Muttery Monkey:

Hahaha! I loved her. She was the best. But why oh why did they need to throw in that story arc where she went back to dressing/acting like a boy because she feared rejection from a guy who is clearly into her just the way she is?
I totally get that many people also liked SCOY (probably for the very same reasons that I hated it).

And obviously my opinion is only an opinion. I guess I have really bad taste that should not be a benchmark for anyone. Haha.

Wouldn't life be bland if we all enjoyed the same flavors?

I actually liked that story line but i think they could have actually given it a bit more screen time to fully explain it. I think its probally very common for trans or less masc men to try and butch it up when they are worried what the persons friends think. Daisy never said touch made her feel that way. She didnt want his friends to judge him. That scene at the lunch table had me in floods of tears. I thought it was some to class acting on Som's part. I think Daisy and touch needed more screen time period. I really like the show because i think it has the healthiest relationships, friendships and views on sexuality of any BL i have watched. Yes the cringe parts were super hard to get through in the beginning but if you actually look at what they cover and how they cover it, its stand out for me. 

But yes we are all entitled to like what we like. My mom's 3  favorite sayings were,  "it takes all kinds to make the world go round" "what ever floats your boat and jiggles your bobber!" and "Different strokes for different folks"

 But i am always happy to discuss shows and have my mind changed

Hi, can I join? I haven't watched much BL yet but watched some yaoi anime a few years ago. I plan to watch Cherry Magic (J-drama) since it is the top BL.

I really like the show because i think it has the healthiest relationships, friendships and views on sexuality of any BL i have watched.

I appreciated that they tried to take a different route, but I got upset because it came short for me in the attempt. ^^ For example, they have this whole conversation about who is topping whom and then they still stick to the BL law of the taller more muscular one must be the top and they even laughed at the smaller more fem one for thinking he could top (yeah, they sort of tried to redeem this at the end, but too little too late for me...).

My mom's 3 favorite sayings were, "it takes all kinds to make the world go round" "what ever floats your boat and jiggles your bobber!" and "Different strokes for different folks"

I like those and I agree. <3

I only mentioned that opinion part because it has happened to me that people got upset because I didn't like their favorite show/actor. X-D I'm always happy when people get that me not liking something doesn't take away from their liking it and vice versa. :)

Muttery Monkey - I like the fact that they were at least open to letting Toh say he wanted to be the top and even try it. Yes ok it falls back into a trope after that but its still a lot more than i get from other BL's on that front. For me it was just such a healthy relationship. 

Have no fear, i will never be upset (ok i make fake it for laughs) because we have different opinions. We all add this caveat but just so  you know you dont have to add when talking to me anymore :) also if you want a lot of chat you should join the group discord as we chat lots there

also if you want a lot of chat you should join the group discord as we chat lots there

I'd love to. Can you dm me an invite? :)

 Muttery Monkey:

I'd love to. Can you dm me an invite? :)

Come join us on the dark side! warning it gets a bit crazy. And its not all my fault


Come join us on the dark side! warning it gets a bit crazy. And its not all my fault

She's lying.... XD it's most time her fault 


She's lying.... XD it's most time her fault 

Ho w dare you slander me when you are part of the big P3 as well!


She's lying.... XD it's most time her fault 


 Muttery Monkey:
I only mentioned that opinion part because it has happened to me that people got upset because I didn't like their favorite show/actor. X-D I'm always happy when people get that me not liking something doesn't take away from their liking it and vice versa. :)

Everyone has the freedom to share their opinions/perspectives. So feel free to share your thoughts here :)

I may agree/disagree with your choices, but I surely respect them (and so do other members of this group). Sometimes, another person's thought process gives me a different perspective to look at things.

And of course, you disliking any show/actor will not take away my likeliness towards them and vice versa ;) I'm happy that we match on this part!

Is anyone watching Love in the Air? (I mean, is anyone through with the first episode?)


Is anyone watching Love in the Air? (I mean, is anyone through with the first episode?)

I am. I thought it was surprisingly pretty good and I'm looking forward to the next episode. Chemistry is good too so far. 


Is anyone watching Love in the Air? (I mean, is anyone through with the first episode?)

I did. It was a good start.  I didn't find it as problematic as Mame's( manga writers) other work(still is but not as much imo) so we'll see what happens.