the reviews I read were bad but I LOVED it…so I don’t trust them anymore lol

omg I actually wrote my first review on here for A Boss and A Babe, because I was flabbergasted at all the bad ones lol

Thinking about starting Never Let Me Go cuz of my obsession with Phuwin…thoughts? Reviews? Anything to know about beforehand? 

I found it to be an amazing watch. Main issue though was the side couple and some trivial stuff but otherwise it was a good watch for me. Nice kisses hehe

I love this edit

RE: Stay with Me  I re-watch that edit every so often. So, so good.


RE: Stay with Me  I re-watch that edit every so often. So, so good.


They did it. Overwhelming majorities in both houses. Royal faffing about done. 120 days - January 22 - and all couples can register their marriages in Thailand <3 <3 <3

Thinking about starting Never Let Me Go cuz of my obsession with Phuwin…thoughts? Reviews? Anything to know about beforehand? 

I love Phuwin and PondPhuwin did great on this series. I love their beach scenes the best. And I thought PerthChimon had better rapport here than on Dangerous Romance

Thinking about starting Never Let Me Go cuz of my obsession with Phuwin…thoughts? Reviews? Anything to know about beforehand?

I'm going to join in with everyone else and say DO IT! It's so good and you will enjoy it!

Thinking about starting Never Let Me Go cuz of my obsession with Phuwin…thoughts? Reviews?

it is good, i love it <3

making Thailand just the third country in Asia after Taiwan and Nepal to recognise same-sex marriage.

yayy, so happy for them <3333


They did it. Overwhelming majorities in both houses. Royal faffing about done. 120 days - January 22 - and all couples can register their marriages in Thailand <3 <3 <3

Awww ;; I’m so happy for all the people who can finally register their marrige <3

Happy of The End - finale


While watching this finale a quote I had read some time ago came to mind. It goes, "Justice exists in the next life, in this life there only exists the law."

I found the ending to be quite powerful yet simple. Haoran having his photo taken by Chihiro and smiling showed growth but also a full circle moment. Happiness does not come easy and these two have definitely experienced hell to finally reach happiness. 

Haoren has been through so much, from being a child prostitute, being abandoned by his mother, being sexually, physically and emotionally abused and even beaten to near death. Him going to prison for three years for stabbing his abuser is what I meant when I referenced the quote above. For spoiler reasons I will not go into the story-line as well as there are some tragic and traumatic themes and topics to unpack in this series.

This series, as short as it was, unpacked a lot emotionally. It exposed some horrible issues that plague societies all over not just in Japan. All the actors portrayed their roles in such a way that you could not help but feel the gravity of what was unfolding on screen; it was real, unfiltered and in your face. I do not think this series is for everyone as it can be triggering for some. We see the story told from the victims' side of things; how homophobia in the home can affect young boys, how the abusive actions of adults can shape the life of others and push them to suicide. We see how the main characters overcome all their trauma and find solace in each other to finally experience freedom of choice, freedom to achieve their dreams, freedom to live, freedom to enjoy the basic rights of any human being and freedom to love. 

The production is good and created the perfect surroundings to bring this tragic story to life and make it realistic not just in the appearance of the setting but also the mood of it.

There is so much more I can say but I will leave it here. I think one must watch this series for themselves to allow for the thought provoking experience. Experience the grief and the sweet happiness at the end. 

If you like cute and happy this is not for you, but if you want a watching experience that will grip you in the gut, and shove hard cold reality of the suffering of so many victims of societal atrocities then this is it; sit back and be made aware of this reality. It may touch you in a way that makes you want to help victims in your country in whatever way possible.  

"Seeing the light at the end is easy to say, finding the will to keep going to see the light is harder."

Wow! I never knew this site existed. Well, I am fairly new to using My Drama List. I would like to join, if you are still accepting people.

 Dawn W:

Wow! I never knew this site existed. Well, I am fairly new to using My Drama List. I would like to join, if you are still accepting people. 

Welcome to the club :)