Muttery Monkey:
(I also enjoy "Unforgotten Night", just as a reference for how bad my taste is :-D )

OMFG!!! You made me spit out my water X-D


Go for it! I was looking for something to binge-watch on a lighter note and came across this on YouTube. It has some cute moments.

Maybe... I have so many bls too watch rn that I don't want to waste time on something that's mediocre. (Don't look at my currently watching list >_<)


Maybe... I have so many bls too watch rn that I don't want to waste time on something that's mediocre. (Don't look at my currently watching list >_<)

Your currently watching list is scary, but your plan to watch list is the cause of nightmares! Wow!!!


Maybe... I have so many bls too watch rn that I don't want to waste time on something that's mediocre. (Don't look at my currently watching list >_<)

Same except I don’t want to waste my time watching mediocre things and so I DON’T have so many shows that I have on my priority watchlist. 


I remember watching the 1st episode of My Secret Love and instantly started hating Mek's character. I loved the way his character started shaping. Not to forget the interesting storylines of all the 3 side couples. There was no screen crowding and every character's/story's progress was organic. I'm just forward to the finale episode! (as usual, my hopeless romantic self is looking forward to a nice, happy ending).

I love character growth! Mek's is one of my favorites, but I love Kim's growth even more. It was really subtle, but he became more open towards people he had nothing in common with because of this one guy! 

I'm really looking forward to the final episode too, but I really feel like they should have expanded on their life after college. I loved the first 10 episodes, so here's hoping for a good ending!


Your currently watching list is scary, but your plan to watch list is the cause of nightmares! Wow!!!

I don't even pay attention to my ptw list anymore because it's so overwhelming. I tend to just watch what people recommend but then most of the time it was on my ptw list anyway >_<


Same except I don’t want to waste my time watching mediocre things and so I DON’T have so many shows that I have on my priority watchlist. 

I really need to clean up my ptw because some of these shows I don't have an interest in watching anymore or they just are not subbed/ avail in my country.


I love character growth! Mek's is one of my favorites, but I love Kim's growth even more. It was really subtle, but he became more open towards people he had nothing in common with because of this one guy! 

I'm really looking forward to the final episode too, but I really feel like they should have expanded on their life after college. I loved the first 10 episodes, so here's hoping for a good ending!

Yes, waiting for the finale episode! 


I don't even pay attention to my ptw list anymore because it's so overwhelming. I tend to just watch what people recommend but then most of the time it was on my ptw list anyway >_<

I really need to clean up my ptw because some of these shows I don't have an interest in watching anymore or they just are not subbed/ avail in my country.

Me too. i wish i could do different lists for maybe BL and non BL etc.

How to join or be a part of this club?????????/


Me too. i wish i could do different lists for maybe BL and non BL etc.

I keep all my non BL lists under Custom lists


I keep all my non BL lists under Custom lists

Oh that's a great idea! 

Shows we love to hate?

Inspired by some conversations above: Which shows do you love to hate or consider to be bad but still enjoy? Bring on the bad taste contest! Admit your guilty pleasures! Share your deep, dark indulgences!

Here is my list:

Want to See You: Currently airing and I am very excited for the last two episodes. The writers are completely unconcerned with logic or reasoning, so every other episode they throw a ridiculous plot twist at us. There is no character development, rather sudden changes: "I guess I am into you now, because the script says so." They use some questionable background music and sound effects. We were blurting out laughing during one of the kissing scenes (there is some serious kissing going on in this show, the actors are not shy at all!) because they started playing something that can only be called "soft-pron-music". The cast is incredibly beautiful, and somehow I feel that they are having a lot of fun making this ridiculous show.

Mr Cinderella: Same production company as "Want to See You", same background music and sound effects, even the same clothes (lol), almost the same cast. Less random plot twists, though. A bit less enjoyable than "Want to See You" but still enjoyable enough.

Unforgotten Night: Not sure what makes this so enjoyable for me: the hilarious product placement, the bewildered facial expressions, the lack of chemistry between the MC, the tigers, the silly soft-pron-BDSM-scenes? Also, I still haven't figured out what the actual story is, but maybe I'll catch on in the remaining episodes. Kim is just beautiful, though.

Cheat: The first episode is called "Sex and Magic" and that is an extremely apt description for the entire series. This series is like a ride on a completely trashy soft-porn-ghost-train. I wanted to get off the train several times, but just couldn't. The story doesn't make sense. It is very low budget. Everyone in this show is completely insane. Since nobody cares about logic, plausible explanations and comprehensible reasons, there was a plot twist in the finale that I didn't see coming at all, but was a so much fun for me. Oh, and: Everybody dies. I'm really hoping they'll do season two! :-D

Be careful! This is complete anti-fluff and not for the faint at heart. Almost everything that needs content warning is included in this show. They really mean the 18+ rating! I occasionally also enjoy splatter movies, so there you go.

Secret Crush on You: I hate this series with the passion of 10,000 suns. Words cannot express how much I loathe this show. I know that a lot of people love it, but I just hated all of it. I hated every single character (except Daisy). I cringed at every single interaction of everyone. I thought that the story was stupid, the acting was overdone, and the characters were absurd. For some reason, I still needed to watch it until the very end. Maybe I need to go and rewatch now...

Shows I don't hate and don't enjoy: Stuff like Y-Destiny and Check Out that is just boring and uninteresting -- doesn't make my list.

There we go. I showed you mine, now show me yours :)

@MutteryMonkey - we nearly were gonna have to have words but you said Daisy was ok so I forgive you! :)


@MutteryMonkey - we nearly were gonna have to have words but you said Daisy was ok so I forgive you! :)

Hahaha! I loved her. She was the best. But why oh why did they need to throw in that story arc where she went back to dressing/acting like a boy because she feared rejection from a guy who is clearly into her just the way she is?
I totally get that many people also liked SCOY (probably for the very same reasons that I hated it).

And obviously my opinion is only an opinion. I guess I have really bad taste that should not be a benchmark for anyone. Haha.

Wouldn't life be bland if we all enjoyed the same flavors?