
re "BOTW" (yesterday's ep. 9 as well as in general):

I must recuse myself from the jury because my throbbing love for Tutor & Yim precludes my objectivity.

Seriously, though, the series is very flawed, but I've seen worse. Of the BLs I've watched all the way to the end, "Kiseki in Tokyo" and "Love Is Like A Cat" are my own contenders for "Worst of 2024".

So let's look at average MDL ratings and see how these stack up:
"BOTW" = 7.4 (i.e. mediocre - flawed but watchable)
"Kiseki in Tokyo" = 6.2 (i.e. near catastrophic)
"Love Is Like A Cat" = 5.8 ( i.e. democratically certified disaster)

To me, this sounds about right. Yay for "vox populi"!

Is it possible BOTW rating is higher due to Tutor & Yim's fan base, not the actual content of the series?

Battle of the Writers  EP 9 and My Finale

I have no words except to say - I saw tongue, and backs that might be permanently disabled. 

And with that it's time to give it up. Yes, that's right. I'm waving the white flag of defeat and drop kicking this series into oblivion.

I couldn’t stop laughing at this lmaooo

The voice crack and coughing cracked me up so bad XD

LOL I couldn't tell you how many times I have watched him doing this on loop. It's so insanely funny

 American Fan:
Is it possible BOTW rating is higher due to Tutor & Yim's fan base, not the actual content of the series?

Even setting aside my conflict of interest, and my general lack of standards where cuties are involved, I think "Love Is Like A Cat" and "Kiseki in Tokyo" were in an entirely different league of bad.

What does sometimes seem to distort average MDL ratings is the "early episode effect", i.e. people rushing to judge after the first few episodes, or even just one episode, then never finishing the series (or at least, not updating their ratings). "BOTW" started alright and got worse, while "Middleman's Love" (presumably with the Tutor/Yim fanbase effect on ratings) started as a trainwreck and got better. This would explain the divergent average MDL ratings (6.4* for "Middleman's Love").

* 7.1 for the uncut version, which one could rationalise in that the NC scenes in episodes 7 and 8 were really good.


YESSSSS! See guys there are others like me out here who tough it out till the bitter end.

Fist bump!

We should have our own group lol 


LOL I couldn't tell you how many times I have watched him doing this on loop. It's so insanely funny

It’s the funniest video of this trend I’ve seen lmao

1. Your favorite fall activities?

I honestly don't know what are considered "fall activities" specifically. Therefore I don't think I do anything special during fall season.

 American Fan:

Yay for a home day! Boo to being sick! At least you can "talk" here, lol. Rest, lots of water and tea, work, repeat. 

My rec for a great tea for colds is Traditional Medicinals Organic Herbal Cold Care.  Or this one for throats.

There's other brands with similar results. As soon as I feel smth coming I drink 3 cups a day, with some honey. It makes a huge difference! But I also drink a few autoimmune smoothies per week.  

@RXinw....sorry you aren't feeling well! I hope it's nothing too serious. @American Fan, has given you some remedies to take advantage of, hoping it works. 

If I can add my two pennies...I recommend gargling with warm salt water, drinking warm liquids (teas) honey, ginger, and lemon or peppermint or chamomile (this will help you sleep). I also recommend my favorite throat lozenges....Halls Throat Soothers in Cherry or Luden's Wild Cherry throat lozenges. 

Anyways, feel better soon. 

 Chun Mo Rionnag:

Ugh. So episode 9 of "Battle of the Writers" (Thailand, 2024) drops with two, back-to-back NC scenes.

It was the plot delivery that was the issue. This is what you do? I despair!

And, Yim's voice still sets my teeth on edge.

I just finished watching it...and all I can say is they should have left the script alone. If they re-wrote this to give us grossly overdone NC scenes...they could have kept it. I know it's been a lot of fans wish to see Tutor x Yim have a proper intimacy scene...but this is just insulting the viewers. But, hey it is what it is. I'm sure that the production team, the directors, the script writers and DMD as a talent management for the actors are going to get a lot of negative feedback.

Honestly, they could have given them their beautiful moment in Cutie Pie 2, if the director wasn't an idiot...turning it into a joke.  I wasn't please with this week's episode. Oh well...