(maybe that is just the culture though),

RE: Taikan Yoho  

There's this cultural idea is amae in Japanese that's discussed here. It may help in your understanding of the show. We have a similar concept in my culture.



RE: Taikan Yoho  

There's this cultural idea is amae in Japanese that's discussed here. It may help in your understanding of the show. We have a similar concept in my culture.


Thank you! The in-depth commentary review/explanations really helped me while I was originally watching the series. I feel like so much was lost in the translation and the lost amount really mattered to this show.


RE: Taikan Yoho  

There's this cultural idea is amae in Japanese that's discussed here. It may help in your understanding of the show. We have a similar concept in my culture.


Thank you for this it definitely helped in clarifying some scenes. It also shows that I was on the right path when watching, in that I had to read into their actions, intonations and omissions to truly grasp their relationship. It also aligned with my point that a lot of this series requires some interpretation and understanding. This series is one of those that won't be popular among the wider population of fans because it takes more than just watching scenes on screen but also delving into them as well as watch the series more than once and discovering new meanings each time, most fans won't stop to do that and will drop it because of ignorance in that they will see a series that requires in depth interpretation and see it as infuriating and expressionless instead. I will always have a love hate relationship with J-BLs because on one hand they cater to my intellectual side but at the same time I just want to watch "two fools fall in love" openly and expressively and wind down without the extra brain power. I am glad you posted this though because based on varying reviews I kept wondering if I gave fair rating based on my interpretations being culturally aware and was not being culturally blind. This new info now leaves me at a stop; I need a season 2 to see how their story develops from where they left off because I still feel they left it at a precarious place. @American Fan if you  decide to watch I would be willing to watch it again with you. I need to watch it again with my previous interpretations along with these new interpretations.


 American Fan:
We watched it at the same time! I just finished, but I'm happy to wait for others. 

Ah that's cool! :D 

Watching together as a community makes me feel like being closer to you all! :-)

Alr just finished the first ep of We Are and I’m loving it

I like it, too. I'll watch the second episode next week. 

But I have to admit, for me there were too many actors at once. I had trouble telling them apart. I need time to remember everyone's name and to understand who is with whom etc. ^^ It was only later for example that I understood that not everyone is an art student but that some also study another study subject. 

The ghost mask scene was funny (and scary :o) and the soccer field scene served Phum right, lol. 

But I missed that no more attention was paid to the fact that the painting was destroyed. Kicking is certainly not a solution, but it would have made me very angry just as much. So I can empathize with that. 

Unfortunately, because the picture was destroyed, he was not able to submit his painting to the exhibition. I would have liked it if they had shown more understanding for this problem. It wasn't addressed enough for me. They could have shown that he is sad about it. Or I thought that there would be a scene in the gallery where the consequences had been discussed or where Pheem gets trouble with his lecturer. That's what I am missing. But maybe this will be an issue in an upcoming episode.       


I guess I was just always satisfied with Celine's version so I never saw the need. 

Shoot me. Cuz Lennon's is ICONIC. :-)

This is my problem with Japanese BLs. They are my least anticipated series because they often have reluctant characters that drag right until the very end while being utterly clueless and infuriating. Another reason is the lack of expression (maybe that is just the culture though), the lack of physical affection, again it maybe the culture, but I find it hard to watch a romance series and to have to interpret or perhaps I should say find the deeper affectionate meanings from the characters' almost platonic/brotherly actions.

So I have a similar issue with Japanese BLs but for me it plays out differently. I didn't love the universally loved Cherry Magic and Old Fashion Cupcake. In both shows I got a strong we are good friends vibe and didn't really ever feel the relationship love and attraction, even at the end. I lose interest in those types of shows because it feels like walking the line and never really taking a side. Physical affection may play a role in my feelings but I've watched other shows where the love was shown very clearly even without a lot of physical contact aspect. For me, that's where some Japanese BLs miss the mark.

However, with Taikan Yoho I felt the attraction and love early on which made the show interesting to me. Why so many communication issues with two people who clearly cared deeply about each other? I was curious. I'm not very good at verbalizing my feelings so I'll just say that for  some reason this show just worked for me.

Watching together as a community makes me feel like being closer to you all! :-)

I'm going to try and join in! I just made a major move and am still stressed out but maybe this will relax my mind a little.

 American Fan:


DAY 3 - Fav BL Couple


Yes, same. I love them. I love everything about them.

@American Fan if you  decide to watch I would be willing to watch it again with you. I need to watch it again with my previous interpretations along with these new interpretations.

Aww, thanks! My brain tells me to pass for now. I am def one of those lazy viewers. I can figure out a mystery, but when it's emotions at their least expressive, I'm lost.  haha

I'm going to try and join in! I just made a major move and am still stressed out but maybe this will relax my mind a little.

Oh, I hope things calm down soon and you will be able to relax. 

Take your time! Everything will be alright. :-*


Oh, I hope things calm down soon and you will be able to relax. 

Take your time! Everything will be alright. :-*

You're sweet. Thank you.

Yes, same. I love them. I love everything about them.

I am cheering and giggling when I look at the picture of the two. Awww. :-)


I don't know them, but I want to get to know them! :D 

The gif which shows the kiss on the forehead expresses so many emotions. 

I am always impressed when actors can express emotions well and they make you feel those emotions: warmth and happiness, sadness or desire etc. I admire this talent. :-)


I think the first ep. is a great start! I loved seeing so many familiar faces, but I can see how it can be confusing too. The pacing for intros of everyone wasn't really there. But yeah, cuties and hotties all in one place!

My first impression - I love Pheem and that he is an artist with an impulsive personality. He might be one of my favs in the whole series. 

Not good or bad  - The plot is basic, so far, considering there's 16 eps! Not complaining about the length by any means! Also, for now, the plot is nothing new. I liked how things were going until the whole drinking scene, again, nothing new here. Drunk students, but didn't add anything to the series for me. 

For real, I was also waiting for Pheem to get recognized for his destroyed painting.  I was feeling it to the core (being an artist) and not once was the initial act of the ball hitting the painting ever brought up. 


I'm going to try and join in! I just made a major move and am still stressed out but maybe this will relax my mind a little.

That'll be great! The more the merrier and all that. I think so far this series seems like a lighter and more easier watch.

More about WE ARE - 

I forgot to mention how much I enjoyed Pheem's snarled face as he kicked Phum in the balls. And how unexpected that was. He steps back and then goes all in. I laughed so hard.