American Fan:
I'm right there with you! Sorry I don't know which ep. is the birthday scene.

Found the ep! It's ep 14 xD I rewatched it and GOD I forgot how good it is lol 


at the end of the day we are all just simple humans lmao

Frrr lmao


Day 22 of April Challenge: Fav Scene From Your No1 Drama- I will try to find a gifs later but I have 3 favorite scenes- one is from Between Us- When WinTeam are confessing to each other and they each play a song to one another while bawling their eyes out and saying there first I love yous and becoming BFs and making love that night- that is Probably my all timet fave and the Broccoli doll(which I bought one cause they are so cute) bed scene was super cute too <3. 2nd is the 2 mountain scenes in Last Twilight. And 3rd is LITA- When Pai finds Skys notebook and that whole scene when Sky finally confesses to Pai and they become BFs and also their wedding scene in Wedding Plan <3 

Completely agree with u with all of those scenes! (except LT lol I haven't watched that yet) 

I also loved that song confession scene, it was so sweet *heart eyes*


Completely agree with u with all of those scenes! (except LT lol I haven't watched that yet) 

I also loved that song confession scene, it was so sweet *heart eyes*

:) Agreed <3 


at the end of the day we are all just simple humans lmao

Yeah, we're easy


Found the ep! It's ep 14 xD I rewatched it and GOD I forgot how good it is lol 

Right? I can remember a few things, hehe.  Making a note so I can go back!

 American Fan:

Right? I can remember a few things, hehe.  Making a note so I can go back!

Haha same! I haven’t watched it in ages and probably won’t be rewatching it any time soon (especially now that I’ve rewatched the best scenes lol) but I love going back to some of those emotional sweet scenes ya know? 

JoongDunk to brighten your day. I couldn't stop laughing at their antics.

April BL Drama Challenge

Day 22 - Favorite Scene from you #1 Drama

Ahhhh I feel like I'm being put on the spot. I don't want to talk about the same shows I always do because I feel like a broken record-- therefore I'm going to cheat a little because I looked at the rest of the days and there is a Worst Ending category, but no Best Ending category, and I NEED to talk about this sequence, because it lives in my mind rent free. 

Bad Buddy. Ep 12 Part 3/4 Starting  at 3 Min. 

The sequence of Pat & Pran entering their respective homes and pretending to cry because they have just broken up, to the announcement at school, to them hiding their relationship. Everything about it was such an iconic reveal. 


JoongDunk to brighten your day. I couldn't stop laughing at their antics.

Hmm, Joong is very affectionate. I would be too if it was Dunk!! And the staff is like, "Kill me now".  The van scene was like "What was that!" I'm sure it's mostly fan service, but it's obvious they enjoy each other's company and seem to be close friends. It doesn't look forced.

Thanks for the smiles! A nice break from my art course. 

Lmao it is gonna suck for me tomorrow being EST (Eastern Standard Time). I got to wake up at like 4am to watch gmmtv part 2. - "death and laughing face emoji" lol


Lmao it is gonna suck for me tomorrow being EST (Eastern Standard Time). I got to wake up at like 4am to watch gmmtv part 2. - "death and laughing face emoji" lol

RIGHT! IDK if I should wake up @ 3AM to watch it or wake up @ 5 AM once it has finished airing to  watch the teasers, or be a responsible working adult and just watch it during the day when I have time lol

TBH I just need to know if FirstKhao and JoongDunk have shows. 

 American Fan:
Everything Boss did was so sexy. haha, but yeah, counter lifts are up there with the best sexy scenes!

hehe, I can't say what I want to say because this is a public domain but *wink* *wink*


RIGHT! IDK if I should wake up @ 3AM to watch it or wake up @ 5 AM once it has finished airing to  watch the teasers, or be a responsible working adult and just watch it during the day when I have time lol

TBH I just need to know if FirstKhao and JoongDunk have shows. 

I forget if JoongDunk were on the list. I gotta go back and look, but I am pretty sure FirstKhao are gonna have one cause they were on the list. :) 

Okay I just rechecked the list and JoongDunk are on there :)