Day 16 challenge: "Favourite BL Drama Parent"

Hmm, I shall limit this to parents of main characters. There are also some very memorable grandparents, who I will exclude. There some seriously bad parent characters (e.g. Golf and Bank's parents in "My Bromance", Uea's mother in "Bed Friend") but thankfully a lot more good parent characters - almost too many to choose from.  

So I'll just pick the first one that comes to my head: the warm, supportive and generally charming "Mama Xu" (Qi Zhang's widowed mother) from "About Youth", my favourite Taiwanese BL. (And Ye Guang's parents might be among my nominees for "worst parents".)P.S. No, that's not Mama Xu in the photo. Ye Guang (left) and Qi Zhang (right).


On another note I keep seeing on Twitter that people are like "now give us a FirstKhao BounPrem drama" and I see the vision-- that's something I never thought of, but now I want. 


 American Fan:

DAY 15 - Favorite BL Drama Trope

Def when the "bad" or tough boy falls for the cute or "soft" boy first and may also be influenced to change his behavior (if it really was bad to begin with). This may or may not include gang or mafia stories.

I also really like the enemy to lovers thing. I watch for that moment of realization to hit, for either or both parties and then to see how that plays out. So much fun.

Sometimes both of the above might be combined in one drama.  Throw in some action and comedy and I'm a very happy watcher!  

I enjoy those tropes too. (maybe too much but-)  

can anyone recommend some?


I want to join!

Just by posting in this thread, you're a member.

There are also lively Discord groups if you're interested, the MDL BL Drama Lovers server is here:  there is also the BL Wonderland Discord Server: Both servers offer watch parties and lively conversation about individual BL and GL dramas and films.


"Close Friend Season 3: Soju Bomb" and "Love Is Like a Cat" (with Mew Suppasit) are a study in contrasts in how to do, and not do, Thai-Korean collaborations.

Both are lightweight comedies. "Soju Bomb" (final episode tomorrow) is a zany comedy, and it's unclear to what extent it will become a BL. As to the Thai-Korean collaboration, the writer seems to have put some effort into a story in which there's a real purpose to these five very cute boys being in Korea. The young actors have also put some obvious effort into learning Korean lines (or maybe they knew some Korean already, but I doubt it). The language barrier is handled quite naturally.

"Love Is Like a Cat" (now through Episode 6 of 12) will presumably be a straightforward BL rom-com. There are some good things about it - but in terms of the Thai-Korean collaboration, it's very lazy. There seems to be no interesting purpose for Mew to be there, other than to appeal to his fans in KBL fandom. Mew supposedly understands Korean perfectly but says answers virtually everything in Thai - and the way the language barrier is handled is so annoying articial. I don't feel much effort.

I'm not necessarily un-recommending "Love Is Like a Cat", but I sure hope this is not the future of Thai-Korean collaborations. My hopes for "Wuju Bakery" are still high.

P.S. "Soju Bomb" is a stand-alone series and actually has nothing to do with Seasons 1 and 2.


I enjoy those tropes too. (maybe too much but-)  

can anyone recommend some?

RE: Bad boy BLs - 

Off hand I can only think of a few that you haven't watched.

I WIll Knock You, which isn't the best rec, but it's different for everyone.

No Regret is a gritty more realistic story with a prostitute ML. I don't usually prefer this kind, but it had me from the beginning. 

I'd like to know if there is any others out there too. Hoping this year will bring more. 

and it's unclear to what extent it will become a BL.

Not sure it was ever billed as one. It does have an element of LGBTQ (last episode) but I don't think it's going the BL route at all. None of the tags are  Gay Male Lead or even Romance, just Slight Romance.

So I'll just pick the first one that comes to my head: the warm, supportive and generally charming "Mama Xu" (Qi Zhang's widowed mother) from "About Youth",


I'm going to second that and go with your answer cuz I loved her so much! It was so heartwarming to watch the relationship btw her and Qi Zhang in About Youth. Here's Mama Xu. 

 American Fan:

I'm going to second that and go with your answer cuz I loved her so much! It was so heartwarming to watch the relationship btw her and Qi Zhang in About Youth. Here's Mama Xu. 

She has my vote too.

 American Fan:
I'm going to second that and go with your answer
She has my vote too.

Aww, you're both making me feel so validated. And congratulations on your excellent taste!

 Chun Mo Rionnag:
Not sure it was ever billed as one.

Even just by calling it "Close Friend Season 3", aren't they making an obvious play for the BL market? To me this seems bait-and-switch - although I'm still enjoying it, and I personally am fine with a good non-BL, bromance, whatever.

April BL Drama Challenge

Day 16 - Favorite BL Drama Parent

Today I NEED to talk about Big Sis Juan, Shi Lei's mother in Be Loved in House : I do. The bond and wholesome dynamic between these two is one of my favorites. She can read him like a book, and instead of forcing answers out of him, she only gently prods and gives him the confidence and space to come to her when he's ready. I also love the way she basically adopts and guides Jin Yu Zhen.  She's just so lovable, and loves her son so much. :) BounPrem have the same manager as Off, Gun, Mark, Neo and Nanon<3

April BL Drama Challenge

Day 16 - Favorite BL Drama Parent

I will pick Pete's dad from Dark Blue Kiss 

 PaiSkyForever: :) BounPrem have the same manager as Off, Gun, Mark, Neo and Nanon<3

Is that a good thing?