 Unless you are 12 years old, you don't wait, you report.

I'm sorry but things like this should be reported REGARDLESS OF AGE.
I understand sometimes they are not due to fear but reporting such abuse is NOT capped at a certain age

This is what I meant, that often those too young can be coerced into remaining silent.  

kiyois back scrubber 

12 minutes ago

 ZoogonyZen:As a woman, I do take offense to a woman

then as a woman, should you not also take offense to the fact that he was making rape jokes and victim blaming? that he is currently being accused of and going to court for abusing his partner both physically and mentally?  i could not care less about poi as ive heard shes weird asl too and i understand wanting a celebritity you like to be a good person however sometimes it helps to keep in mind they do not care about nor know you and may not be as good as they present themselves.  

Yes,  Rape jokes are probably not funny, but I have never really heard one, so what do I know.  Although I misused the word offense, as I am really unoffendable, the behaviors of both parties is revolting.  I am not supporting Build, but I would not say that Poi is anything even remotely kin to a victim.

 I would not assign the word victim to either one of them, as they have screwed each other both literally and figuratively and again, they deserve each other. 

 I think perhaps I should have just said that I have written them both off.  It is a sad situation.  I am most concerned with myself, and being deprived of 4 minutes and possibly KinnPorsche second season.  I hold them both accountable for my deprivation; which, I shall never forgive either of them.

kiyois back scrubber 

12 minutes ago

 ZoogonyZen:As a woman, I do take offense to a woman

then as a woman, should you not also take offense to the fact that he was making rape jokes and victim blaming? that he is currently being accused of and going to court for abusing his partner both physically and mentally?  i could not care less about poi as ive heard shes weird asl too and i understand wanting a celebritity you like to be a good person however sometimes it helps to keep in mind they do not care about nor know you and may not be as good as they present themselves.  

Yes,  Rape jokes are probably not funny, but I have never really heard one, so what do I know.  Although I misused the word offense, as I am really unoffendable, the behaviors of both parties is revolting.  I am not supporting Build, but I would not say that Poi is anything even remotely kin to a victim.

 I would not assign the word victim to either one of them, as they have screwed each other both literally and figuratively and again, they deserve each other. 

 I think perhaps I should have just said that I have written them both off.  It is a sad situation.  I am most concerned with myself, and being deprived of 4 minutes and possibly KinnPorsche second season.  I hold them both accountable for my deprivation; which, I shall never forgive either of them.

 mj_babec358 Cult Member:

so everyone, i want to know your opinion on the build and poi controversy

for me personally, i'm on build's side until we get concrete evidence that he is the one who did something

but if we don't, i'll continue trusting him because i've been his fan for 3 years, ever since i saw him act in "tra barb see chompoo" and i genuinely believe he isn't that kind of man

and what are they trying to get with that live? the issue should be resolved in private! are we gonna be watching a debate over who's is the wrong or what, it doesn't make any sense to me

anyhow, i'll stand by build until he gets proven wrong, and as i said, if he doesn't, i'll continue being his fan and support him no matter what

thank you

I'm a firm believer that unless I'm personally involved, I don't trust anything I hear.  If I don't see it with my own eyes, I'm not taking anyone's "side" or "version of events."  I've seen way too many false allegations and people crying "wolf" just because of stupid reasons.  (I mean, come on, as BL lovers, haven't we all seen this?  It's a trope for a reason.)  The problem is, no matter if it's true or not, the damage is done and that's unfortunate.  Even videos and texts can be used out of context so, unless you are an eye-witness, then your opinion is up for sale from whoever can sell the best story.

Well said, and so true.

I must have been living under a rock to be finding out all of this and the shock aside (because was firmly on the raft of BibleBuild fan club), I don’t want my appreciation or liking of the character to cloud my judgment when it comes to the person.  

To be clear, making rape jokes / or other misogynistic jokes and being a sugar boy are not illegal neither is cheating or convincing your adult partner to have an abortion because she ultimately made the decision to do it. So I’m assuming the court case will deal with the physical abuse allegations. However, it’s still despicable behaviour and morally vacant for a public figure who benefits monetarily from that support so don’t think I can support him going forward if this is all proven true. 

There’s been multiple allegations against  KP writer team, and the level of anger and spite Poi is showing will reduce her credibility, so I do hope that she takes a step back and regroups before trying to win public support at any cost. The Pinterest sonogram photo was just ridiculous and damaging. 

I will say this, sometimes I wonder if us in this fandom contribute in part to some of the wrong mindsets - Vegas brutally r*aped Pete’s character in the novel and physically and psychologically tortured in the show, and we basically shipped them as a romantic couple and piled on the attention and endorsed to a level of them getting their own show . We are also titillated when there’s display of dominance or jealousy in the fan service - so are we contributing to somewhat normalizing this kind of thinking? 
I loved and adores MewGulf and mentally tuned out parts where there were coercion or lack of expressed consent on the show which is not something I would ever be okay with in my personal life - so I wonder if I play a small part on the overall big problem with this industry? 

Wonderful post!  

I have been struggling over the past nearly year with this complexity in the BL world as well and also the fear that the actors may be mistreated.  On one hand there feels to be an air of more free sexual expression coming out of these countries yet with that there is also the presence of the darker elements therein.  It's a very challenging aspect of human nature and it seems we still need a LOT of awareness, healing and self responsibility around the respectful and relational sharing of it.  I hope that all those involved in this current situation will find a way to resolve it with a better outcome than currently appears to be happening.  

I think in this day and age with social media and "instant gratification," a lot of people react to these kinds of things with their first impression which is usually fueled by emotion and not much sense; the ones involved with the story included.  It makes them do or say things they may not mean in a knee-jerk response that ultimately makes them look even worse than if they just stepped back and took a breath before responding.  I'd hate to be in PR in 2023 with the likes of Twitter, FaceBook and any other social media where anyone could have a "voice," when most of them should just stay quiet.

As far as the romantism of "toxic" behaviour or "fan service," I think there's enough difference between "fantasy vs reality" to trust BL lovers aren't contributing to the normalization of such ideas.  It's understood that it's not real and simply for entertainment; creating tension that gets released when the wrong-doer redeems themselves.

Unfortunately, when a case as high profile or as public as this happens, it's harder to stay removed and unbiased as more and more tensions arise and the parties involved dig themselves deeper holes out of poorly thought-out responses to attacks made against them.


YAY!!! Triage is so good I'm still reeling

True, true~ it was fantastic ^^

After seeing a lot the talk about problematic plots in BLs and how it's wrong and all that, even though I think it would be nice to have more shows with less problematic plots, saying that people who like these types of plots support or in a way "promote" sexual harassment or rape is pretty much like saying that people who enjoy crime series and series about serial killers support murdering people or that they think it's fine to kill people. The fact you enjoy something or like it doesn't mean you support it in real life or that it's something you'd ever do yourself. Those series are  fantasy stories not reality shows.  I'm just sick of seeing people blame, motsly women, for liking those series and claming we're doing damage (or whatever) to the gay community with those shows, as if there are zero problematic storylines in straight series\movies. If someone doesn't like this type of shows, they don't have to watch them, but trying to all the time shame those who do like those series is not cool imo.  I'd presonally prefer if BLs will have more consent and less SH, but it has to depend on the story.  As I see it, it'd be far fetched for a mafia series like KP to have normal relationships, so there is no reason to be surprised it has a f** up story and expect it'll be all lovey-dovey and fluffy.  But liking KP and being ok with whatever went bts is two different things. And it saddens me that things came to that, we just want to enjoy the series and now it seems like we might not get a S2 at all :( 


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