
I have been listening to the OST for My School President non-stop

Same. I’m always humming You’ve Got My Back or Closer. :D

so everyone, i want to know your opinion on the build and poi controversy

for me personally, i'm on build's side until we get concrete evidence that he is the one who did something

but if we don't, i'll continue trusting him because i've been his fan for 3 years, ever since i saw him act in "tra barb see chompoo" and i genuinely believe he isn't that kind of man

and what are they trying to get with that live? the issue should be resolved in private! are we gonna be watching a debate over who's is the wrong or what, it doesn't make any sense to me

anyhow, i'll stand by build until he gets proven wrong, and as i said, if he doesn't, i'll continue being his fan and support him no matter what

thank you

 mj_babec358 Cult Member:

so everyone, i want to know your opinion on the build and poi controversy

for me personally, i'm on build's side until we get concrete evidence that he is the one who did something

but if we don't, i'll continue trusting him because i've been his fan for 3 years, ever since i saw him act in "tra barb see chompoo" and i genuinely believe he isn't that kind of man

and what are they trying to get with that live? the issue should be resolved in private! are we gonna be watching a debate over who's is the wrong or what, it doesn't make any sense to me

anyhow, i'll stand by build until he gets proven wrong, and as i said, if he doesn't, i'll continue being his fan and support him no matter what

thank you

not to be negative and trying to stay neutral but Bui, himself, has posted very incriminating evidence about the situation and the fact that more women have spoken out against it is concerning and should be appropriately investigated. I am not saying that Poi, herself, has not done shitty things bc she has, but that does not negate or minimize the alleged abuse.

Bui has had negative controversies before this and has admitted to them being true so right now I'm just waiting for the facts to be out. I have been a fan of bui as well but right now it's not a matter of support or not but finding out the truth. I am remaining neutral and not siding with one or the other b/c that is just not the person I am and it does not mean I believe he is at fault or not.

I do agree with you tho regarding, this matter needs to be done privately rather than a  live conference and Pond, should NOT be the "neutral" party here because he has an interest in the matter.

If you would like to discuss more you are free to message me. I realize that this topic can be very heavy or might trigger others, who might just want to be here to rant about shows LOL


Great, but please temper your enthusiasm a wee bit!


In Kinnporsche one of the guys from the main couple gets kidnapped. One of the guys from the second couple gets kidnapped as well. 

Not Me - I believe all of them are gagged at one point or another. 

Love in the Air - Again, I believe one of the guys from each couple was tied up and gagged. 

I thought of Kinn Porsche too.?

I am still crying over my BibleBuild loss.  I have watched a few videos, (Yes, I know they can be made to support whatever side you want) showing SEVERE sexual harrassment, not only to Build, but many other cast members.  I am an American so this is currently high on our radar of bad behavior.  (I am not saying other countries do not disapprove of sexual harrassment, just that we have allowed too much for too long and now it is a problem)  My BL soul wants to put Poi in the ground and never watch anything she and Yok have anything to do with, but my BL soul also wants more KinnPorsche and all the cast.  Truly, I feel for both sides, there must have been some true feelings at some point.  This should have been kept private, cause neither one is coming out the other side free and clear.  Poi will be a sugar mama, buying her man off, then taking advantage of any and all situations and Bui will be a taker and user of said sugar mama.   There is a live chat with all parties on YOUTUBE scheduled soon.

Hi! I'd like to be a member if possible! 


Hi! I'd like to be a member if possible! 

Just by posting in this thread, you're a member.  There is also a lively Discord group if you're interested, which can be found here:



Hi! I'd like to be a member if possible! 

Warm welcome to you! :)  Nice to have you with us!


Triage 10/10 from me

YAY!!! Triage is so good I'm still reeling

My BL soul wants to put Poi in the ground and never watch anything she and Yok have anything to do with, but my BL soul also wants more KinnPorsche and all the cast.

poi is a weirdo sure but isnt the whole thing about how build being abusive(like. physically hurting her.) , using her for money, cheating on her (which she had screenshots and pictures for) along with r@pe jokes and other shit he's done before? and she also accused him of forcing her to have an abortion. idgaf how many cars she bought him that does mean he has the right to do what he is accused of doing. i'd rather believe the victim and turn out to be wrong than blindly support a man who's had to apologize for weird shit hes done in the past. idk its just odd how people are looking past morality and logic for the sake of his 'bl career'. im sure theres many that act as well as him and there will be many more to come.

As I stated, he is a taker and user.  Not taking any sides here, just stated how I felt.  In the end, most of us will enjoy other series and movies and never look back on this issue and these people will be all in the past.  I am a woman.  Unless you are 12 years old, you don't wait, you report.  As a woman, I do take offense to a woman who used, abused and enjoyed her time with a man and then, at the end, tried to play the blame card for all the effort she put forth.  To me, that says everything she did was to control the man.  Then he gets out of control and time to be a victim.  If he had remained at her beck and call we would have never heard about all the horrible things he did.   The funniest thing about the situation????  That one user and abuser attacked another user and abuser.  There are no victims here.  They deserve each other.  I also question "forced abortion".  Was the doctor held at gun point and she was held down?  Cause I'm gonna tell you, that would be a forced abortion.

Unless you are 12 years old, you don't wait, you report.

? im sorry ?

As a woman, I do take offense to a woman

then as a woman, should you not also take offense to the fact that he was making rape jokes and victim blaming? that he is currently being accused of and going to court for abusing his partner both physically and mentally?  i could not care less about poi as ive heard shes weird asl too and i understand wanting a celebritity you like to be a good person however sometimes it helps to keep in mind they do not care about nor know you and may not be as good as they present themselves.