
Oh oh am planning to watch it soon! Have heard great things<2

Aaaaah it’s so good! I haven’t finished but I am really enjoying it so far (☆▽☆)


They'll be fine, don't worry about it. They might drift apart but they won't be apart for long.

Maya is driving me crazy but it seems like she’s starting to mellow out so I’m happy they seem to be getting closer so quickly ^-^

You can tell how close they are in real life: OG, JS, FB and EM for example.

Indeed - and those four examples are all GMMTV. Mandee/Domundi (despite occasional shortcomings delivering on series) also do a good job of fostering and marketing their ships, and quite a few of them seem genuinely very happy working together (or in a few cases, maybe more). Thus my enthusiasm for the next round of "DMD Friendship the Reality".


Yeah, it carries over to GL too. The pairings usually do fanservice and more than one series together. As for hetero ships, I don't think so. For example, I never saw Earth and Namtam do any fanservice together when they were promoting Ploy's Yearbook. I think for them it's different and that model is only used for BL/GL

Yeah like MilkLove in GL


Yeah, it carries over to GL too. The pairings usually do fanservice and more than one series together. As for hetero ships, I don't think so. For example, I never saw Earth and Namtam do any fanservice together when they were promoting Ploy's Yearbook. I think for them it's different and that model is only used for BL/GL

Ok, thx for your explanation!